
GPT for Sheets

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What is GPT for Sheets?

Get help with inspiration, categorization, translation, correction, summarization.

Added on January 17, 2023

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GPT for Sheets Features

GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ is an add-on that integrates GPT-3 AI power into Google Sheets™ and Docs™. Key features and advantages include:

  • Custom functions: Use =GPT and =GPT_LIST for single cell results or list items per row respectively
  • Versatile applications: Generate ideas, write paragraphs, clean up lists, analyze sentiment, summarize reviews, translate content, and more
  • Hyperparameter control: Experiment with temperature, model, and maxTokens for customized results
  • Free to use: No additional costs for the add-on, though OpenAI API usage costs apply

Use cases for GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ are ideal for various professionals:

  • Content creators seeking AI-generated ideas and paragraphs for blog posts
  • Data analysts looking to clean and extend large datasets
  • Marketers and researchers who need sentiment analysis, summarization, or translation of content

Overall, GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ offers a versatile and user-friendly solution for enhancing productivity and data management in Google Sheets™ and Docs™.

GPT for Sheets Website:

GPT for Sheets

AI Tools Source: Best Ai Tools

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