
Sembly AI

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Sembly is an innovative platform that revolutionizes the way meetings are conducted and documented. It simplifies the entire meeting process by providing comprehensive solutions for recording, transcribing, and generating meeting summaries, making it the smartest AI team assistant available in the market today.

Top Features:

  1. Schedule, record, and review all meetings in one place

  2. Sync with Google and Outlook calendars

  3. Instantly invite agent to a meeting

  4. Record directly from your microphone

  5. Multi-language support


1) What is Sembly?Sembly is a meeting assistant that accompanies you on your Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet meetings. Sembly records meeting audio and transcribe it to a user-friendly app. When the meeting is finished, Sembly analyses the dialogue and generates AI analytics such as Key Items, Glance View (meeting summary), Meeting Minutes, and many more.
2) How to use Sembly?You need to create an account, connect Sembly to Outlook or Google calendar, schedule a meeting on Zoom, MS Teams, or Google Meet, and Sembly will join the meeting automatically. After the meeting is done, it will be available in the web app. Additional users can be provided access to the processed meeting as needed.
3) What languages do you currently support?Currently, we support meetings in English and French. Meetings that include languages, other than English and French, may process without transcription or may transcribe a random set of words. Parts of audio where English and French were spoken will be transcribed as usual.
4) Can I upload audio files to Sembly?Yes! Pre-recorded meetings can be transcribed from audio files and further analyzed. You can upload .mp3 and .wav files up to 700MB. Once uploaded, wait for the meeting to process and check the results on the meeting list as usual.
5) What platforms does Sembly join?Sembly has custom integrations with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. Sembly joins mentioned platforms by URL. You can access invite links in any plan each of these platforms offers. Note, Sembly can't join meetings created by Education accounts just yet. It is due to the requirements of Google Educational edition calls to authorize every meeting attendee. Sembly joins meetings as a guest.




Content SummaryAI Audio TranscriptAI Detection

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Sembly AI

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Written by aitools

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