
10 of the Highest Paid Models in the World 2023

10 of the Highest Paid Models in the World 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 10 of the Highest Paid Models in the World. Please like and share if You are interested!

Modeling has always been a lucrative career. If requires little skill or invention. As long as you are beautiful and have a unique look, you can go far in the modeling world. While it was mainly photography and the occasional video that was used as a way for people to showcase their modeling skills, nowadays everyone thinks they can be one of the highest paid models in the world by jumping on Instagram or TikTok and showing off. 

Social media, in particular Instagram, has meant that any Joe off the street can try their hand at modeling. Many build huge followings on their platforms and earn big bucks endorsing brands. This has proved to be a great earner for many Generation Z kids, who understand they can work without really ever having to find an actual job. That’s not to say modeling doesn’t have its challenges, but standing around in different clothes or shooting a quick 30-second commercial for the Gram isn’t exactly brain surgery.

Either way, modeling is here to stay as a profession and has helped turn many beauties into worldwide stars. The likes of Kate Moss, Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr, and Naomi Campbell have made a great living out of it, but are now being overtaken by the new breed of young models getting it done.

To celebrate these included attractive people (who are also very smart), here are the 10 highest paid models in the world who smashing through the glass ceiling. 

10 of the Highest Paid Models in the World

10. Joan Smalls – $10 Million

British Vogue/YouTube

Puerto Rican model Joan Smalls began her career in New York after earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She started off in commercials before moving on to the runaways, with her career really kicking off in 2010. The first Latina model to represent Estee Lauder, Smalls is an international model who continues to leave her mark on designers and fashion lovers around the globe. 

Some of the brands and designers she has worked with include Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Dior, Versace, Marc Jacobs, and many more. 

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9. Karlie Kloss – $13 Million

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With an estimated worth of $40 million, Karlie Kloss has been in the modeling game for many years despite only being 30. Kloss is an American model who has walked all the big runaways and appeared in all the major fashion publications.

A fact that surprises many people about Kloss is that she is a computer programmer. While it’s not something she earns money from, Karlie Kloss did setup a two-week computer programming course for young girls to attend, teaching them the basics of coding and giving them the tools they need to progress further. 

8. Liu Wen – $19 Million

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The New York Times called Lui Wen “China’s first bonafide supermodel” way back in 2012. It’s a statement that’s hard to argue with. Over the past 15 years, Wen has become one of the most in-demand models in the world. She’s the first Chinese model to appear in a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, the first East Asian model to be a spokesmodel for Estee Lauder, and the first Chinese model to appear on the front cover of American Vogue

Wen has traveled all over the world modeling for the biggest and best brands and designers. She has also managed not to get caught up in any controversies, which has helped her remain a big name in China. 

7. Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid $20 Million

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While Bella Hadid does earn slightly less than sister Gigi, we thought it was just as easy to put the two together. Born to a Palestinian father and a Dutch mother, the siblings are two of the most beautiful people in the world. While it was Gigi who got into modeling first, younger sister Bella is now just as well known, with both women commanding big money for appearance fees and advertising costs. 

Gigi has recently released her own bikini line while Bella is appearing on runaways all over the world modeling for big-name brands such as Calvin Klein, Alexander Wang, DKNY, Chanel, and many more. 

6. Adriana Lima – $30 Million

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When you talk about Victoria’s Secret Angeles, Adriana Lima is one of the first names that comes to mind. She was with the company from 1999 to 2018, making her the longest-serving Angel of all time. As well as a model for Victoria’s Secret, Lima has served as the ambassador for Spanish clothing brand Desigual and Italian designer Calzedonia.

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Adriana Lima has also dabbled in film and hosted a few TV shows, but remains best known for her modeling work. She is reported to have a net worth of around $95 million, which is something we all wish we could achieve. 

5. Cara Delevingne – $31 Million

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People might be worried about her health, but when it comes to Cara Delevingne’s bank account, there is certainly no cause for concern. The model, actor, and singer has a lot of positive things going on in her life. Scoring her first modeling gig at age ten, Delevingne has a unique look that has turned her into a star. Between 2012 – 2014 Delevinnge was everywhere, with the constant travel and time in the spotlight eventually forcing her to become more selective with the shows she works. 

This allowed her to follow other passions, such as music and acting. While she still appears on the odd magazine cover here and there, Delevingne is rarely seen on the runway, with her appearance at this year’s Paris Fashion Week a big surprise to many. 

4. Rosie Huntington Whiteley – $32 Million

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UK model Rosie Huntington Whiteley is another model who found fame as one of Victoria’s Secrets Angels. As well as modeling for the famous lingerie brand, Huntington Whiteley has been the face of Burberry’s 2008 campaign, appeared on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar, and walked all the major runways for brands such as Michael Kors, Prada, and Louis Vuitton. 

Although she doesn’t model as often these days, Huntington Whiteley is still making good bank thanks to starring in several movies (Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Mad Max: Fury Road) and selling her own cosmetic line. She is also married to Jason Statham with who she has two children. 

3. Chrissy Teigen – $39 Million

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lev radin/Shutterstock

While Chrissy Teigen doesn’t model that often these days, the profession is what gave Teigen her first big break. Her debut modeling shoot came in the 2010 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, which is quite impressive. Teigen would model for many big brands and labels before slowly transitioning to television.

She popped up as a judge on the MTV series Snack Off before landing a long-term gig on the panel show FABLife. Teigen would go on to co-host Lip Sync Battle with LL Cool J, have her own Judge Judy-style series Chrissy’s Court, write a couple of cookbooks, marry singer John Legend, and have a couple of kids. 

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All of these projects keep Teigen busy (although she always seems to have time for some form of Twitter drama) and have resulted in her earning the big bucks, with an average annual income of $39 million. She also has a net worth of $75 million, so things aren’t going too bad.

2. Gisele Bündchen – $40 Million

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She might be going through some marital issues with her sports star husband Tom Brady, but Gisele Bündchen isn’t letting that get in the way of her earnings. The Brazilian supermodel was the highest paid model for many years until she was knocked off by the woman in our number one spot. 

Bündchen started modeling in the late 90s and signed a mega contract with Victoria’s Secret from 1999 to 2006 said to be worth tens of millions of dollars. She has appeared on over 1,200 magazine covers, acted in several TV shows and movies, and has shown her charitable side many times. She’s a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program and has even released a few singles. 

Although Gisele Bündchen sits in the second spot, Bündchen has amassed a fortune worth around $400 million, so we don’t think she’s too concerned about her position on this list. 

1. Kendall Jenner – $45 Million

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

The Kardashian clan is arguably the most well-known family in the world. Consisting of matriarch Kris Jenner, daughters Kim Kardashian, Courtney Kardashian, and son Rob Kardashian, as well as half-sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner, everyone involved in the family has made cash from their multiple TV series and endorsement deals, none more so than Kendall. 

Kendall began modeling at the age of just 14, Working in mainly print and commercial jobs, Jenner really made it when she was asked by several big brands to walk the catwalks in New York, Milan, and Paris for fashion week. Since then she has never looked back, endorsing a wide range of products, appearing on the cover of Vogue, and launching her own clothing business with her sister Kylie Jenner. 

With a net worth of $45 million (also the amount she is rumored to have earned in the past year), Kendall Jenner is proof that good looks, a celebrity family, and a small amount of business acumen can set you up for life. Who needs hard work? 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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