
10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok. Please like and share if You are interested!

There are certain lines you shouldn’t cross on TikTok if you don’t want your account to face a permanent ban.

Keeping your TikTok account safe from being banned is a pretty straightforward process. Just don’t go against the app’s community guidelines multiple times and you’re in the clear.

But there are major offenses that the app takes seriously and that could result in a ban. Here is a look at actions that could result in a permanent ban on TikTok.

Why Does TikTok Ban Users?

10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 1

Before getting into what will get you banned on TikTok, it’s important to understand why the app has a policy of banning users in the first place.

TikTok is meant for entertainment and creativity and has community guidelines in place to make sure that all users are following the same rules. If someone repeatedly breaks the community guidelines, then their account could be banned from the app. This is done to make sure that the app remains a safe and fun space for all users.

Now that you understand why users are banned, let’s take a look at what could get you in trouble.

What Will Get You Banned on TikTok?

The fastest way to get your TikTok account banned is by sharing inappropriate content. TikTok has a strict policy on what it will not tolerate on the platform. This includes content that promotes bullying, drugs, alcohol, nudity, or any form of sexual content.

10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 2No attribution needed – Pexels

Repeated violations of any of these rules can result in you getting banned from the platform. While frequent rule breaks can get you banned on TikTok, it seems some violations are more severe than others and thus can get you banned faster.

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Here are some of the things that can get you banned from TikTok based on its community guidelines.

1. Sharing Content That Threatens Public Safety

If you’re going to use TikTok, you’ll need to refrain from posting content that incites or promotes any form of violence on the app. Advocating for, directing, or encouraging other people to commit violence is grounds for account closure on TikTok. This is made clear in its Community Guidelines, which state:

“We do not allow people to use our platform to threaten or incite violence, or to promote dangerous individuals or organizations. When there is a threat to public safety or an account is used to promote or glorify off-platform violence, we may suspend or ban the account.”

Repeatedly posting content that incites violence or encourages terrorist attacks ultimately leads to a ban. This is similar to the way content that threatens public safety is one of the things that can result in a permanent Facebook ban.

2. Sharing Sexually Explicit Content

10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 3

Posting content that depicts or promotes sexual exploitation, or nudity in general, can lead to you getting banned from TikTok.

Content that glorifies grooming and other harmful activities involving minors violates TikTok’s community guidelines and can equally result in the closure of your account.

3. Posting Content That Depicts or Glorifies Self-Harm

TikTok doesn’t allow content that depicts or promotes any form of self-harm. Content that promotes suicide, self-injury, and eating disorders can get you booted out of the platform.

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In the same vein, posting content that encourages taking part in risky activities in a “non-professional context” is against TikTok’s community guidelines. Repeatedly posting content that promotes amateur stunts and other games that might lead to injury can earn you a ban from TikTok.

4. Sharing Violent or Graphic Content

You might not like this if you’re a lover of horror movie clips, but TikTok prohibits the posting or streaming of content that is “gratuitously shocking” or “glorifies extreme violence or suffering”. This includes gore, such as posting graphic videos of accidents and injuries.

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This really is understandable because a lot of minors are very active on the platform.

Content that depicts harm being carried out on humans or animals is removed and continual posting of violent content ultimately leads to a permanent ban.

5. Posting Content That Promotes Illegal Activities

10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 5

Posting or streaming videos that promote illegal activities can get you banned on TikTok. This includes posts that depict acts of physical harm, human exploitation, illegal trade of wildlife, or breaking the law in any way.

You are also not allowed to share content that instructs people on how to commit illegal activities. Repeatedly doing so can get you banned from TikTok. If you’re short on ideas, you can use the template feature to create TikTok videos.

6. Creating or Using Multiple Accounts to Evade a Ban

TikTok expects you to respect the rules and decisions of the platform, and not to try to circumvent them by creating or using other accounts. It does this to maintain a fair and safe community for all users. If TikTok finds out that you are creating or using multiple accounts to avoid restrictions or bans imposed on another account, your alternate account may be permanently banned.

7. Repeatedly Violating Intellectual Property

It’s not always illegal to reshare content created by other creators. However, it’s important to seek the creator’s consent before doing so. TikTok frowns at sharing content that infringes the intellectual property rights of others without their permission.

If you need to use a clip from someone else’s video, you can use TikTok’s stitch feature to do this legally. Resharing other users’ videos without crediting them infringes on their rights and could get your account banned.

8. Blackmail Threats

Threatening to hack or dox someone to blackmail them is yet another way to get your TikTok account banned.

You also can get banned from TikTok for sharing content that threatens to release another user’s personal information such as their residential address, private email address, private phone number, bank statements, social security number, or passport number.

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9. Impersonation

Opening a TikTok account with someone else’s details with the intention of misleading people can also get you booted out of the platform. This includes impersonating celebrities, public figures, organizations, brands, or other users.

If TikTok discovers that you are impersonating someone or something, your account may be permanently banned.

10. Spam and Misinformation

10 Things That Will Get You Banned From TikTok 6

All forms of spamming and fake engagement put your TikTok account at risk of getting banned. Sharing content that promotes fake engagement like buying or selling of views, likes, followers, shares, or comments also goes against TikTok’s community guidelines.

You could also get banned on TikTok for sharing misinformation that could potentially cause harm to an individual or a community.

If you want to read these documents in their entirety or find more guidelines for other concerns, feel free to check out TikTok Community Guidelines page.

There Are Also Wrongful Bans on TikTok…

Most people who get kicked out of TikTok truly deserved it, but there are a few people who are unjustly banned.

There have been several reported cases of erroneous bans on TikTok. TikTok has always referred to these as “human moderation errors”. You can appeal your ban if you think it falls under one of these errors. However, the odds of getting back your banned account are uncertain.

How to Not Get Banned on TikTok

The way to avoid getting banned from TikTok is simple: don’t violate its community guidelines.

But of course, it’s not always easy to follow rules especially when you don’t know what they are. That’s why we’ve summarized some of the key points that you should keep in mind when using TikTok.

Just be sure to:

  • Post content that is appropriate for all ages.
  • Don’t post anything that promotes violence or illegal activities.
  • Don’t spam or mislead people.
  • Don’t share someone else’s personal information without consent.
  • Respect other users and the community.

Sticking to these simple guidelines keeps you clear from getting banned. Except of course if there’s another “human moderation error”.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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