
15 Best Raunchy Sex Comedy Movies 2023

15 Best Raunchy Sex Comedy Movies 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 15 Best Raunchy Sex Comedy Movies. Please like and share if You are interested!

Sex comedy movies have been a staple of Hollywood since the 70s. These hilarious and raunchy flicks combine comedy with sex to create titillating cinematic delights that will have you laughing non-stop. Over the decades the sex comedy genre has evolved from simple slapstick jokes to disgusting scenes involving people drinking semen-spiked beers and John Cena taking an alcohol enema. 

Some of these moments will make you laugh while others are a little crude and will have you shifting in your seat nervously. Especially with the current climate we live in, many older sex comedies just wouldn’t get made today. That’s not to say they are bad films, just a product of their time when people’s views on things were different. 

The best sex comedies merge interesting plots with great characters and sex jokes that range from witty to eye-raising to downright yucky. The one thing they all have in common is how funny they are, as you will discover when reading our choices below.   

15 Best Raunchy Sex Comedy Movies

Universal Pictures

1. Porky’s (1981)

One of the original sex comedies, Porky’s follows a group of teens at the fictional Angel Beach High School and the mischief they get up to. Set in 1954, four teen boys are trying to lose their virginity and head to Porky’s strip club to do just that. But when they have their cash taken and are thrown out by the owner, the lad’s plot revenge while dealing with a range of other teen troubles. 

It’s lowbrow comedy at its finest, and while at times offensive and critically panned, Porky’s made $160 million at the box office and was the fifth highest-grossing film of 1982. The success led to two poor sequels that failed at the box office, a 2009 remake (the horrid Porky’s Pimpin’ Pee Wee), and even a video game. 

2. American Pie (1999)

American Pie is the movie that revived the sex comedy and turned the majority of the cast into big-time movie stars. Four best friends – Jim (Jason Biggs) Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas), Oz (Chris Klein), and Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) – make a pact to lose their virginity before graduation. Chaos ensues as all four try different ways to get a date before prom, with their annoying mate Steve Stifler (scene-stealing Seann William Scott) providing plenty of laughs.

American Pie has it all; from Shannon Elizabeth getting nude and Stifler drinking a semen-spike beer to Eugene Levy as Jim’s awkward dad and Biggs as Jim fucking an apple pie (which is where the movie’s title comes from). The movie was a huge success and spawned three sequels and five direct-to-DVD spin-offs. The punk-themed soundtrack is also great. 

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3. EuroTrip (2004)

Dumped by his girlfriend after graduation, Scott “Scotty” Thomas (Scott Mechlowicz) decides to head to Europe to track down his sexy German pen pal who he’s never actually met. Joining him on the adventure is best mate Cooper Harris (Jacob Pitts) and twin siblings Jenny and Jamie (Michelle Trachtenberg and Travis Wester), with the foursome finding themselves getting into all sorts of mischief as they travel through Europe. 

They hang with a Manchester United hooligan firm in London, get robbed in Amsterdam, and accidentally signal the Pope’s death while in Vatican City. EuroTrip is stupid fun with a great ensemble cast (Vinnie Jones, Fred Armisen, Lucy Lawless, Matt Damon, and Jeffrey Tambor all pop up) that also gifted us the hilarious song “Scotty Doesn’t Know.”

4. Animal House (1978)

National Lampoon’s Animal House is another original sex comedy that turned John Belushi into a star. Written by comedy greats Harold Ramis, Douglas Kenney, and Chris Miller and directed by John Landis, the movie will have you laughing out loud at the absurdity of what the Delta Tau Chi fraternity gets up to.

Like many of these older movies, some of the jokes in Animal House wouldn’t fly today, but overall it’s a hilarious look at life in a fraternity. Belushi shows why he is considered an icon while the slapstick nature of the comedy is up there with the best. A surprise hit (the movie grossed $141.6 million against a budget of $3 million), Animal House finds itself in the National Film Registry for being a “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” movie. 

5. 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)

Part comedy movie, part romance, 40-Year-Old Virgin marked another evolution in the sex comedy genre in 2005. Directed by Judd Apatow and starring Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Romany Malco, Catherine Keener, and Seth Rogen, this movie is packed with sex jokes but also contains a sweet love story. 

Carell, in his breakout role, is a 40-year-old virgin trying to navigate the dating world with help from his friends at Smart Tech, the electronic store where he works. He finds himself going on disastrous dates until he meets Keener, and the two strikes up an unlikely relationship. 

From the chest waxing scene to Carell’s struggle with putting on a condom, 40-Year-Old Virgin is full of naughty but still nice jokes that make this movie one of the best sex comedies of the 00s. 

6. There’s Something About Mary (1998)

Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly made their mark with the 90s comedy There’s Something About Mary. The titular character played by Cameron Diaz is a blonde bombshell who men can’t get enough of. After an eye-watering opening scene where Ben Stiller’s Ted gets his scrotum caught in his zipper, the movie follows Ted as he attempts to win Mary’s affection while battling with other suitors a decade later.

The Farrelly brothers helped set the template for their brand of crude comedy with this movie, and it clearly worked, with There’s Something About Mary grossing a whopping $369.9 million worldwide. The movie established both Diaz and Stiller as stars while giving Matt Dillon one of his funniest roles. Best of all, this movie still holds up today and is an absolute riot. 

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7. Van Wilder (2002)

Before Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds was making teen sex comedies like Van Wilder. Perfectly cast as the charming no-hoper Van Wilder, Reynolds’ is a college lifer who has been on campus for seven years. After his father cuts him off financially, he is forced to make money planning parties, where he meets journalist Gwen Pearson (Tara Reid) who becomes his love interest. When one of his parties gets shut down after underage kids get caught drinking, Wilder is forced to graduate with just six days to study before the exams. 

This movie has a bit of everything. Reynolds is great talking smack, Kal Penn is hilarious as his virgin sidekick, and Paul Gleason revives his Breakfast Club headmaster character in a great callback. Sex comedy movies don’t get much funnier, although the cream bun prank will have you gagging. 

8. Girl’s Trip (2017)

This raunchy adult comedy stars Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Tiffany Haddish, and Jada Pinkett Smith as lifelong friends who reconnect during a weekend away. They attend Essence Music Festival in New Orleans and the laughs come quick and fast as the four women deal with a variety of personal issues that threaten to ruin their holiday. Girl’s Trip was an unexpected hit that proved sexy comedies aren’t dead just yet. 

9. Risky Business (1983)

A young Tom Cruise falls for Rebecca De Mornay’s working girl in this classic 80s comedy. Best known for the scene where Cruise dances around in his briefs and button-up shirt to Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll,” Risky Business has just enough jokes and sex-related moments to classify as a sex comedy. 

Along with being a surprise hit, Risky Business is the film responsible for thrusting Cruise into the spotlight, with able support coming from De Mornay as his love interest, Curtis Armstrong as good friend Miles, and Joe Pantoliano as the menacing pimp Guido.

10. Superbad (2007)

Following a well-worn plot concerning two best friends trying to get laid, Superbad plays out over the course of one evening and stars Michael Cera and Johna Hill as geeky virgins Even and Seth. While the plot may be familiar, this movie is anything but, with the script from Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg chock full of funny situations and hilarious dialogue. 

Both Cera and Hill are fantastic while Christopher Mintz-Plasse as their annoying friend McLovin is a revelation every time he’s on screen. This teen comedy ticks all the right boxes.

11. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Fast Times at Ridgemont High is an absolute treasure that gifted us Sean Penn’s hilarious stoner Jeff Spicoli. Focusing on a group of kids attending Ridgemont High School, there are plenty of sex jokes littered throughout the clever script written by Cameron Crowe.

The ensemble cast includes Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judge Reinhold, Ray Walston, Nicolas Cage, Eric Stoltz, Forest Whitaker, and Anthony Edwards. And who can forget Phoebe Cates, whose red bathing suit reveal scene had teen boys pausing their VCRs multiple times.  

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12. Wedding Crashers (2005)

When it comes to quotable movies, Wedding Crashers is right up there. “I got to get outta here, pronto. I got a stage five clinger. Stage five, virgin, clinger.” How about; “You motorboatin’ son of a bitch! You old sailor you! Where is she? She still in the house?” Or maybe; “I hope you flip your bike over and knock your two front teeth out! You selfish son of a bitch! You leave me in the trenches taking grenades, John!” And those are just Vince Vaughn’s lines! 

Vaughn and Owen Wilson are single guys who crash weddings to score, but then Wilson falls for a woman the two’s wedding season is put on hold. This movie has everything you want from an early 00s comedy, with Vaughn in fine form, Bradley Copper playing against type as an asshole (he needs to do this more), Rachel McAdams and Isla Fisher as the love interests, and Christopher Walken being Christopher Walken. And who can forget Will Ferrell as Chazz “Hey, Ma! Can we get some meatloaf?” Reinhold? One of the best romantic comedies meets sex comedies of the past two decades. 

13. The Girl Next Door (2004)

Emile Hirsch discovers his next-door neighbor, Elisha Cuthbert, is a former porn star. He falls head over heels for her, despite her previous career, but soon finds himself having to deal with her former boss, an incredible Timothy Olyphant.

The Girl Next Door has big Risky Business vibes and is a fun comedy with great performances from the entire cast. This film is also notable for starring a very young Paul Dano and Olivia Wilde in some of their very first features. 

14. Blockers (2018)

Three overprotective parents (John Cena, Leslie Mann, and Ike Barinholtz) trail their children on prom night after discovering that they are all planning on losing their virginity. This is an easy setup for a very funny movie that involves everything from beer enemas to a blindfolded sex game. 

Like so many modern sex comedies, Blockers has a positive message and uplifting storyline that finds the parents and their children on the same page by the time the credits roll. The clear highlight of this movie is Cena, who once again shows his comedic chops, while the three daughters, played by Kathryn Newton, Geraldine Viswanathan, and Gideon Adlon, are all well cast.  

15. Sex Tape (2014)

While it didn’t go down well with critics, Sex Tape is still a funny flick with some very funny moments. Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal are a married couple who have lost the spark in the bedroom. They decided to reignite things by making a sex tape. This is all well and good until Segal accidentally uploads the sex tape to the cloud and forwards it onto various devices they no longer own. 

He and Diaz then spend the film trying to get the movie erased so that nobody can view it. It’s a simple premise but well-written and directed with some great cameos from the likes of Rob Lowe, Jack Black, and Randell Park. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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