
15 Best Tim Burton Characters 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 15 Best Tim Burton Characters. Please like and share if You are interested!

The iconic Tim Burton is one of the greatest filmmakers and directors in the history of Hollywood. Burton’s career started in the mid-80s as the director of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. He suddenly became the hottest filmmaker in Hollywood. That was just the beginning of his career as he went on to create some of the best Tim Burton characters to appear on the big screen.

Burton is famous for his unique directing style, often using gothic horror and fantasy elements. He’s released a ton of great movies featuring awesome characters. The California native has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood too, including Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder, and Johnny Depp. They have all portrayed some of Tim Burton’s most famous characters. Here’s a look at Tim Burton’s best character creations. 

15 Best Tim Burton Characters

1. Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice)

Warner Bros. Entertainment/YouTube

The 1988 classic Beetlejuice turned Tim Burton into a household name and cemented his Hollywood legacy. The terrifying yet hilarious ghoul Betelgeuse became an 80s icon and is still one of cinema’s most famous movie characters.

Starring Micheal Keaton as Betelgeuse, the plot follows a deceased couple that turns to Betelgeuse to scare away the new owners of their house. The obnoxious and dishonest Betelgeuse in his pinned striped suit is possibly Tim Burton’s most recognizable character.

2. Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)

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Released in 1990 to universal praise, Edward Scissorhands tells the tale of an incomplete humanoid with scissors instead of hands. With a frightening appearance but an innocent demeanor, Edward Scissorhands falls in love with Kim (portrayed by Winona Ryder).

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Based on a childhood idea, Tim Burton considers Edward Scissorhands his most personal work. Dealing with themes of loneliness and being truthful with oneself, Edward Scissorhands is a complex character that’s sweet, caring, and misunderstood. 

3. Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)

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8osmoon Editing/YouTube

It’s safe to say that Beetlejuice wouldn’t be the same without the gothic teen Lydia Deetz. Lydia and her family unknowingly move into a haunted house and encounter the annoying Betelgeuse. However, Betelgeuse can’t resist the sad and dark teen’s charm and kind-hearted soul.

Despite all the heavy hitters, Winona Ryder steals the spotlight with her breakthrough performance as Lydia Deetz. 

4. Edward Bloom (Big Fish)

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Binge Society/YouTube

Edward Bloom isn’t a ghoul from the beyond or a person who has scissors for hands. However, he might be Tim Burton’s most fascinating character. Bloom is an ordinary man that lives an extraordinary life full of giants, witches, and of course, a big fish.

In a story about forgiveness and reconciliation, 2003’s Big Fish follows a young man struggling to separate reality from fantasy about his dying father’s incredible life. Based on the novel of the same name, Burton directed the critically acclaimed film after the passing of his parents. 

5. Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

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Nashville Symphony/YouTube

Based on a poem Tim Burton wrote in 1982, the stop-motion animated film The Nightmare Before Christmas hit theatres in 1993 to rave reviews. The Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, Jack Skellington’s life is turned upside down when he discovers Christmas Town. The slick skeleton in a pinned striped suit comes to one simple conclusion; he must be the King of Christmas Town too.

Written by Burton and directed by Henry Selick, the movie was a critical and commercial success. To Disney’s surprise, Jack Skellington became one of the brand’s most iconic characters. 

6. The Joker (Batman)

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Flashback FM/YouTube

Tim Burton’s version of the psychopathic and twisted Joker pays homage to the comic book character while carving out its own legacy. With a slightly different origin story, The Joker is the main villain of the classic 1989 Batman movie.

Legendary actor Jack Nicholson helped make Tim Burton’s Joker stand out from the other Jokers that followed. 

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7. Sweeney Todd (Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

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In 2007, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp continued their brilliant collaboration streak with the hit horror musical Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Based on the 1979 Broadway musical, Burton and Depp brought the throat-slashing barber to life on the silver screen.

With the help of his accomplice Mrs. Lovett (portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter), Todd kills his victims with a razor blade and turns the corpses into meat pies. 

8. Charlie Bucket (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

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Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers/YouTube

The 2005 musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tells the classic story of a young boy finding the golden ticket and going on a tour of a famous chocolate factory. Here, Charlie meets the enigmatic, wonderful, and weird Willy Wonka.

A faithful adaptation of the 1964 novel, Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Wonka differs from Gene Wilder’s performance in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. While the 2005 version divided fans, Burton’s Willy Wonka became an iconic character. 

9. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenweenie)

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Walt Disney Studios/YouTube

A retelling of the classic horror novel Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, the 2012 3D stop-motion animated movie Frankenweenie follows young scientist Victor Frankenstein. Victor uses electricity to bring his beloved pet, Sparky, back to life with unintended consequences. Burton’s unique take on the mad scientist as a young boy that loves his dog was an instant hit with fans. 

10. Bruce Wayne/Batman (Batman)

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Starlight .pictures?YouTube

In 1989, Tim Burton’s Batman became a cultural phenomenon when released to universal praise. Considered a classic Batman movie, Burton blends the tragic story of Bruce Wayne/Batman with a gothic fantasy tone and style.

Starring Michael Keaton as Batman, Burton presents the Dark Knight as a tragic hero in a gritty but high-concept film. Burton and Keaton reunited for the much darker Batman Returns in 1992. 

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11. Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)

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Walt Disney Studios/YouTube

The Mad Hatter is a central character in the 2010 film Alice in Wonderland. After falling down a rabbit hole, a young girl, Alice, turns to the delightful but bitter Mayor of Wonderland, The Mad Hatter.

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Starring Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Burton’s twist on the iconic character became a hit with fans despite the poor reviews. 

12. The Red Queen (Alice in Wonderland)

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Disney Australia & New Zealand/YouTube

The 2010 film Alice in Wonderland features Tim Burton’s unique take on The Red Queen. Burton combined three characters from the Lewis Carroll novels, including The Red Queen, The Duchess, and the Queen of Hearts, to create the film’s main villain.

Portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter, The Red Queen is one of Burton’s most intriguing villains. 

13. Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow)

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Inspired by the 1820 short story, Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow portrays the main character Ichabod Crane with several differences. Unlike the original work, Ichabod Crane is a skeptical New York City detective fascinated with science. He travels to the small town of Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of crimes committed by a headless horseman.

Starring Johnny Deep as Ichabod Crane, the easily scared detective uses his Sherlock Holmes-level skills and deduction to solve the case. 

14. Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine (Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children)

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Kinga Kucyk/YouTube

While not as popular as other Tim Burton films, 2016’s Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children features several memorable characters, notably Miss Peregrine. The charming yet mysterious Miss Peregrine is the headmistress of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. However, she’s not an ordinary headmistress.

Portrayed by Eva Green, Miss Peregrine is a Ymbryne with the power to control time and turn into a falcon.

15. Ed Wood (Ed Wood)

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kerem larsson/YouTube

By 1994, Tim Burton proved he was a master at blending horror with comedy. He brought elements of comedy and horror to his next film, Ed Wood. The black-and-white biopic tells the story of the cult filmmaker Ed Wood and his friendship with iconic actor Bela Lugosi (portrayed by Martin Landau).

Johnny Depp reunited with Burton to star as Wood to universal praise. Despite doing poorly at the box office, critics praised the movie with positive reviews. Ironically, this film about the cult filmmaker is now a cult classic. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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