In this Article, We will know about 16 Atheist Celebrities That Don’t Believe . Please like and share if You are interested!
In the simplest terms, atheism is the belief that no deities or gods exist. It contrasts sharply with theism, the belief in at least one god. The first atheists appeared during the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century. The French Revolution saw an unprecedented surge in atheism spreading across the rest of Europe.
Atheists believe humans are born atheists and become theists due to their upbringing. Therefore, atheists believe it’s on the theist to prove the existence of a deity or god, not for them to disprove it. Several famous Hollywood celebrities are openly and proud atheists. They don’t shy away from discussing their beliefs and reasoning.
Many stars also bounce between being an atheist and an agnostic. They continue to search for their spiritual side while being skeptical of god. With that in mind, let’s look at Hollywood’s most famous atheists. Here’s a look at atheist celebrities.
16 Atheist Celebrities That Don’t Believe
1. Ricky Gervais
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Ricky Gervais became a household name with his roles in The Office, Extras, Derek, and After Life. With his sharp wit and impeccable timing, Gervais became one of the most outspoken atheists. He discusses being an atheist and criticizes religion during appearances, specials, and stand-up tours. Gervais became skeptical of religions at a young age and left the Church by eight years old.
In 2010, he wrote an op-ed piece for the Wall Street Journal explaining his reasons for his beliefs in atheism. In 2019, Gervais received the Richard Dawkins Award for openly discussing atheism and his strong belief in science and logic.
2. Emma Thompson
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Hollywood icon Emma Thompson is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding performers of all time. The two-time Academy Award winner is the only star to win an Oscar for performing and writing for Howard’s End and Sense and Sensibility, respectively.
Thompson is also one of the most prominent atheist celebrities today. She doesn’t believe in god or organized religion. She said, “The reason that I am an atheist in so far as the world religions that we have is because I have seen them oppress so many women for so long. So, to me, religion is the history of the oppression of women.”
3. George Carlin
Matti Holden/YouTube
Critics often consider George Carlin one of the greatest stand-up comedians of all time. His groundbreaking comedy specials influenced generations of future comedians. Carlin is one of history’s most outspoken and open atheists.
Carlin grew up Roman Catholic but eventually rejected all religions. Furthermore, he harshly criticized organized religions and the belief in an omnipresent deity. He often discussed his viewpoints and opinions on religion in his critically acclaimed HBO specials. Carlin died in 2008.
4. Julianne Moore
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Actress Julianna Moore has a long and illustrious career winning accolades at the Academy, Emmy, and Golden Globe Awards. She received rave reviews for her portrayal of Sarah Palin in Game Change. As the child of a military judge, Moore spent most of her childhood day moving all over the globe.
Moore’s a well-known atheist who denies the idea of a supernatural creator, deity, or god. Furthermore, she rejects the opinion that an unforeseen force controls her life. Moore dug deeper into her views after the tragic passing of her mother in 2011.
5. Richard Dawkins
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Author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins may be the most famous and controversial atheist. Dawkins is critical of organized religion, creationism, and the existence of a supernatural creator. He wrote two critically acclaimed non-fiction books on the subject, The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion.
The success of the former led to a rise in New Atheism. While many people agree with his views on evolution and atheism, he has an equal amount of criticism. Growing up as a member of the Church of England, Dawkins became skeptical of religion due to his strong understanding of science.
6. Keira Knightly
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Few Hollywood stars compare to actress Kiera Knightly. She’s best known for her roles in Bend it Like Beckham, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Pride & Prejudice. Knightley mentioned being an atheist when discussing Newt Gingrich asking for forgiveness from god after cheating on his wife. Knightly joked that she couldn’t ask for forgiveness because she doesn’t believe in god or religion.
7. Morgan Freeman
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Morgan Freeman is best known for his distinctive voice and critically acclaimed performances in Shawshank Redemption, Seven, and Million Dollar Baby. At times, Freeman has been atheist, and other times, agnostic. He bounced around for a few years due to the complex nature of the topic.
Freeman has never believed in god and noted that humans invented god. While he still holds many of the same beliefs, he began practicing Zoroastrianism in the last few years.
8. Brad Pitt
Joe Seer/Shutterstock
Academy Award winner Brad Pitt became a household name with outstanding performances in Seven, Fight Club, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Raised in Springfield, Missouri, Pitt grew up in a strict conservative Christian household.
Growing up a Southern Baptist, Pitt gave up religion at a young age. However, Pitt’s spiritual journey was just beginning. He soon went back and forth between being atheist and agnostic. For Pitt, giving up religion allows him to have a free life.
9. Angelina Jolie
Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock
Often considered a Hollywood sex symbol, Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous actresses. She’s starred in several popular movies, notably the Lara Croft Tomb Raider series, Maleficent, and Girl, Interrupted. However, Jolie’s personal life gets more attention than her career.
She famously went through a punk rock phase before becoming the elegant leading lady she is today. In her dark period, Jolie became an atheist and rejected organized religion. While she still doesn’t believe in religion, Jolie believes in human strength.
10. Bill Maher
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Host of Real Time with Bill Maher, comedian and political commentator Bill Maher’s parents raised him in a strict Roman Catholic household. His religious upbringing played a significant role in his views on religion. The outspoken and controversial comedian isn’t afraid to express his opinion on religion. He questions all faiths and believes they’re dangerous to society.
Despite his views, Maher doesn’t label himself an atheist or spend much time thinking about it. However, others describe his views as atheist, apatheist, and agnostic. Furthermore, Maher explored religion in the 2008 documentary Religulous.
11. Seth MacFarlane
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Seth MacFarlane is a proud atheist and feels it shouldn’t be a taboo subject to discuss. MacFarlane is best known as the creator and voice actor on the critically acclaimed animated sitcom Family Guy. He doesn’t hide the fact that he’s an atheist and openly criticizes all religions. MacFarlane often expresses his feelings about organized religion on Family Guy.
12. Christopher Hitchens
Author Christopher Hitchens was famous for his critiques and views on all religions. At one point, Hitchens was possibly the most renowned atheist on the planet. However, Hitchens didn’t consider himself an atheist either. He coined a new term, “anti-theist.” He claimed an atheist wishes that god exists, while an anti-theist is happy that no evidence exists to prove the existence of god.
In addition to writing, God is Not Great, Hitches was a member of the Four Horsemen of New Atheism with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett. Hitchens died in 2011 from complications from cancer.
13. George Clooney
Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock
With a career spanning over 40 years, George Clooney is one of the most recognizable Hollywood stars. After his breakthrough role in ER, Clooney became one of the biggest stars in Hollywood with roles in Ocean’s 11, Syriana, and Gravity.
Clooney grew up in a strict Roman Catholic family and began questioning the existence of heaven, hell, and god. Clooney’s not sure if god exists, but he knows he has one life for sure and doesn’t plan on wasting it.
14. Daniel Radcliffe
Matteo Chinellato/Shutterstock
Daniel Radcliffe is best known for portraying Harry Potter in the beloved Harry Potter film series. Radcliffe grew up with a Jewish mother born in South Africa and a Northern Irish Protestant father. Regardless, Radcliffe didn’t practice any religions growing up, although he felt close to his mother’s Jewish faith. However, Radcliffe considers himself a relaxed atheist.
He doesn’t preach his beliefs but admires those who do, such as Richard Dawkins. While Radcliffe doesn’t believe in the existence of god, he’ll be more than happy if god does exist.
15. Sam Harris
The New York Times bestseller hosts Waking Up with Sam Harris, where he discusses religion, free will, ethics, and neuroscience, among other topics. Author and podcast host Sam Harris is famous for his views on religion, notably Islam.
After his parent’s divorce, Harris’ mother, who was Jewish but not religious, raised him in a secular household. While his mother didn’t raise him as an atheist, he didn’t have a religious influence either. Harris’s views on religion and Islam often stir up a lot of controversies.
16. Jack Nicholson
Hollywood icon Jack Nicholson is one of the greatest actors of his generation. With his career starting in the 50s, the three-time Academy Award winner has starred in numerous critically acclaimed classics, including One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Chinatown, The Shining, Terms of Endearment, As Good As It Gets, and The Departed.
The Hollywood icon’s mother raised him Roman Catholic, however, Nicholson became an atheist as he grew up. Nicholson’s sure god doesn’t exist.
Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography
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