
18 Celebrities Battling Chronic Medical Conditions 2023

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Being a rich and famous celebrity doesn’t mean they don’t encounter the same difficulties in life as the average person. There are many iconic celebrities battling chronic medical conditions since before their careers started. They have managed to navigate the industry while dealing with a severe illness or disorder. There are also several celebrities who became household names before discovering a condition that they would struggle with for the rest of their lives.

These celebrity illnesses range from mental health issues to physical ailments. Some stars have a mild condition that is difficult to live with, but they’re still able to perform, while other stars retired due to illness. Most have struggled with these illnesses every day while becoming Hollywood icons. Here’s a look at 18 celebrities battling chronic medical conditions.

18 Celebrities Battling Chronic Medical Conditions

1. Michael J. Fox (Parkinson’s Disease) 

drserg /

In 1998, iconic actor Michael J. Fox revealed his Parkinson’s diagnosis to the public. He received the initial diagnosis shortly after filming the 1991 movie Doc Hollywood. Parkinson’s disease attacks the central nervous system affecting motor skills. Early signs include tremors, difficulty walking, and slowness of movement.

Best known for his roles in Family Ties and the Back to the Future trilogy, Fox became a strong advocate for Parkinson’s research. He became one of the biggest donors to fund research and educate the public. Fox continued to act for years but retired in 2020 due to declining health. 

2. Selma Blair (Multiple Sclerosis) 

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Actress Selma Blair became world-famous with her roles in Cruel Intentions, Legally Blonde, and Hellboy. She cemented her legacy portraying Kris Jenner in the critically acclaimed The People v. O.J. Simpson.

For years, Blair assumed she had a minor illness, such as a pinched nerve to explain her bad memory, dropping items, and periodically falling. In October 2018, Blair announced her multiple sclerosis diagnosis after discovering her illness the past August. Blair continues to act and released the book A Mean Baby: A Memoir of Growing Up. 

3. Lady Gaga (Fibromyalgia)

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Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

With chart-topping albums, The Fame Monster, Born This Way, and Joanne, Lady Gaga is one of the best-selling artists of all time. As one of the most influential celebrities, she started a conversation about fibromyalgia after revealing her diagnosis.

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It’s a condition that targets muscle and soft tissue causing chronic muscle pain, exhaustion, sleep disruptions, and tenderness. In 2017, Gaga announced she had the illness on social media and brought more mainstream attention to fibromyalgia. 

4. Selena Gomez (Lupus)

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Selena Gomez has a reputation for openly discussing her battles with Lupus. Gomez started her career as a child and grew up in front of her fans. The star of Only Murders in the Building, Gomez has a massive social media following. She found out about her illness around 2014.

The disease causes the body’s immune system to attack healthy tissues resulting in a face rash, fever, swollen joints, chest pain, fatigue, and joint pain. The level of pain and symptoms vary from person to person. In Gomez’s case, she required a kidney transplant causing her to withdraw from the public around 2017. She received the kidney from her good friend Francia Raisa.

5. Nick Jonas (Type 1 Diabetes) 

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Nick Jonas rose to fame as a member of the beloved Jonas Brothers. They became significant stars touring the world and starring in the Camp Rock series. As Jonas’s career was taking off, doctors diagnosed him with type 1 diabetes.

Jonas uses an insulin pump to help manage his condition. Despite having diabetes, Jonas has managed to become an international sensation. 

6. Bella Hadid (Lyme Disease)

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Fashion trendsetter Bella Hadid is a world-famous supermodel who has walked the runways for all the top brands. The daughter of former model Yolanda Hadid, she gave up her dreams of horseback riding in the Olympics due to Lyme disease.

Bella, her mother, and younger brother Anwar received their Lyme disease diagnosis in 2012. Despite the constant pain, Bella has learned to manage her illness and continues modeling.

7. Sarah Hyland (Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney)

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After some early success, Sarah Hyland’s career took off portraying Haley Dunphy on the popular sitcom Modern Family. As a child, doctors diagnosed Hyland with a multicystic dysplastic kidney. Also known as kidney dysplasia, she received a kidney transplant from her father in 2012. However, her body rejected the kidney causing it to fail several times.

In 2017, she had a second kidney transplant from her brother. Hyland fell into a deep depression and blamed herself for her body rejecting her father’s kidney. She has undergone sixteen surgeries while struggling to maintain muscle mass and weight. Furthermore, she often struggled before the second transplant while filming Modern Family. Hyland still struggles with her illness but is in a much better place today. 

8. Carrie Fisher (Bipolar Disorder)

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Matteo Chinellato/Shutterstock

There isn’t a person in the world that doesn’t know the legendary Carrie Fisher. Fisher’s an open book who often discussed her bipolar disorder diagnosis and drug addiction. After gaining fame as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, Fisher’s illness and addictions worsened.

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She took various medications to control her condition. Later, Fisher wrote the semi-autobiographical Postcards from the Edge about her experiences. Fisher suddenly died in 2016 from cardiac arrest. 

9. Justin Bieber (Lyme Disease)

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Jack Fordyce/Shutterstock

Starting his career as a teen idol, Justin Bieber quickly became one of the most recognizable artists in history. He’s released a series of record-setting albums and hit singles that made him a significant star. He’s recently had severe health issues that caused him to cancel tours to focus on his health.

In 2020, doctors diagnosed Bieber with Lyme disease affecting his neurological system. Later, he contracted COVID-19 in early 2022. A few months later, he announced his Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2 diagnosis, causing paralysis to his face. Bieber is taking time off from touring to tend to his health.

10. Charlie Sheen (HIV)

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

Charlie Sheen is one of Hollywood’s most famous and controversial celebrities. After a hugely successful film career, Sheen became the highest-paid TV actor with his role in Two and a Half-Men. Sheen became known for his violent tendencies, drug abuse, and wild sex life.

In the 90s, Sheen’s drug use resulted in a stroke. In 2015, Sheen discussed his HIV-positive diagnosis for the first time publicly. He found out about his illness in 2010 and paid several people to keep it quiet. He now talks about his condition openly and takes a combination of drugs to deal with his illness. 

11. Montel Williams (Multiple Sclerosis)

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lev radin/Shutterstock

From 1991 to 1998, Montel Williams appeared on television sets across the globe as host of The Montel Williams Show. In 1999, Williams received his multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

One year later, he founded the highly influential MS Foundation to fund research and educate the public on the illness. Furthermore, Williams admits to using cannabis to help manage the disease and advocates for legalization across the board. 

12. Howard Hughes (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

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Gordon Skene/YouTube

From the 1920s to the 1940s, Howard Hughes was one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential celebrities. He built an empire through his films and as a pioneer in aviation. However, in the late 50s, he began withdrawing from the public due to his worsening obsessive-compulsive disorder and possible allodynia.

Hughes often became fixated on trivial matters and intensely feared germs. He had wild mood swings, becoming stubborn and indecisive. In the late 50s, he locked himself in his screening room for four months watching movies. He likely sat naked because the clothing caused intense pain due to allodynia. Furthermore, he suffered several injuries from a near-fatal plane crash that caused him a life of discomfort until he died in 1976. 

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13. Toni Braxton (Lupus)

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Jamie Lamor Thompson/Shutterstock

Few R&B singers reach the level of Toni Braxton. The Grammy-Award winner has released several critically acclaimed albums turning her into an R&B legend. In the early 2000s, she struggled with various health issues but kept private on the matter.

Finally, in 2010, news broke that Braxton was battling Lupus. Furthermore, Braxton’s uncle died from Lupus complications a few years later. Braxton continues to combat the disease with recent hospital visits. 

14. Michael Phelps (ADHD)

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Petr Toman/Shutterstock

With a total of 28 medals, Michael Phelps is considered the greatest Olympian of all time. He dominated the competition in several different events and set world records for various races.

Despite his incredible skills, Phelps has struggled with ADHD and severe bouts of depression. However, he works hard to maintain a balance and keep his life focused on his goals to combat his issues.

15. Salman Khan (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

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Tips Official/YouTube

Since debuting in the late 1980s, Indian actor Salman Khan has become one of Bollywood’s biggest stars. The charismatic and controversial megastar struggles with a severe condition known as trigeminal neuralgia. The disease affects a nerve in the face that often causes unbearable pain. Khan has struggled with the illness since his diagnosis roughly seven years ago. 

16. Morgan Freeman (Fibromyalgia)

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Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman became a Hollywood icon with his distinctive voice and memorable performances. He’s best known for his roles in Shawshank Redemption, Seven, and Million Dollar Baby.

In 2008, Freeman was involved in a severe car accident totaling his Nissan Maxima. At the time, he had surgery to repair a broken arm. However, he also developed long-term health issues, notably fibromyalgia. Freeman continues to battle his chronic medical condition while remaining a force in Hollywood. 

17. Catherine Zeta-Jones (Bipolar II Disorder)

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Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock

Often considered a sex symbol, Catherine Zeta-Jones rose to the top of Hollywood in the early 90s. She starred in several classic movies and won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Chicago.

The stress related to her husband Michael Douglas’s throat cancer triggered Zeta-Jones’s depression and bipolar II disorder. For the first time, Zeta-Jones openly discussed her battles with both illnesses. 

18. Lena Dunham (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)

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Fred Duval/Shutterstock

Lena Dunham is best known as the creator and star of the groundbreaking HBO series Girls. The series launched Dunham’s career, making her one of the most influential celebrities. However, Dunham has faced numerous health issues in the last few years.

Diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder as a child, she continues to treat it as an adult. In 2019, she openly discussed her Ehlers-Danlos syndrome resulting in loose stretchy skin and intense joint pain. Dunham continues to manage her various illnesses while remaining a success. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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