
19 Most Famous Athletes in the World  2023

19 Most Famous Athletes in the World  2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 19 Most Famous Athletes in the World . Please like and share if You are interested!

Athletes have been the center of the universe since the Big Bang occurred billions of years ago. Fans, reporters, and experts adore these iconic stars that dominate their sport. Some are the greatest basketball players to step on the court while others rule the gridiron field and football oval. Many iconic athletes set home run records in baseball or were the longest-reigning number-one player in tennis. The public and media often treat famous athletes as if they are royalty. 

In many ways, famous athletes become the king or queen of their sport. Once they become the best in their respective sport, they become the biggest celebrities in the world and usually transcend history. They win world championships, become the highest-paid athletes, and set world records. That often leads to million-dollar endorsement deals with the top brands and a permanent place in sports history. Here’s a look at 19 of the most famous athletes in the world. 

1. Muhammad Ali

mark reinstein/Shutterstock

No list of the best athletes is complete without “The Greatest” Muhammad Ali. Often considered the greatest boxer, Ali made a name for himself with his quick footwork, skills, and trash-talking persona. He won the world heavyweight title in 1964 but gave the title up after refusing the Vietnam War draft.

He returned four years later to cement his legacy in boxing. Ali had a trilogy of famous fights against Joe Fraizer, notably “The Fight of the Century.” He also famously defeated Geroge Foreman in the “Rumble in the Jungle” to recapture his world heavyweight championship. 

2. Michael Jordan

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lev radin/Shutterstock

Despite all the great players in NBA history, none compare to the iconic Michael Jordan. In the 80s and 90s, he became a household name as a member of the Chicago Bulls. Known as Air Jordan, his entertaining style, high scoring, and charisma on the court elevated basketball to new heights.

Jordan surpassed famous athlete status to become a cultural icon and legend. In addition to being the face of the Air Jordan Nike brand, he’s the current owner of the NBA’s Charlotte Hornets. Jordan won six NBA World Championships and four Olympic gold medals in his career. 

3. Serena Williams

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Leonard Zhukovsky/Shutterstock

Serena Williams is undoubtedly the greatest tennis player of all time. There have been many great tennis players, but few compare to Williams’s achievements and skills. Williams led the way for a new generation of athletes in the sport of tennis. She destroyed all challengers, with the Women’s Tennis Association ranking her number one for 319 weeks.

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With 23 grand slam titles, Williams holds victories at Wimbledon, the Australian Open, the French Open, and the US Open. She also won a gold medal at the Summer Olympics, making Williams one of the few people to achieve both a career Grand Slam and a career Golden Slam. 

4. Wayne Gretzky

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Debby Wong/Shutterstock

Also known as The Great One, Wayne Gretzky has no equal in the NHL. He’s simply the greatest hockey player to put on a pair of skates. No player could match Gretzky’s shooting, stamina, and intelligence. He could see ten steps ahead and had an uncanny ability to avoid checks.

Gretzky has several accolades, including leading the Edmonton Oilers to the Stanley Cup three times and The Los Angeles Kings to the final once. After having his number 99 jersey retired, Grezty served as the head coach for the Phoenix Coyotes. 

5. Kobe Bryant

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In a sport full of legends, the iconic Kobe Bryant stands above them all. Also known as Black Mamba, Bryant is often in the conversation for the greatest NBA player of all time. He played for the Los Angeles Lakers his entire career and led the team to five NBA Championships.

The two-time NBA finals MVP was in a league of his own when it came to skills, technique, and leadership. Sadly, Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and several others died in a tragic helicopter crash in 2020.

6. Colin Kaepernick

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Ga Fullner/Shutterstock

Colin Kaepernick might be the most famous football player today. As a stand-out player in college football, Kaepernick rose to fame as the San Francisco 49ers’ quarterback. He’s best known for kneeling during the national anthem before games to protest racial inequality and police brutality. His actions became a major media story and divided fans across the country.

After leaving the 49ers, he remained unsigned for several years but is gearing up to make a comeback. 

7. Tom Brady

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The National Football League was never the same after quarterback Tom Brady stepped on the field for the first time. He quickly became the crown jewel of the New England Patriots as they dominated the NFL. As the greatest quarterback in NFL history, Brady led the Patriots to six Super Bowl title wins.

In 2020, he joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, leading them to victory at Super Bowl LV. With the most Pro Bowl selections, Brady’s truly the MVP of the NFL and one of the best football players of all time. 

8. Babe Ruth

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Reading Through History/YouTube

New York Yankees Babe Ruth transcended being a baseball superstar and sports legend to become a beloved cultural icon. In the 1920s, Ruth elevated baseball into the mainstream with his out-of-this-world home runs and persona. An all-around great player, Ruth would knock the ball out of the park and beyond.

He started his career with the Boston Red Sox but is synonymous with the famous Yankees. Also known as the Sultan of Swat, Ruth won seven World Series titles, four with the Yankees and three with the Red Sox. The Bambino is one of the most famous athletes in sports history. 

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9. Lionel Messi

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Christian Bertrand/Shutterstock

There isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t know Linoel Messi. Arguably the greatest footballer of all time, Messi was the star of F.C. Barcelona for years. He led the team to numerous victories and currently holds the record for most goals in La Liga. Later, he left the team to join Paris Saint-Germain F.C., where he continues to dominate the sport of soccer.

Messi is also the current captain of the Argentina national team and led the team to the FIFA World Cup finals in 2014. 

10. LeBron James

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With four NBA World Championships and two Olympic Gold Medals, LeBron James is one of the greatest basketball players in the history of the NBA. James’ dominance, leadership, and unparalleled skills made him a significant mainstream sports icon.

Currently playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, James dominated the court with former teams, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat. From the moment James stepped onto the court, fans and reporters compared him to NBA legend Michael Jordan. 

11. Mia Hamm

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U.S. Soccer/YouTube

Considered a soccer legend, Mia Hamm is one of the greatest female soccer players in history. Her incredible skills and fame helped the Women’s United Soccer Association gain wider recognition.

She was an integral part of the United States women’s national team leading them to win two FIFA Women’s World Cups and two Olympic gold medals. Hamm is easily one of the most famous athletes today. 

12. Michael Phelps

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Petr Toman/Shutterstock

It’s safe to say that Michael Phelps is the definition of an Olympian. The iconic competitive swimmer gained widespread fame with an impressive performance at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. He walked away from those games with a record-setting eight gold medals.

He continued to dominate the Olympics, winning 28 medals, making him the most decorated Olympian. He holds the record for the men’s 400-meter individual medley and had records in the 200-meter butterfly and 200-meter freestyle. 

13. Lance Armstrong

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In the 90s, Lance Armstrong rose to fame as a world-famous road cyclist that dominated every race he entered. He became the face of cycling when he landed several major endorsement deals. After recovering from cancer, Armstrong won seven Tour de France titles cementing his legacy as a sports icon.

He admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs after he became the target of a doping investigation. Banned from all sports that follow the World Anti-Doping Code, Armstrong will go down in history as the most infamous athlete of all time. 

14. Tiger Woods

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It’s impossible to talk about the most famous athletes without mentioning golf icon Tiger Woods. Often considered the greatest golfer of all time, Woods dominated several PGA Tours and shattered previous records. For most of his career, he was the number one player in the sport.

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After a bitter public divorce, Woods lost most of his endorsement deals and went through a career slump. However, Woods is making quite the career comeback. 

15. Conor McGregor

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Keith J Finks/Shutterstock

Conor McGregor is both UFC’s greatest and most controversial fighter to step into the octagon. As a double champion, he held the UFC lightweight and featherweight titles simultaneously, making him the first to have two championships in different weight classes.

His infamous UFC 229 fight against Khabib Nurmagomedov set an MMA PPV record with 2.4 million buys. McGregor also famously lost to Floyd Mayweather Jr. in his pro boxing debut setting another PPV record with 4.3 million buys. 

16. Virat Kholi

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In the world of cricket, nobody is on Virat Kholi’s level. In fact, the influential cricketer is one of the most famous athletes in the world today. He’s the star player for the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League and Delhi in the domestic league.

He’s arguably the greatest batsman of his generation and possibly all time. As the former captain of India’s national team, few cricket players have reached Kholi’s level of success. 

17. Roger Federer

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lev radin/Shutterstock

Swedish-born Roger Federer is one the most famous athletes ever to pick up a racquet. Along with Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal, Federer dominated the sport with pure skill and talent. The Association of Tennis Professionals ranked him the number-one player for 310 weeks.

Completing his career Grand Slam in 2009, Federer holds wins at the US Open, Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. He’s one of the most decorated champions in tennis, with 20 Grand slam singles titles. 

18. Stephen Curry

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In NBA history, few players changed the game like Stephen Curry. Considered the greatest shooter of all time, Curry holds the record for most three-pointers. He led the way for more teams and players to focus on taking three-point shots.

As the heart and soul of the Golden State Warriors, he led the team to four NBA Championships. Fans consider Curry one of the greatest NBA players and the most famous athlete. 

19. Stan Musial 

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Dominick Claflin/YouTube

Stan Musial spent his entire career playing with the St. Louis Cardinals until retiring in 1963. He started with the club in the early 40s but joined the Navy during World War II. After the war, he returned to the team and continued to destroy the competition.

Also known as Stan The Man, Musial is one of the greatest hitters in MLB history. After setting impressive records and knocking the ball out of the park, Stan The Man joined the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1969. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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