
20 Hilarious Lord of the Rings Memes 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 20 Hilarious Lord of the Rings Memes. Please like and share if You are interested!

When it comes to fantasy epic blockbusters, it doesn’t get much better than The Lord Of The Rings. The trilogy is adapted from J’s classic novel. r. R. Tolkein is great. If you somehow have never seen a movie or read a book, the general plot revolves around the destruction of a ring. Frodo Baggins, a dwarf creature known as The hobbit, must team up with a motley crew and embark on a journey through Middle Earth to destroy the ring at Mount Doom.

While fiction is great, the movies are even better. Director Peter Jackson really managed to capture the world Tolkein created on the page and transfer it to the big screen. The film has become a cultural phenomenon, and as is the case when something becomes part of popular culture, it is quickly treated meme.

The Lord Of The Rings memes make fun of not only trio but The Hobbit trilogy as well. They refer to everything from plot lines and protagonists to funny jokes and real-life situations. So as we prepare to celebrate the 20th anniversary of release Two Towersthis is 20 fun. The Lord Of The Rings memes to laugh with.

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1. One Is Not Simply…


This may be the most famous meme out of The Lord Of The Rings trio. When speaking to the Elrond Council, Boromir (played by Sean Bean), uttered the lines, “one does not simply enter Mordor.”This quickly became a viral meme like wildfire and has been used for every event and occasion you can imagine. There are a lot of memes out there, but we think the one above is pretty funny. You can see more here.

2. Potatoes, Potatoes

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When it comes to potatoes, only one man knows it all; Sam.

3. The Lord Of The Doors

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Pokemon Central Forum

This is pretty silly but still funny The Lord Of The Rings meme. All it takes is the addition of Hodor to a Game Of Thrones cross.

4. When Hermonie was compared to Gollum

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Screen Rant

This Meme is not beautiful but fun combined The Lord Of The Rings with Harry Potter franchise and compare Hermonie with Gollum. A little rough, but still funny.

5. I’m Dying Dad

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@ sarumanofmanycolours/imgur

This is a classic dad joke. It’s a stupid meme with Elrond and Arwen, but a meme still makes me giggle.

6. Two and a Half Men

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@ Affectionate_Fox_288 / Reddit

A good reference to the popular sitcom of the 00s Two and a Half Men.

7. The Return of Gandolf

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@ sarumanofmanycolours/imgur

This Meme is taken from the director’s cut version of the trilogy. Gandolf is much more gangster in the movies.

8. Say Yes To Drugs

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@ NSFW _ lotr _ meme _ _ / Reddit

We do not support drug use, but this meme definitely has a good point. Maybe just do not take them from strangers or people who look like hobbits.

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9. Threaded Needles

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MemeCenter Center

Who hasn’t pulled his face like Gollum when trying to thread a needle. It was bloody hard work. Make a great meme though.

10. Who has the most fans?

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@ sarumanofmanycolours.string

While Eminem and Metallica have a lot of fans, they are pale compared to Saruman’s Army (Christopher Lee). Elon Musk, a fan of the famous Lord of the Rings, will definitely like this meme.

11. You Will Pass

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Screen Rant

While Gandolf was famous for saying, ” You won’t pass!”this meme shows what would happen if he fought Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. No one is strong enough to defeat the force.

12. The Mega Pint

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@Noteworthy-Falcon229 / Reddit

This Meme is inspired by Johnny Depp’s love for mega pint. Social media is crazy.

13. Kill Bilbo

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How to make a spin-off? Inspired by Quentin Tarantino Kill Bill Vol. 1 film, this fake movie poster is all about Gollum getting his revenge against Bilbo Baggins.

14. Die Hard Fan

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@ finrodarryn / Reddit

This is how many die hard Ring fans act when discussing films with ordinary fans. Don’t you want to come across as too obsessive?

15. Gimli And His Axe

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Gimli with his ax, although probably not the one you expected him to carry. I’m pretty sure he didn’t have this in Ring film. At least he will smell good.

16. Frodo-Synthesis

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Yes, it’s bad, but still quite funny in a dad joke.

17. The Guy Complies

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@ finrodarryn / Reddit

Gandolf acts like the guy in the cult movie The Big Lebowski is a vibe. A funny meme from this wonderful list The Lord Of The Rings meme.

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18. The Wizard Is Here To Help

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@ sarumanofmanycolours/imgur

Young readers may not get this, but there was once a software program called Wizard that would help when installing applications on your computer. As this meme shows, that Wizard is actually gandolf.

19. The Lord Of The Wings

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We Know Memes

These are the types of memes I love. Silly and stupid but oh very funny.

20. I’ll Make A Joke…

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@ ILiveInGothamCityAMA/imgur

This is a little funny dad to complete this collection of The Lord Of The Rings meme off. A pun on the name of Aragorn (the character played by Viggo Mortensen) will make you giggle.

Categories: Funny
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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