
20 Hilarious Shots of People Selling Mirrors 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 20 Hilarious Shots of People Selling Mirrors. Please like and share if You are interested!

Taking a mirror selfie is nothing new, but what about an accidental mirror photo? Often people take pictures when they are near the mirror and forget about reflection. This happens all the time when mirror sellers try and take a beautiful photo. No one wants to really be in the photo, because you are trying to show only the mirror because that’s what you want to sell. Unfortunately for many, their efforts at a mirror shot end in disaster.

While most people try and inevitably picture, others may care less. This also leads to some funny pictures of mirror sellers. To give you a few giggles, here are the 20 funniest photos of people trying but not taking photos of their mirrors.

1. Broken Neck

@ craiglists_mirrors / Instagram

This poor guy tried to sell a few car mirrors on the Craigslist Mirror. As you can see from the reflection, he is wearing a neck brace, so the mirror must come from the car involved in the accident. Poor.

2. Ghost In The Mirror

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@ craiglists_mirrors / Instagram

This is a way to hide your identity while trying to sell your mirror.

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3. Cute Kid

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@ madison_spencer/Reddit

Everyone loves cute children, something this person perfectly understands when trying to sell their mirrors. How can the buyer resist when you get a photo of a cool child seemingly dancing in the mirror?

4. New Stone

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@ craigslist_mirrors / Instagram

When you want to show off your new kicks while also trying to sell your mirror. The perfect photo.

5. One Shot

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@Sivmajor / Twitter

When the mirror seller becomes smart and hides their body, you get an image like this.

6. Shadow Effect

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@ craigslist_mirrors / Instagram

The seller of this mirror almost nailed it. The only thing that disappoints them is their shadow. Top efforts though.

7. Mistake Flag Alliance

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@ craigslist_mirrors / Instagram

Giving away your ideological beliefs while selling mirrors online will probably get you more negative reactions than you want. Lower the flag. Or better yet, burn it.

8. Mirror Selfie and relax

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@Sivmajor / Twitter

When your reflection also suggests something a little more interesting. Mirror selfie and chill anyone?

9. Polly Wants A Cracker?

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@ craigslist_mirrors / Instagram

When your pet bird just needs to be the center of attention.

10. When The Timer Turns Off

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@ craigslistmirrorselfies/Tumblr

This creative mirror seller thinks setting the timer will be the best way to capture their mirrors without them being part of the image. Try beautiful, but you need to stay away from the mirror when the camera takes a picture so that it works.

11. Doggie Mirror Selfie

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@ sami_somebody / Twitter

When you try and use your cute dog to sell your mirror.

12. Pocket On The Head

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@ ElectricBlue64 / Reddit

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The old bag on the donkey’s head. No one will know you are taking pictures this way. The poor dog in the reflection wanted to know where all his dry dog food went.

13. Tripod Mirror Selfie

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@ craigslists_mirrors / Instagram

When you put your tripod up to take a great picture of the mirror you want to sell but forget the tripod can be clearly seen.

14. Two People Work

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@ troubleO7 / Reddit

When it requires two people to take pictures. One to hold the mirror and the other to take pictures. Just remember to keep your shirt on unless you want all the Craigslist to get a glimpse.

15. Four Piece Mirror

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@dumbb1tch / Reddit

People will literally sell anything. This out-of-box mirror seller is highlighting the benefits of wall-mounted mirrors divided into four pieces. It’s definitely a way to get your attention on Craigslist.

16. It All Happened

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@ craigslist_mirrors / Instagram

There’s a lot going on in this picture. The mirror is not only surrounded by other small mirrors on the contour, but what it reflects is eye-catching. There is a man’s gym set up, along with half of his body not wearing his shirt. Then you’ve got some old school artwork along with traffic signs. It will definitely have you taking a Monday look.

17. Feet 11

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@Sivmajor / Twitter

When you try and sell your mirror by showing some pins.

18. Mirror, Man Not Included

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@ Tickle_Me_Tortoise/Reddit

Just in case you are wondering, the man is not included in the sale of this mirror.

19. Clean Your Mirror

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@ calbetheturtle/Reddit

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When you forget to clean the mirror you are trying to sell. Also, what are her legs doing? A funny picture from Craigslist.

20. Pixilated

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@cman334 / Reddit

When you don’t want people to see reflections in the mirror. Good deal though.

Categories: Funny
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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