
22 Classic Old Cartoon Network Shows 2023

22 Classic Old Cartoon Network Shows 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 22 Classic Old Cartoon Network Shows. Please like and share if You are interested!

In the early 90s, every child’s life changed forever when the Cartoon Network launched in October 1992. Kids no longer had to wait until Saturday morning to watch their favorite shows. Now, there was one network that would show the funniest cartoons in the world 24 hours a day. In addition to classic cartoons, the Cartoon Network created original groundbreaking programs that became a staple of animation. The network also introduced adult animation featuring sexual innuendos, violence, and adult humor. 

The old Cartoon Network shows are still massively popular, with a vast library of classic cartoons and original series. The network found the perfect balance with shows from the past while creating new content. Many Cartoon Network series influenced an entire generation and paved the way for future animated cartoons. Here’s a look at 22 classic old Cartoon Network shows. 

22 Classic Old Cartoon Network Shows

1. Dexter’s Laboratory 


The critically and commercially acclaimed Dexter’s Laboratory is one of the Cartoon Network’s best shows. It’s one of the early shows that helped raise the network’s profile. The groundbreaking series revolves around a brilliant young boy, Dexter, who has a secret laboratory behind his bookcase full of incredible inventions. However, his big sister, Dee Dee, often messes up his plans.

The series also features segments involving Dexter’s pet monkey, Monkey, and The Justice Friends. As one of the highest-rated shows, Dexter’s Laboratory is vital to the Cartoon Network’s long-term success.

2. Space Ghost Coast to Coast

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Toilet Goblin/YouTube

The Cartoon Network’s talk show Space Ghost Coast to Coast premiered in 1994. Featuring a reimagined version of the 1960s Hanna-Barbera superhero, the series revolves around Space Ghost hosting a talk show. Each episode typically features Space Ghost conducting live interviews with celebrities.

The hilarious series spoofs the talk show format with subtle jokes and references. The series features surreal and wacky humor. The immensely popular show led to several spinoffs, notably Cartoon Planet. 

3. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Everything Star Wars/YouTube

The critically and commercially acclaimed animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars fills in the gaps of the beloved Star Wars franchise. Occurring between the prequel films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, the animated series debuted in 2003 to universal acclaim.

The popular series features Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and more. Adapting classic storylines and explaining more about the universe, Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a must for every fan. 

4. Ben 10

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Cartoon Network Asia/YouTube

Ben 10 is Cartoon Network’s longest-running and most successful franchise. The Emmy-Award-winning series revolves around Ben Tennyson and his alien tech wristwatch, Omnitrix. With heart-pounding action, the franchise consists of four movies, five television series, and a hugely popular toy line.

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The critically acclaimed first series in the franchise debuted in 2005 and became an instant hit for the network. In addition to being one of the most popular shows, the franchise is also vital to the continued success of the Cartoon Network. It’s safe to say Cartoon Network wouldn’t be the same without Ben 10.

5. Robot Chicken

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Adult Swim/YouTube

In the early 2000s, Cartoon Network decided to expand its programming with adult series aimed at an older audience. Therefore, at night, Cartoon Network would rebrand itself as Adult Swim. The adult programming featured a mix of classic shows and original series.

Created by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, Robot Chicken became an instant hit with audiences. The animated stop-motion series often pokes fun at pop culture, politics, and obscure cartoon shows. It also spoofs a wide range of classic cartoon characters. 

6. Adventure Time

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Cartoon Network Australia/YouTube

With a loyal following and massive fan base, the fantasy comedy Adventure Time quickly cemented its legacy. The hilarious cartoon follows the adventures of Finn and his adoptive magical brother Jake the Dog.

The series also features many characters who support the main ones, including Princess Bubblegum and the Ice King. In 2018, the popular show came to an epic conclusion with the critically acclaimed final episode. 

7. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

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WB Kids/YouTube

Created in the 1930s, the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons are vital to animation history. The classic series, starring cartoon icons like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, and Tweety, continues to find new audiences today. In October 2000, the legendary shows found their way to the famous Cartoon Network.

In addition to appearing on other networks, Warner Bros. iconic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies has kids and adults glued to the Cartoon Network. The two classic shows fit perfectly on the conic Cartoon Network. 

8. Family Guy

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Family Guy/YouTube

In 2002, the Fox network stirred up controversy after canceling the beloved animated sitcom Family Guy. Cartoon Network purchased the rights to the series and it became central to the network’s late-night programming on Adult Swim.

It gained a considerable cult following on Cartoon Network, resulting in Fox producing new episodes. Family Guy is still on the air creating new seasons each year. Cartoon Network saved one of animation’s most outstanding series. 

9. Teen Titans 

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Based on the DC Comics characters, Teen Titans is one of Cartoon Network’s most popular shows of all time. It debuted in 2003 and shockingly became a massive success. Featuring DC’s Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire, Teen Titans isn’t an average kid’s cartoon show.

It follows the crime-fighting team as they take on an assortment of classic bad guys. Known for its unique sense of humor and serious tone, Teen Titans is one of the most beloved series on the network. 

10. Johnny Bravo

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Cartoon Network UK/YouTube

With his big muscles, slick sunglasses, and James Dean-style, Johnny Bravo became an instant hit for the Cartoon Network. The series debuted in July 1997 and quickly caught on with fans. In each episode, Johnny tries to find love and goes on a different date. However, random and strange obstacles often got in Johnny’s way.

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The series was a big hit for the network and is easily one of the best old shows. The series also gave Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane his big break. 

11. Powerpuff Girls

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The Powerpuff /GirlsYouTube

In 1998, the beloved animated series Powerpuff Girls debuted on the Cartoon Network to universal praise. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are kindergarteners by day and superheroes by night. The series follows the three siblings as they used their superpowers to defend the city from villains.

Not only do they have to deal with villains but also with growing up, going to school, and sibling rivalries. It became one of the Cartoon Network’s most popular shows of the late 90s. 

12. The Amazing World of Gumball

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The Amazing World of Gumball/YouTube

Despite being a children’s show, The Amazing World of Gumball appeals to all ages. The critically acclaimed cult classic debuted in 2011. With its dark sense of humor, inside references, and hidden innuendos, The Amazing World of Gumball became a rating success for Cartoon Network.

The popular series follows the antics of Gumball, a blue cat, and his adoptive brother Darwin, a goldfish. The two brothers can’t seem to avoid getting into trouble. The massive success led to the spinoffs Darwin’s Yearbook and The Gumball Chronicles. 

13. Captain Planet and the Planeteers

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arla kamell/YouTube

In the late 80s and early 90s, media mogul Ted Turner created the Cartoon Network due to owning a vast cartoon library. Turner co-created a second groundbreaking idea in the early 90s, the animated series Captain Planet and the Planeteers. The hybrid superhero, environmental, and educational series follows the Planeteers, each with a different superpower.

When they combine their powers, they create the ultimate superhero; Captain Planet. Critics praised the popular series for tackling environmental issues by using cartoons. 

14. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy 

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Cartoon Network Australia/YouTube

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy is the Cartoon Network’s most influential series. The Emmy Award-winning animated series blends elements of comedy and the supernatural.

It follows the naive but upbeat Billy and pessimistic Mandy as they become friends with the Grim Reaper. The characters first appeared as segments on the animated series Grim & Evil. In 2004, Billy and Mandy began starring in their own critically acclaimed series. 

15. Samurai Jack

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Viewers tuned in every week to watch Samurai Jack attempt to return to his timeline to prevent the evil demon, Aku, from creating a dystopian future. The critically acclaimed series, Samurai Jack, drew huge ratings and gained a considerable following. It quickly became Cartoon Network’s most talked about new series.

Inspired by the 1972 show Kung Fu, Samurai Jack debuted in August 2001 to widespread praise. It was canceled after four seasons but returned for a final season in 2017.

16. Regular Show

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Cartoon Network/YouTube

As one of the Cartoon Network’s most-watched series, Regular Show continues the tradition of groundbreaking and risque series. It revolves around two slackers, a bluejay named Mordecai and Rigby, a raccoon.

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After premiering in 2010, the series created controversy with its adult humor and innuendos. At the same time, it became one of the network’s best shows and ran for several seasons to universal praise. 

17. Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends

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Mad Mike/YouTube

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In a world where humans and imaginary friends live side by side, Mac and Bloo are inseparable. The memorable series Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends follows the two best friends on their adventures and interactions with other imaginary friends.

The series debuted on the Cartoon Network in August 2004 with positive feedback. It gained an impressive following, becoming a top-rated show. The critically acclaimed classic cartoon Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends remains one of the network’s best shows. 

18. Whatever Happened to… Robot Jones?

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The animated series Whatever Happened to… Robot Jones premiered on the Cartoon Network in July 2002. The 2000 pilot came in second place in the Voice Your Choice Weekend contest, where the fans decided if the network would pick up the series. Set in Delaware in the 1980s, humans, and robots coexist in the same world. With the help of his three best friends, Robot Jones tries to understand humans and journey into their minds.

Fans and critics enjoyed the popular series, which aired for two seasons. The unique animated series became one of the Cartoon Network’s most groundbreaking shows in the early 2000s.

19. Camp Lazlo

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Cartoon Network New Zealand/YouTube

In July 2005, Camp Lazlo debuted on the Cartoon Network and quickly gained a loyal following. With slick animation and funny dialogue, the series follows a spider monkey, Lazlo, as he attends Camp Kidney. Not only did kids love the series, but so did the awards shows.

Often praised for tackling social issues, Camp Lazlo won numerous significant awards, including three Primetime Emmys. The critically acclaimed series impressed critics and executives. It quickly became one of the best new shows of 2005.

20. We Bare Bears

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Cartoon Network Africa/YouTube

The Cartoon Network franchise We Bare Bears consists of an original series, a prequel, and a movie. The first series, We Bare Bears, debuted on the network in July 2015. The hilarious series has a simple premise of three bears, Grizzley, Panda, and Ice Bear, trying to fit in with humans.

Their plans often backfire due to their natural bear instincts. Luckily they have each other. The franchise includes We Bare Bears: The Movie and the prequel series, We Baby Bears. 

21. The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest

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Show Master/YouTube

The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest debuted on Cartoon Network in August 1996 after spending years in developmental hell. The series is a continuation of the original 1964 series The Adventures of Jonny Quest and the 1986 series The New Adventures of Jonny Quest.

The sci-fi mystery series follows Johnny Quest as he joins his friends and father on many adventures investigating strange cases. While most fans enjoyed the original series over the late 90s version, it still gained a loyal following. 

22. Uncle Grandpa 

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Cartoon Network UK/YouTube

Inspired by the Golden Age of cartoons, Uncle Grandpa premiered on Cartoon Network in September 2013. The shapeshifting Uncle Grandpa would visit troubled children and take them on wild, unbelievable adventures. The series is a spinoff of another popular Cartoon Network series Secret Mountain Fort Awesome.

Uncle Grandpa was a substantial hit for the network. It lasted for five seasons and includes a Christmas special and a crossover episode, “Say Uncle,” with the animated series Steven Universe. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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