
22 of the Most Beautiful Actresses in the World  2023

22 of the Most Beautiful Actresses in the World  2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 22 of the Most Beautiful Actresses in the World . Please like and share if You are interested!

Since the creation of Hollywood, beautiful Hollywood actresses have delivered critically acclaimed performances in Oscar films and summer blockbusters. Hollywood actresses have a reputation for stealing the spotlight from their male co-stars. Hollywood can trace its roots back to the late 1800s and early 1900s. Each decade since Hollywood’s birth, beautiful actresses have become the biggest stars of their generation. 

Legendary actresses from the 50s and 60s are still some of the most beautiful women to set foot in Hollywood. Throughout the 80s and 90s, iconic sex symbols dominated the industry. These icons paved the way for modern-day actresses to become the highest-paid stars. Now, they’re the most in-demand performers in the business.

Many become iconic sex symbols that define an entire generation. Female Hollywood stars continue to have a significant impact and influence on the industry. It’s common for them to rise to the top of Hollywood and become the highest-paid celebrities. Here’s a look at 22 of the most beautiful actresses to ever grace the big screen. 

22 of the Most Beautiful Actresses in the World 

1. Gal Gadot


The world-famous Israeli actress Gal Gadot has starred in unforgettable classics and memorable action movies. Gadot became a household name with her role as Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, in the DC Extended Universe. Gadot portrayed the fearless Amazon in Dawn of Justice: Batman v. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Justice League.

Additionally, Gadot starred in the Fast Saga and Death on the Nile. Often regarded as the most beautiful celebrity alive, Gadot is also one of the highest-paid actresses today.

2. Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn Monroe, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn Monroe is a cultural icon who remains a Hollywood sex symbol long after her passing. Monroe’s tragic death added to her aura and helped turn her into a timeless legend. Monroe rose to fame in the 1950s with roles in The Seven Year Itch, Bus Stop, and Some Like It Hot. She’s famous for her iconic “dumb blonde” characters but actually had a wide range as an actress.

Often considered the greatest actress not nominated for an Oscar, Monroe was one of the highest-grossing stars of her time. Furthermore, she graced the cover of Playboy’s first issue. 

3. Scarlett Johansson

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

There isn’t a person in the world that doesn’t know the iconic Scarlett Johansson. Regarded as a sex symbol, Johansson is one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. She’s received widespread praise for her roles in Lost in Translation, Marriage Story, and Jojo Rabbit.

Johansson became an international sensation with her role as Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, in the record-setting Marvel Cinematic Universe. She portrayed Romanoff in several Avengers movies and the solo film Black Widow.

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4. Jennifer Lopez

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Triple-threat star Jennifer Lopez can literally do it all. Also known as J. Lo, Lopez started her career as a backup dancer. After her breakout role in Selena, Lopez led the Latin pop movement that took over the music industry. She released several massively successful albums such as On The 6, This is Me…Then, and Como Ama una Mujer.

In 2001, Lopez made history when she released the number one album, J. Lo, and starred in the number one romantic comedy, Wedding Planner, in the same week. Famous for her curvy figure, Lopez is one of the top ten most beautiful Hollywood celebrities.

5. Emma Watson

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It’s safe to say Hollywood wouldn’t be the same without Emma Watson. Watson became world-famous for her breakout role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series. Watson continued her career while attending Brown University to complete her education.

She’s also starred in popular movies such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Little Women, and Beauty and the Beast. Watson is known for her humanitarian work and as an advocate for gender equality.

6. Halle Berry

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Trina Stewart/Shutterstock

Actress Halle Berry is one of the most famous stars in Hollywood history. She first gained attention when making it to the end of the Miss World pageant in 1986. After some early success, Berry became the first black woman to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Monster’s Ball. Suddenly, Berry was the biggest star in Los Angeles.

Berry continued to gain fame for her roles in the X-Men franchise, the James Bond flick Die Another Day, and John Wick Chapter 3 – Parabellum. 

7. Jessica Alba

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

In the early 2000s, Jessica Alba quickly became the talk of Hollywood. After her breakout starring role in Dark Angel, Alba starred in a string of popular moves, including Fantastic Four, Sin City, and the Little Fockers. Recently, she starred in the Bad Boys franchise spinoff LA’s Finest.

Considered a sex symbol, Alba often lands high on the most beautiful lists. Alba’s not just a pretty face, as she co-founded the Honest Company in 2011 and does plenty of philanthropic work. 

8. Margot Robbie

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Australian Actress Margot Robbie built a career delivering unforgettable performances. After starting her career in her homeland, Robbie became an international phenomenon with her breakout role in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Considered one of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses, she cemented her legacy as Harley Quinn in DC superhero films. Furthermore, Robbie received universal praise for roles in I, Tonya, Mary Queen of Scots, and Bombshell. 

9. Dakota Johnson

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Dakota Johnson was born to be an actress. She followed in the footsteps of her famous parents, Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson. She had her big career break with her starring role as Anastasia Steele in the sexy romantic Fifty Shades trilogy.

Johnson’s career took off with starring roles in critically acclaimed movies Black Mass, Peanut Butter Falcon, and The Lost Daughter. Audiences around the globe consider Johnson one of the most beautiful celebs.

10. Deepika Padukone

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

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Filmfare Award-winning actress Deepika Padukone has quickly become a worldwide star. Starting her career as a model, Padukone is now the highest-paid actress in India. She gained widespread praise for her roles in Cocktail, Chennai Express, and Happy New Year.

With her success in India, Padukone’s fame is spreading around the globe. In 2017, she starred opposite Vin Diesel in XXX: Return of Xander Cage. 

11. Charlize Theron

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South African actress Charlize Theron has a long and illustrious career. As one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, she starred in numerous critically acclaimed movies. After some early success, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for portraying serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster.

Later, Theron made headlines with roles in Mad Max: Fury Road, Young Adult, and as Megyn Kelly in Bombshell.

12. Taylor Swift

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FeatureFlash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

As one of the best-selling artists of all time, Taylor Swift is already a music and fashion icon. The country star is known for mixing different genres and producing the classic albums Fearless, Red, and 1989. The Grammy-Award-winning singer often writes hit singles about her personal life and relationships. She’s also beginning to get into the movies, having starred in Cats, The Giver, and the recently released Amsterdam

With a loyal and adoring fanbase, Swift is one of the most influential stars in the music industry. Furthermore, Swift is an outspoken critic that pushes for women’s rights and equality. 

13. Grace Kelly

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Few actresses compare to the iconic Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly. Before becoming a princess, Kelly rose to the top of Hollywood in the 50s. She quickly became one of the era’s most recognizable stars. In 1954, Kelly won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her critically acclaimed performance in The Country Girl.

Kelly starred in several timeless classics, including High Noon, Rear Window, and High Society. She retired from acting in 1956 when she married Rainier III, Prince of Monaco. The princess remains an iconic figure in Hollywood. 

14. Angelina Jolie

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

Angelina Jolie is one of the most influential and famous actresses today. She’s best known for her roles in the Lara Croft franchise, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and Maleficent. Considered a sex symbol, Jolie often delivers critically acclaimed performances.

For instance, she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Girl, Interrupted. Jolie is also famous for her humanitarian work in the poorest parts of the world. 

15. Natalie Portman

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

Academy Award-winning Natalie Portman has starred in everything from romantic comedies and summer blockbusters to heart-breaking biopics and psychological horrors. Portman is best known for portraying Padme Amidala in the Star Wars prequel films and Jane Foster in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In 2010, Portman made headlines by winning the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the mind-twisting Black Swan.

16. Keira Knightly

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Phil Stafford/Shutterstock

British actress Keira Knightly steadily climbed to the top of the industry. The charismatic actress had her big breakthrough in the critically acclaimed Bend it Like Beckham. She built a career starring in classic period dramas, including Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, and Anna Karenina.

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She is best known to American audiences for her scene-stealing portrayal of Elizabeth Swan in The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Often compared to Aubrey Hepburn, Knightly cemented her place in Hollywood history with unforgettable performances. 

17. Audrey Hepburn

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Tiffany’s Street/YouTube

In the 1950s and 60s, Audrey Hepburn became one of the biggest names in showbiz. With elegant beauty and critically acclaimed performances, Hepburn transcended time. She made headlines when she won an Academy Award for her role in Roman Holiday. Hepburn starred in a host of classic movies, including Sabrina, My Fair Lady, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

The fashion icon is also among the few to win an Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Award. Later, she retired and dedicated her life to UNICEF and humanitarian work.

18. Jennifer Lawrence

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

With her girl-next-door vibes, Jennifer Lawrence won over audiences the moment she appeared on the screen. Lawrence is best known for portraying Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games series and Mystique in the X-Men franchise.

In 2012, Lawrence became the second youngest person to win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Silver Linings Playbook. The world-famous actress is one of the most influential celebrities in Hollywood. 

19. Alexandra Daddario

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Andrea Raffin/Shutterstock

Alexandra Daddario has quite a career starring in comedies, horror pics, and action movies. She’s best known for starring in Texas Chainsaw 3D, San Andreas, and Baywatch. The Hollywood superstar also landed significant television roles that elevated her career.

For instance, critics praised her stellar performance in the 2021 HBO series White Lotus. She stars in the upcoming supernatural horror series Mayfair Witches. 

20. Emilia Clarke

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Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock

After some early success on British television, Emilia Clarke became world-famous for her portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen in the critically acclaimed HBO series Game of Thrones. Clarke instantly became television’s biggest star, which led to her movie career taking off.

Clarke starred in blockbusters Terminator Genisys and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Magazines like Maxim and FHM consider her one of the sexiest women in Hollywood history. 

21. Amber Heard

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Denis Makarenko/Shutterstock

Since making her feature film debut, Amber Heard has become one of Hollywood’s fastest-rising stars. She appeared in popular movies such as Pineapple Express, Magic Mike XXL, and The Danish Girl. She is perhaps best known for her role as Mera in the DC Extended Universe, with appearances in Aquaman and Justice League.

Heard’s marriage and divorce from Johnny Depp created significant headlines, with the bitter and public lawsuit battle putting Depp and Heard at the center of controversy and damaging both of their careers. 

22. Elizabeth Taylor

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Leonardo Baricala/YouTube

In the 1950s, Elizabeth Taylor exploded onto the scene. She quickly made a name for herself, becoming one of the finest actresses of her generation. The two-time Academy-Award winner starred in Father of the Bride, Cleopatra, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

Her personal life gained a lot of attention for her wild celebrity lifestyle and eight marriages to seven different men. Later, the Hollywood icon co-founded the American Foundation for Aids Research and the Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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