
23 Cute Anime Girls From Your Favorite Shows 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 23 Cute Anime Girls From Your Favorite Shows. Please like and share if You are interested!

Anime can trace its roots back to the early 1900s. It slowly grew in popularity until it experienced a boom in the 80s. Anime is now one of the most popular forms of animation. Critically acclaimed anime shows usually feature a flawed hero against an unbeatable villain or monster. On the other hand, romantic and comedy anime often takes a simple premise and turns it on its head. 

Anime is known for its unique style of animation and attention to detail. It was also one of the first mediums to feature female characters prominently. They often save the hero’s life on more than one occasion. In fact, sometimes they’re the main protagonist of the story.

The female characters often share similar physical traits, such as big beautiful eyes and long flowing hair. In other words, they’re cute anime girls. The characters might be cute, but don’t make the mistake of underestimating them. They’re fearless, kind, funny, and tough. Here’s a look at 23 cute anime girls not to be messed with. 

23 Cute Anime Girls From Your Favorite Shows

1. Ezra Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

YouTube/Gomitta McCrackin

In the popular anime Fairy Tail, Erza Scarlet is the toughest and most feared in the guild. She has no patience and can snap at a moment’s notice. To be fair, she had a tough childhood and even lost an eye. She later got an artificial eye in its place.

Regardless, she still has big, pretty brown eyes to match her scarlet red hair. Despite her short fuse, Erza is a cool and caring person that demands respect. 

2. Haruhi Suzumiya (Haruhi Suzumiya) 

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Haruhi Suzumiya is controlling, bossy, and obsessive. She struggles with boredom and spends most of her time searching for time travelers, psychics, and aliens. This fascinating anime series follows Haruhi as she leads the SOS Brigade in finding these paranormal events.

Most of her classmates can’t help but fall in love with the awkward but sweet alien hunter. Kyon was awe-struck the first time he laid eyes on her. Haruhi has a unique style to match her personality. Her most distinctive feature is her large brown eyes and flowing brown hair, which she wears in various styles. 

3. Kanade Tachibana (Angel Beats)

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Yui Hideki/YouTube

The anime series Angel Beats revolves around a high school in the afterlife. One of the main characters and Student Council President, Kanade Tachibana, isn’t one to open up or share her emotions.

Also known as Angel, her lack of facial expression or emotion makes her a mystery. The other characters often comment that she’s insanely beautiful. Her strongest feature is her big gold and auburn cat-like eyes. Her eyes accentuate her long flowing white hair. 

4. Yuuki Asuna (Sword Art Online)

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In the popular anime Sword Art Online, Kirito, and Yuuki Asuna meet while playing an intense MMORPG reality game. While trying to win the game, Asuna and Kirito fall in love.

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Asuna’s determined to win the game, but her caring personality won’t let her leave anyone in trouble or behind. Asuna’s a simple girl with hazelnut eyes complementing her Orange-ish chestnut hair. She’s easily one of the top ten cute anime girls.

5. Momoko Sakura (Chibi Maruko-Chan)

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Set in 1974, the semi-autobiographical anime Chibi Maruko-Chan follows the main protagonist Momoko Sakura as she gets into trouble and has to figure her way out. Momoko has a unique look that differs from other female anime characters.

She’s a young girl with distinctive pink cheeks, which is an uncommon trait in anime. Her short black hair sits on the top of her face and highlights her big eyes. 

6. Mai Sakurajima (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai)

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Aniplex USA/YouTube

Mai Sakurajima is a gorgeous actress that suddenly can’t get anyone to notice her. It’s almost as if she doesn’t exist even when she’s hopping around in a skin-tight bunny outfit. In the clever anime Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai, student Sakuta attempts to help Mai uncover why nobody can see her except him.

In the series, Mai’s regarded as a breathtaking actress with big blue eyes with shades of purple. Like many anime characters, she has long black hair down to her waist. She often wears a bunny outfit that highlights her tall and curvy body. 

7. Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)

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Kanna Kamui accomplished something no character in the history of anime could do. She’s both a cute anime girl and a cute anime dragon. That’s very rare in any form of medium.

Kanna’s one of the main characters of the anime series Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. As a human, she has piercing blue eyes that go perfectly with her white hair in two ponytails. She’s also a white feathered dragon with the same dark blue eyes. 

8. Mirajane Strauss (Fairy Tail)

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In the world of Fairy Tail, Mirajane Strauss is so attractive she’s actually a model in Sorcerer’s Magazine. Strauss is a powerful wizard in the anime Fairy Tail and an important character. She’s easily recognizable by her big blue eyes and white hair.

Strauss’ hair is one of her strongest features, which she wears in various styles. Don’t let her good looks fool you. In her younger days, she had the nickname “The Demon.” Criminals feared her bad temper and wrath if they crossed her. However, she became a deeply caring person later in life. 

9. Taiga Aisaka (Toradora)

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Taiga Aisaka “Palmtop Tiger” is one of the main characters of the popular romantic comedy Toradora. She stands out with her big amber eyes and curly light brown hair. However, unlike other cute anime girls, Taiga is not drawn to be perfect.

Taiga’s as short as a young child and doesn’t have the trademark anime character’s assets or hourglass figures. She has a short fuse to match her cute features too. She tends to get upset over small things and is frustrated she’s not developing like the rest. Regardless, the other characters in the series often point out that Taiga is unbelievably beautiful.

10. Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)

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The Soul of Wind/YouTube

Nezuko Kamado’s a ten, but she’s a demon. Demon Slayer follows Tanjiro Kamado as he trains to become a demon slayer after his sister, Nezuko, turns into one. Despite being a demon, Nezuko still has all the common anime traits.

She has big pink eyes, long eyelashes, and flowing black hair that turns fiery orange. Unlike the other cute anime girls, Nezuko also has prominent fangs and long, sharp nails. As a human, she was a deeply caring person that loved her family. She’s a typical demon wanting to eat people, but then her caring side emerges, making things that much more interesting. 

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11. Miku Nakano (The Quintessential Quintuplets)

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Live Wallpaper Anime/YouTube

The romantic comedy The Quintessential Quintuplets takes the concept of How I Met Your Mother to a new level. The series follows Fuutarou Uesugi as he prepares for his wedding and reveals the identity of his bride through flashbacks. The only thing anime fans know for sure is that it’s one of five quintuplets he previously tutored.

One of those sisters is the cute yet self-deprecating Miku Nakano. She tends to be possessive, jealous, and blunt. All five sisters have piercing blue eyes with busty and curvy figures. Miku has red hair to her shoulders with strands hanging over her face. Plus, she never goes anywhere without her trademark headphones. 

12. Raphtalia (The Rising of the Shield Hero)

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In the anime, The Rising of the Shield Hero, Raphtalia fights alongside disgraced hero Naofumi Iwatani and the monster Filo. Initially a slave, Raphtalia grows to become a feared and dangerous warrior.

At first, Raphtalia’s a sick young child, but thanks to Iwatani and enhanced aging, she quickly becomes a capable young adult. She’s a demi-human and is part tanuki and raccoon. Therefore, her reddish eyes compliment her red tanuki ears. Her long brown hair matches her bushy tail as well. 

13. Misaki Ayuzawa (Maid Sama)

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Ani Clip/YouTube

In Maid Sama, Student Council President Misaki Ayuzawa works hard to make the former all-boys school, Seika High School, a safe place where female students and teachers can feel welcome. However, all her work nearly unravels when a boy from school discovers she works at a maid cafe to pay back her father’s debt.

Misaki is a simple girl with a rugged exterior. Her amber eyes with hints of gold are her strongest feature. They highlight her shoulder-length black hair which makes her one of the cutest anime girls. 

14. Rize Kamishiro (Tokyo Ghoul)

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The Hawk’s Nest/YouTube

When Ken Kaneki scored a date with Rize Kamishiro, he was on top of the world. Well, until she turned him into a ghoul. In Tokyo Ghoul, ghouls secretly live among humans and struggle to hide their need to eat human flesh.

After Ken’s transformation, he still finds himself drawn toward Rize. It’s tough to ignore Rize’s charming enigmatic personality. Her big purple eyes compliment her pink lips, long purple hair, and curvy body. 

15. Lucy Heartfila (Fairy Tail)

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Mystogan Fernandes/YouTube

Natsu Dragneel is a famous wizard in the Fairy Tail guild. The beloved series follows Natsu on his adventures with the guild. It’s safe to say the anime series wouldn’t be the same without Lucy Heartfilia. She’s a powerful wizard with blond hair that she usually wears in a ponytail.

Like many female anime characters, she has big brown eyes to compliment her curvy body and style. She’s aware of her sex appeal and uses it to her advantage. However, she’s a smart, kind, and caring person. 

16. Kosaki Onodera (Nisekoi) 

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If Westside Story and anime had a baby, it would create the romantic anime Nisekoi. It tells the story of the children of rival gang members Raku and Chitoge pretending to be in a relationship to avoid a full-scale war between their families.

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But as it turns out, Raku has a crush on Kosaki Onodera. The sweet and shy Kosaki eventually becomes one of his main love interests. She has distinctive big brown eyes that perfectly match her short brown hair. 

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17. Nemuri Kayama (My Hero Academia)

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My Hero Academia has quickly become one of the most popular anime of the last few years. It revolves around a school for students with superpowers. None of the characters in the show compare with the fearless and uncompromising Nemuri Kayama, aka Midnight.

Midnight has a tall hourglass figure with unique purple hair, big blue eyes, and a distinctive beauty mark. She’s a teacher at the school known for her flirty personality and oozing sexuality. At the same time, she has a bad temper and often loses it without warning.

18. Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)

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Gui Santos/YouTube

The shy and sweet teenager Madoka Kaname is one of the main characters in the popular anime Madoka Magica. Initially she lacks confidence, but that changes when she becomes a magical girl.

She spends her free time battling monsters and witches. Madoka usually wears her eye-catching pink hair in various styles. She also has unique bright pink eyes matching her hair and personality. 

19. Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War)

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Hii Edits/YouTube

The romantic comedy anime Kaguya-Sama: Love is War follows the perfect couple that’s too proud to admit they have feelings for each other. Chika Fujiwara is the childhood best friend of the main female protagonist Kaguya Shinomiya. Chika’s cuteness helps her stick out in the series.

She has a bubbly and upbeat personality that’s contagious. She’s short with long silver hair and big distinctive eyes. Chika didn’t get to play video games growing up, so she’s into some uncommon hobbies like German analog games. 

20. Mio Akiyama (K-On!)

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timtam 2400/YouTube

The anime series K-On! follows five girls that come together to form the band Ho-Kago Tea Time. Of course, no band is complete without a talented bassist, vocalist, and writer. Enter Mio Akiyama.

Mio’s a gifted talent with a calming presence and a big heart. She’s often the voice of reason and the glue that keeps the band together. It’s hard to miss her as she’s the tallest in the group. Mio is best known for her trademark gray eyes with hints of blue that compliment her dazzling black hair. 

21. Saeko Busujima (Highschool of the Dead)

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Highschool of the Dead follows a group of high school students trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Also known as “them,” the zombies pose a serious and dangerous threat to the group. Luckily, the group includes a skilled fighter that helps keep them alive from “them.”

Saeko Busujima is a skilled, down-to-earth, humble, and dependable member of the group. It’s easy to recognize her due to her big blue eyes and straight purple hair. She always stays calm, which helps during zombie attacks. 

22. Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)

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Winry Rockbell is a mechanic and surgeon that assists brothers Edward and Alphonso Elric on their wild adventures in the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. She has a striking look with long wavy blonde hair and cute little bangs hanging over her face.

Her shiny blonde hair accentuates her piercing blue eyes. That all compliments her happy-go-lucky, upbeat personality. Despite being stubborn, Winry has a compassionate and empathetic soul. 

23. Maka Albarn (Soul Eater) 

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The beloved anime Soul Eater follows Soul Evans as he attends the Death Weapon Meister Academy. The younger teen Maka Albarn becomes his partner despite their very different personalities. Maka’s intelligent, hard-working, and never gives up.

At the same time, she tends to be impulsive and acts without thinking. She has a short fuse and is quick to lose her temper. Regardless, she has a big heart and is very caring. Maka’s dark green eyes and blonde hair give her a distinct look. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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