
30 Stupid Song Lyrics That Will Have You Cracking Up 2023

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In this Article, We will know about 30 Stupid Song Lyrics That Will Have You Cracking Up. Please like and share if You are interested!

A great song can really speak to you through the lyrics sung by the frontman or band. They can make you have all the feels; be that joy, sadness, anger, or even a sense of relief. Songs with memorable lyrics capture a moment or feeling and can become time capsules for important events in your life. But then there are those songs with terrible lyrics that make you question everything. Stupid song lyrics are memorable for all the wrong reasons and probably won’t appear on any of your favorite playlists. 

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There can be any number of reasons why a song has stupid lyrics. Sometimes it’s the way the words are sung while other times it’s just non-sensical gibberish that fits in with the melody or beat. This is often the case for rap songs, with words and phrases that have no connection working due to the fact that they rhyme. It can also just be a butchering of the English language that results in ridiculous lyrics that will have you laughing along to the song. 

To illustrate just how stupid song lyrics can be, we’ve collected some of the funniest and most cringe-worthy lyrics that will have you chuckling. They cover all genres and subjects and come from a wide range of artists that will have you wondering how they became successful in the first place. 

30 Stupid Song Lyrics That Will Have You Cracking Up

1. LFO – “Summer Girls”

“New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits/Chinese food makes me sick.”

2. Pitbull (ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, & Nayer – “Give Me Everything”

“Me not working hard?/Yea, right!/Picture that with a Kodak/And, better yet, go to Times Square/Take a picture of me with a Kodak.”

3. Hilary Duff – “So Yesterday”

“If the light is off, then it isn’t on.” 

4. 2 Chainz – “Fork”

“My stove deserves a shout-out/I’m like ‘What up, stove,’”

5. Selena Gomez – “I Love You Like a Love Song”

“I love you like a love song, baby.”

6. Black Eyed Peas – “I Got a Feeling”

“Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday to Sunday.”

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7. Outkast – “Humble Mumble”

“Too Democratic, Republic, fuck it/We chicken nugget, we dip in the sauce like mop and bucket.”

8. Taylor Swift  – “Love Story”

“‘Cause you were Romeo/I was a scarlet letter/And my daddy said stay away from Juliet.”

9. Nicki Minaj – “Stupid Hoe”

“You a stupid hoe/You a/You a stupid hoe/(stupid, stupid).”

10. Frank Ocean – “Be Yourself” 

“Many college students have gone to college.”

11. Van Halen – “Why Can’t This Be Love?”

“Only time will tell if we stand the test of time.”

12. Train – “50 Ways To Say Goodbye”

“Someday I’ll find a love like yours/She’ll think I’m Superman, not SuperMinivan/How could you leave on Yom Kippur?”

13. JME – “96 Fuckries”

“Nobody wants a punch in the face/Cause when you get punched in the face it hurts.”

14. The Killers – “All These Things That I Have Done.”

“I’ve got soul but I’m not a soldier.”

15. Lil B – “Wonton Soup”

“Bitches suck my dick because I look like J.K. Rowling.”

16. Rihanna – “Birthday Cake”

“I’mma make you my bitch/Cake, cake, cake, cake/Cake, cake, cake, cake/Cake, cake, cake, cake/Cake, cake, cake.”

17. Ed Sheeran – “Wake Me Up”

“And I know you love Shrek/Because we’ve watched it 12 times.”

18. Eminem (ft Rihanna) – “Love the Way You Lie”

“Now you get to watch her leave out the window/Guess that’s why they call it window pane.”

19. Kanye West – “All Mine”

“I love your titties ’cause they prove I can focus on two things at once.”

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20. Sisqo – “Thong Song”

“She had dumps like a truck truck truck/Thighs like what what what/Baby move your butt butt butt”

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21. Spice Girls – “Wanna Be”

“I really really really wanna zig a zig aaaaaaah.”

22. Shakira – “Whatever, Whenever”

“Lucky that my breasts are small and humble/So you don’t confuse them, with mountains.” 

23. Usher (ft. Piles) – “Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) [Remix]”

“Take your shoes off and I’ll rub your fat toes/Let me pour Kool-Aid on you, real slow.”

24. Dr. Dre – “Keep Their Heads Ringin’”

“I kick plenty of ass, so call me an astronaut.”

25. Sia – “Drink To Get Drunk”

“To unlock doors I use keys.” 

26. Jimmy Webb – “MacArthur Park”

“Someone left the cake out in the rain/I don’t think that I can take it/Cause it took so long to bake it/And I’ll never have that recipe again.”

27. Britney Spears – “Email My Heart”

“Email my heart and say our love will never die.”

28. Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Around the World”

“Bonafide ride, step aside my Johnson/Yes I could in the woods of Wisconsin.”

29. Katy Perry – “Firework”

“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

30. Insane Clown Posses – “Miracles” 

“Water, fire, air, and dirt/Fucking magnets, how do they work?/And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist/Y’all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed.”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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