
30 Things To Do Before Getting A Tattoo 2023

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Getting your first tattoo is almost a rite of passage. Unfortunately, no one teaches you about tattoos in school.

If you’re getting ready for your first piece of body art, try these top 30 things to do before getting a tattoo below.

Also, consider reading up on how to tip your artist, how to handle aftercare, etc. Honestly, there are a lot of things you need to learn and understand before going to the tattoo parlor.

1. Shave

Want to get needles faster? Take a minute to shave the area you intend to shave. Yes, your artist will do it anyway, but it’s better to do it on your own time.

2. Brush your teeth

Things to do before getting a tattooThings to do before getting a tattoo

You will have a complete stranger in your personal space for a while. If you want their life to be better, brush their teeth. The artist hasn’t done anything to deserve your bad breath.

3. Take a shower

Things to do before getting a tattooThings to do before getting a tattoo

No one wants to deal with BO in a tattoo shop. Make everyone happy by showering right before you enter. As a bonus, this will help you get rid of some of the nervous sweat.

4. Do your research

What do you know about tattoos? Unless you’re an expert, it’s time to hit the internet. Look up information about reactions to tattoos, treatment regimens, and how your body may be affected.

5. Test your pain tolerance

For some people, tattoos are the most painful thing in the world. For others, it is a relaxing process. Test your own pain tolerance with the tip of a needle. Can you stand that? Otherwise, you will have a very bad time.

6. Check your range of motion

You should always know how your body moves when stretching. Move around the body part you are tattooing to learn which parts will be damaged during the healing process.

7. Check the law

Things to Do Before Getting a Tattoo Understand the LawThings to Do Before Getting a Tattoo Understand the Law

Different states have different laws regarding tattoos. Find out when you’re allowed to get one (probably not when you’re drinking) and whether you need parental consent (if you’re under 18). It’s better to find out before being rejected by the store.

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8. Talk to your boss

Things to do before getting a tattoo Consider your workplaceThings to do before getting a tattoo Consider your workplace

Your tattoo can have a huge impact on your career. Check with your boss or human resources to see if your workplace has a policy about tattoos. These rules have largely been relaxed over the past decade, but inspections are never difficult.

9. Talk to someone in your field

You may also want to ask others in your field about your tattoo. If using ink is a no-no in their office, you may want to reconsider your choice. Always double check before you impact your career prospects.

10. Talk to your partner/spouse

You should also consult with the most important person in your life. If that person hates tattoos, you will put a reminder of your lack of interest in front of that person every day. Have a quick chat about what you’ll be doing before stepping foot into the store.

11. Search for meaning

Double-check to make sure your tattoo means what you think it means. The last thing you want is something spelled wrong in a foreign language or something that has a bad prison connotation. The Internet is your friend in this search.

12. Be sure

Seriously, make sure you want a tattoo. They can be removed but it is a long and painful process. Don’t put yourself in this position if you’re not sure you want ink.

13. Sketch something

Things to do before getting a tattoo Sketch your designThings to do before getting a tattoo Sketch your design

Do you have a basic idea of ​​what you want? If so, try sketching it out. Even if you’re not an artist, it will give you a good idea of ​​what to expect on your skin. Get creative with the sketch, especially if you’re looking for something abstract.

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14. Talk to an artist

If you can’t draw, make sure to talk to someone who can. Have a professional sketch for you. Bonus points if this professional is actually a tattoo artist – they tend to have a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

15. Look at the beautiful tattoo

Take some time to look at beautiful tattoos online – check out these tattoo ideas. Learn what makes them look good and how you can apply those same concepts to your own artwork. Don’t worry if they look too detailed – you may have to come back more than once.

16. Look at bad tattoos

Take a moment to look at bad tattoos. Not only will this help you figure out what to avoid, but it will also prevent you from going somewhere with a bad reputation.

17. Look up the artist

Once you have your sketch, start looking for local tattoo parlors. Find a venue with good ratings and highly rated artists. Don’t be afraid if the outside looks sketchy, but make sure the inside is fine.

18. Get referrals

Never go in blind. Always make sure your artist has a good portfolio and that they are recommended by others. If you can’t get an in-person referral, make sure you can get an online referral.

19. Request a quote

Once you have an artist, get a quote. You shouldn’t try to find a bargain tattoo, but you don’t need to pay a lot for each piece of art.

20. Look at specials

If you really don’t care about your tattoo, check out the specials. Some shops have special promotions on days like Halloween or Friday the 13th. You can also get special tattoos that honor ideals close to the artists’ hearts.

21. Buy medicinal products

Your tattoo will need a little care afterward. Go ahead and buy the products you need now to avoid price increases at the store. Don’t waste this – your skin will thank you later. To make life easier, buy an after-care kit like this one from Tattoo Goo.

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Read our guide to tattoo aftercare to find out what you need.

22. Look at your schedule

You’ll also want to look at your schedule before getting a tattoo. Since you need to avoid extreme temperatures and direct sunlight, you’ll probably want to avoid any beach vacations for the foreseeable future.

23. Schedule a day off

If this is your first tattoo, you may want to schedule a day off for the day after you get it done. This will give you some time to deal with the pain of healing and get used to your aftercare routine.

24. Go to sleep

Things to do before getting a tattoo Get enough sleepThings to do before getting a tattoo Get enough sleep

This is something you should definitely sleep on. Never get a tattoo on the spur of the moment.

25. Hitchhike

Ask someone to drive you to the store. A little emotional support is a good thing. Having a ride home is even better.

26. Cheer yourself up

Finally, calm yourself before entering. Everyone there knows you’re nervous, but don’t let that shake you. This can be a lot of fun – and it’s worth it in the end.

27. Eat a hearty meal first

Of all the things to do, eating a hearty meal before sitting in your chair is definitely the most important! It’s easy to feel light-headed when getting a tattoo, and getting one on an empty stomach will only make things significantly worse. In fact, there’s plenty of research showing that a full stomach can actually reduce your sensitivity to pain, thus making getting a tattoo less painful! It makes sense when you consider how uncomfortable most people are when they’re hungry. Every little thing annoys them to death!

Categories: Tattoos
Source: Tekmonk Bio

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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