
42 Hilarious Superbad Quotes 2023

42 Hilarious Superbad Quotes 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 42 Hilarious Superbad Quotes. Please like and share if You are interested!

In the vibrant world of comedy cinema, few films have been as ingrained in the fabric of popular culture as the 2007 hit. Very bad. Whether it’s classic Very bad quotes, funny cameos or constant mischievous jokes, this movie will keep you laughing. Written by Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg, directed by Greg Mottola and produced by Judd Apatow, the film stars Michael Cera and Jonah Hill as teenagers Evan (Cera) and Seth (Hill), two contract-makers. Wishing to lose my virginity before graduating. Hilarity ensues as the duo and their goofy friend Fogell (Christopher Mintz Plasse) get into all kinds of trouble.

As audiences embark on an unforgettable journey through a chaotic landscape of teenage shenanigans accompanied by stunning performances from Emma Stone, Bill Hader and Martin Starr, Very bad became not only the quintessential coming-of-age film but also a treasure trove of countless quotable lines that have become part of our everyday vocabulary. From loud one-liners that stand the test of time to hilariously awkward exchanges that reflect the mistakes of our youth, Very bad the quotes have transcended the silver screen, evolving into jokes shared between friends and memes spread across the digital landscape.

Hit theaters like a comedy whirlwind, Very bad has carved its niche by capturing the raw essence of friendship, the exhilarating journey of self-discovery and the hilariously awkward escapades that inevitably accompany the journey to manhood. Inside this cinematic gem are a series of lines that have the ability to instantly transport us back to the rollercoaster ride of our teenage years, where every awkward conversation and wild party felt like an epic story. Whether it’s Seth’s strangely bold statements, Evan’s endearing innocence, or McLovin’s timeless missteps, these Superbad quotes are not only synonymous with the film itself but are also intertwined into the tapestry of humor in our lives.

So join us as we immerse ourselves in a nostalgic parade full of laughter and reminiscence, exploring the iconic Very bad quotes that continue to tickle our funny bones and remind us that no matter how old we get, the spirit of those unforgettable, hilarious teenage years will forever linger. in our hearts and conversations.

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Unforgettable lines: 42 iconic quotes we still love

Sony Pictures Entertainment/YouTube

1. “A name, who are you, Seal?” – Evan

2. “You know when you hear girls say ‘Oh my god, my face was so bad last night, I shouldn’t have slept with that guy?’ We could have made that mistake!” – Seth

3. “’Muhammad’ is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a damn book for once!” – Fogell

4. “Hawaii. Okay, that’s good. I guess it’s hard to keep track. Wait, you changed your name to… McLovin?” – Evan

5. “I’m McLovin!” – Fogell

6. “You look like Aladdin.” – Evan

7. “I have this problem too, about 8% of children have it, but never mind. For some reason, I don’t know why, I just sat all day… and drew pictures of dicks.” – Seth

8. “Prepare to be fucked by the long cock of the law!” – Officer Michaels

9. “Fuck me, right?” – Seth

10. Becca: “Your cock is so smooth!”

Evan: “Yours too…if you were a man.”

11. “Prepare to be punished by the long cock of the law.” – Officer Michaels

12. “Chicka, ah-yeah, fake ID” – Fogell

13. Jules: “You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.”

Seth: “Oh Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it rests on my dick.”

14. Officer Michaels: “Yeah McLovin, how’s it going with the ladies?”

Fogell: “It’s not ‘going’ that worries me… it’s ‘coming.’”

15. “What, you think Becca will get aroused when you bring a bottle of lube? ‘Oh, Evan! Thank you so much for bringing that lube to my pussy! I could never handle your fucking four inch cock in my pussy without your giant bottle of LUBE!’ These girls are all 18 years old. They’re not dry old ladies, man. They’re ready to go!” – Seth

16. “Old enough… to party.” – Fogell

17. Fogell: “What is it like to own a gun?”

Officer Michaels: “It was like having two roosters. If one of your roosters could kill someone.”

18. “Do you have any regular sized clothes or do you only shop at Baby Gap?” – Seth

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19. “McLovin? Did you violate that young lady? Did you violate her with your penis? – Officer Slater

20. Becca: “I’m so wet right now.”

Evan: “Yeah… they said it would happen in health class.”

21. “That is the most interesting story I have ever heard in my life! That’s crazy. Is that… Can I listen again, do you have time? – Seth

22. Officer Michaels: “McLovin, how old are you?”

Fogell: “Old enough.”

Fogell: “Old enough for what?”

Fogell: “Go to the party.”

23. “We shouldn’t block McLovin’s cock, we should guide his cock.” – Officer Michaels

24. “So I have to sit here and eat dessert alone like I’m hanging out with Steven Glansberg.” – Seth

25. “I have a small bone!” – Fogell

26. Seth: “Hey Greg, why don’t you pee your pants?”

Football player Greg: [turning around] “That was like 8 years ago, you bastard!”

Seth: [yelling] “Don’t forget everyone!”

27. Officer Slater: “Hey kid, what’s your real name?”

Fogell: “Fogell… is Fogell.”

Officer Michaels: “Fogell? Damn it, we’re calling you McLovin!

28. “By the time college starts, I’ll be like the Iron Chef of Pounding Vag!” – Seth

29. Fogell: “What is it like to have a gun?”

Officer Michaels: “That was… amazing! I mean I’ve only had it for a few months, but I’ll tell you, it’s like having two c*cks. If one of your bastards can kill someone.

30. “​​No one has had a job wearing cargo shorts since ‘nam! – Seth

31. Evan: “Yeah, the chicks are crazy about that… male camel toe.”

Seth: “Yeah yeah! Camel tail.”

32. “Are you crazy?! Looking at Jules’ dating profile, she dates Dan Remmeck, who has had six-pack abs since he was in kindergarten. Jason Stone looks like Zack Morris and Matt Muer is the sweetest guy! Have you ever looked him straight in the eyes? It was like the first time I heard The Beatles.” – Seth

33. Evan: “Do you want to be killed by alcohol?”

Seth: “No, but I would be killed for pussy. No questions asked!

34. “He is the sweetest guy. Have you ever looked into his eyes? It was like the first time I heard The Beatles.” – Seth

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35. “So you guys are on MySpace?” – Driver Francis

36. Evan: “I heard she had breast reduction surgery.”

Seth: “What? It’s like slapping God in the face for giving you such a beautiful gift.”

Evan: “She has back problems, man.”

Evan: “It’s not just making them smaller. They have completely reshaped them. They make them softer and more balanced.”

Seth: “I have to get a glimpse of these magicians. Let’s make a move.”

37. “I will give you the best J-shot ever… with my mouth.” – Becca

38. “Here I am in my unit, isolated and alone, eating my terrible tasting food and I have to look past it. That looks like the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and it’s BS – excuse my language. I just said I wash and dry; I’m like a single mother. Look, we all know home-ec is a joke—no offense—it’s just that people take this class to get A’s, and it’s bullshit—and I’m sorry. I’m not putting down your profession, but that’s just how I feel. I don’t want to sit here alone, cooking this crappy dish—no offense—and I just think I don’t need to cook tiramisu. When do I need to cook tiramisu? Will I become a chef? Are not. There are three weeks left until school ends, give me a break! I’m sorry for cursing.” – Seth

39. “Calm down, calm down. She likes you. She wants to suck your penis. It’s a good thing. It’s the best.” – Evan

40. Evan: “Look at those nipples.”

Seth: “They’re like little toes.”

Evan: “It’s not fair that they flaunt that stuff, you know… and like, I have to hide every erection I get. Imagine if the girls weren’t overwhelmed by our furniture and fixtures, and just wanted to meet them. That’s the world I want to live in one day.”

Seth: “You know what I do? I flipped my underwear into the waistband. It hides it AND it feels great. I almost blew a load into my belly button.”

41. “Someone got their period on my damn leg?!?” – Seth

42. Seth: “Enjoy your remaining years!”

Old woman: “I will do that! Enjoy, Jules!”

Seth: “I will!”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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