
90 Day’s Liz reveals why she’s still with Big Ed despite problems 2023

90 Day’s Liz reveals why she’s still with Big Ed despite problems 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about 90 Day’s Liz reveals why she’s still with Big Ed despite problems. Please like and share if You are interested!

90 Day Fiancé star Liz Woods has admitted why she has stayed with Big Ed Brown despite their “rocky” relationship.

90 Day: The Last Resort Season 1 features several couples from the franchise who haven’t had the most blissful relationships. The highlighted problems include Angela and Michael’s communication issues and Ed and Liz’s troubled history.

Season 8 duo Jovi and Yara also appear on The Last Resort due to the couple’s disagreement over a potential second child.

While Ed and Liz are still engaged, they have broken up at least 10 times since the start of their relationship. Here’s why Liz has decided to stick with Ed despite all their issues.

90 Day’s Ed & Liz have had issues since the start

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Liz spoke about what makes her want to get back together with Ed after splitting. “When I first met Ed, we actually didn’t really get along, but then during the pandemic, when we met at the restaurant; our restaurant was just re-opening,” Liz said.

“And he didn’t want to go home, and then I was getting out of a very bad relationship. So then we would just kind of hang out and just talk for like a half-hour after work every day. That was when I kind of saw a different side to him. So we became friends and I just got to know his heart.”

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During The Last Resort, viewers will see whether Ed and Liz move in together and finally get married. While the couple remained silent about their possible ceremony, a wedding invitation with the date August 29, 2023, has circulated on social media.

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However, some 90 Day cast members are tired of Ed and Liz’s relationship. For example, Angela shared how the couple just “loves attention.” Check out our article for her full statement.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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