
Elisha Covey – Husband, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday 2023

Elisha Covey – Husband, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Elisha Covey – Husband, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday. Please like and share if You are interested!

Elisha Covey (born January 7, 1986) is an American entrepreneur, podcaster, and social media celebrity. She is well-known for posting entrepreneurial content on her social media accounts. Not only that, but she and her husband have co-founded numerous businesses, including Covery Holdings, National Fabco, and others.

Quick Facts

Real NameElisha Covey
ProfessionEntrepreneur, podcaster, and social media star
Age37 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth7 January 1986
BirthplaceTexas, USA
HometownTexas, USA
Zodiac SignCapricorn
ReligionNot known
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForBeing an entrepreneur

Elisha Covey Biography

Elisha Covey was born in an American family in Texas, USA, on January 7th of each year. Elisha is her nickname, and Capricorn is her zodiac sign. She completed her high school education at a local private school in her hometown. However, no information about her educational qualifications is available.

Elisha Covey Age, Height, And Weight

Elisha Covey is 37 years old and was born in 1986. Her height is 5 feet 7 inches and her weight is approximately 54 kg. Elisha has light brown hair and brown eyes. Her body measurements are 33-24-35, and she wears 9.5 (US) shoes.

Elisha Covey – Husband, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday 1Elisha Covey – Husband, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday 2Elisha Covey


Elisha Covey came from a middle-class family. As a result, she worked in a variety of jobs from a young age. She did, however, mostly work as an ice cream server because she loved them. In 2004, she landed a job as a Sales Representative at AT&T after finishing her studies. She left her job after working for five years to pursue her dream.

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La Bella Cupcakes, a bakery, was her first business, which she started in 2010. Within a year, she had three bakeries and a food truck under the company name. Though this business provided her with a stable living, she was always aware that it would not allow her to make millions. That’s when she met her current husband, Charles Covey. She closed her bakery before marrying him in order to relocate to Dallas.

She worked at BirdEye Inc. for about 16 months after her marriage before starting her own business. In November 2017, she and her husband co-founded National Fabco. At the same time, they established Covey Holdings, an investment firm. She has grown her businesses by more than 40 times in the last five years. Initially, it was just her and Charles, but their team has grown to over 100 members at this point.

One of her businesses currently generates $20 million in annual revenue. Her companies have also collaborated with global brands such as Berkshire Hathaway, AECOM, Turner, and others. In addition to the two companies mentioned above, she co-founded LandVest Development in April 2021. In addition, she is the President of Trojan Construction Group, an Abu Dhabi-based construction company.

Elisha Covey’s Career in social media

Elisha Covey only recently began to concentrate on social media popularity. Her social media accounts show that she is more focused on sharing content on Instagram. She began sharing short video clips on her Instagram account in July 2022, following the launch of Instagram Reels.

She has seen tremendous growth on the platform in the last few months. In fact, one of her reels has received over a million likes. While she continues to share content on a regular basis, her follower count is rapidly increasing. She currently has more than 159k Instagram followers.

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She is also a podcaster, as previously stated. She co-hosts The Girlfriends Show podcast with fellow entrepreneur Zlata Sushchik. The duo is seen on the podcast discussing a variety of topics. Since their debut in June 2022, the duo has released over 20 episodes.

Elisha Covey Husband, Marriage

Elisha Covey is a married woman whose name is Charles Covey. After two years of dating, her husband proposed that she close her bakeries and marry him so that they could go into business together. Elisha agreed to the proposal and married in 2015, despite the fact that it was a difficult decision for her to make.

She and Charles moved to Dallas after their marriage and began co-founding various businesses. When it comes to her children, it is believed that she has two (a boy and a girl).

Elisha had previously been married and even had an ex-husband before this marriage. According to one of her Instagram posts, she was never happy after her first marriage. As a result, she divorced and resolved never to marry again, but things improved when she met her current husband.

Her ethnicity indicates that she is of Middle Eastern descent. Her nationality, however, is American. Though she hasn’t revealed her parents’ names, they divorced when she was a teenager. As the family’s eldest child, she supported her family by working at ice cream shops. Despite being the eldest, she has four siblings.

Mr. Elisha Covey’s Net Worth

Elisha Covey’s net worth is estimated to be $13 million as of July 2023. She makes the majority of her money from various businesses. She claims to have a business portfolio worth eight figures. As a result, her businesses enable her to earn millions of dollars each year. Though it is unknown how much of a stake she has in each of her companies, it is clear that she is a major shareholder in all of them.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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