
Bibi Gaytan- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Bibi Gaytan- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Bibi Gaytan- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Bibi Gaytan is a singer and actress from Mexico. She is most recognized for her roles in the movies Mas Que Alcazar Una Estrella (1992), Camila (1998-1999), and In the Name of Love (2008).

Quick Facts

Real NameBibi Gaytan
Nick NameBibi
Date Of BirthJanuary 27, 1972
Age51 years old
BirthplaceTapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Height5 feet 6 inches
Weight54 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorDark Brown
Net Worth$1 million

Bibi Gaytan’s Age & Early Life

Bibi Gaytan was born in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico, on January 27, 1972. Daniel Gaytan and Silvia Barragan are her parents. Her father, Daniel, is an architect, while her mother teaches classical dance. Chacho, Alejandro, Daniel “Mano,” and Ruy Rodrigo are her four brothers. She is of Spanish ethnicity. There is no information available regarding her educational and professional history.

Bibi Gaytan Height & Weight

Bibi Gaytan has stunning dark brown eyes and black hair. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs around 54 kg. Her exact physical size is unknown.

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Bibi Gaytan’s Net Worth

How much is Bibi Gaytan’s net worth? Bibi Gaytan’s net worth is believed to be $1 million as of July 2023. Her excellent profession as an actress is obviously her primary source of money. 

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She joined the musical ensemble Timbiriche in 1989. Tan Solo Una Mujer, her solo single, charted, and she was successful in her singing career. Bibi Gaytan, her debut solo album, was released in 1992. In Latin America, she also marketed her first album. Manzana Verde, her studio album, was published in 1994.

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Similarly, she was cast in the television series Televisa telenovela and Alcanzar Una Estrella II in 1991. She appeared in the 1992 film Mas Que Alcanzar Una Estrella, which was a box-office success. She may also be seen in the famous television show Dos Mujeres, Un Camino. In 1998, she appeared in the television series Camilo. Bidi later featured in five episodes of En Nombre del Amor in the 2000s.

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Bibi Gaytan Husband & Marriage

Who is Bibi Gaytan’s husband? Bibi is married to Eduardo Capetillo as of 2020. He is a well-known Mexican singer and TV actor. They tied the knot on June 25, 1994. Eduardo (1994), Ana Paula (1997), Alejandra (1999), twin Manuel and Daniel Capetillo (2014) are the couple’s five children.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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