
Fans think Addison Rae is releasing new music after countdown appears on website 2023

Fans think Addison Rae is releasing new music after countdown appears on website 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Fans think Addison Rae is releasing new music after countdown appears on website. Please like and share if You are interested!

Fans believe that Addison Rae is releasing music soon after a countdown randomly appeared on her website recently.

Over the last year or so, Addison Rae has taken time away from her TikTok channel to focus on other aspects of her career, namely music and acting.

She’s set to appear beside A-list celebs like Ryan Reynolds, Jason Momoa, and Aubrey Plaza in Animal Friends soon, but it appears that’s not all she has up her sleeve.

A countdown has appeared on her website, and fans believe Addison is set to release new music.

Is Addison Rae releasing new music?

At the moment, it’s not entirely clear what Addison’s new countdown is for exactly. It’s set to end on Friday, August 18, 2023, a day of the week when new music is often released.

The website features phrases like “2 Die 4,” “It could’ve been you,” and “I could just cry,” alongside a bubble and the instructions “do not pop” pointing to it.

Once you click on the bubble to pop it, however, it reveals the countdown.

Two of the three phrases we listed above are names of some of Addison Rae’s songs that have leaked in the past, and one YouTuber who had them uploaded to his account has received a copyright strike.

Although they didn’t reveal who the strike was from, two of the videos in their screenshot are “2 Die 4” and “It could’ve been you.”

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Another post on Twitter shows that one of the videos on YouTube had been taken down by Warner Music Group, leading fans to believe Addison Rae signed a contract with the famous label.

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Of course, none of this has been confirmed at the time of writing, but fans are pretty confident in their predictions that Addison is set to release music on August 18, perhaps even with her own videos.

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We’ll update you when the countdown finishes, but in the meantime, you can head over to our entertainment section for more news and other viral stories.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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