
Elon Musk publicly accepts Mark Zuckerberg fight challenge 2023

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Elon Musk has publicly accepted Mark Zuckerberg’s challenge for a mixed martial arts bout after the Facebook founder claimed Musk wasn’t actually “serious” about a fight.

The highly-anticipated match between tech giants Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg could be officially happening if Musk’s latest X (Twitter) posts are anything to go by.

It’s been nearly two months since talks of this proposed fight first surfaced online, with Musk claiming he was “up for” a cage match with Zuckerberg in a viral tweet back in June upon the launch of ‘Threads.’

Zuckerberg was quick to accept his offer, notably asking him to “send the location” — but since then, nothing has been confirmed, although Musk was happy to claim their bout was taking place in Italy and would be live streamed on both X and Meta.

Instagram: StylebenderZuckerberg is serious about MMA, having recently trained with UFC champs Alexander Volkanovski and Israel Adesanya.

Elon Musk says “challenge accepted” to Mark Zuckerberg fight

Zuck later claimed that he wasn’t “holding his breath” that their fight would actually happen and claimed that his opponent “wasn’t serious” about their proposed match… but now, it looks like Musk has turned the tables on his Facebook rival.

On August 14, 2023, Musk posted two tweets taking direct aim at Zuckerberg and seemingly accepting his calls for a fight.

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“Knock, knock… challenge accepted … open the door,” Musk wrote, tagging Zuckerberg’s Twitter account.

That’s not all; Musk also took the opportunity to troll Zuckerberg, writing in a reply, “Thought you might want some tea, so I brought the bags.”

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Thus far, Zuckerberg has urged fans to exercise caution when believing any of the claims Musk has made about their supposed fight — but now, it looks like Musk has officially accepted the bout following Zuck’s latest comments.

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Zuckerberg spokesperson responds to Elon Musk’s “challenge accepted” tweet

A spokesperson for Zuckerberg has since responded to Musk’s tweets, which many netizens have taken to mean that he might be at the Facebook owner’s home.

“Mark is traveling right now and isn’t in Palo Alto,” the spokesperson said, as told by Verge Editor Alex Heath. “Also, Mark takes this sport seriously and isn’t going to fight someone who randomly shows up at his house.”

Thus far, Zuck himself has yet to issue a response to Elon Musk, but according to the Meta mogul, he’s already been in talks with UFC Prez Dana White about their battle to make it a legitimate competition with proceeds going to charity — an idea that was proposed by YouTube-boxer Jake Paul not too long ago.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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