
Bhad Bhabie claims she “lives in fear” of her mother in alarming Instagram post 2023

Bhad Bhabie claims she “lives in fear” of her mother in alarming Instagram post 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Bhad Bhabie claims she “lives in fear” of her mother in alarming Instagram post. Please like and share if You are interested!

Bhad Bhabie took to her Instagram to vent about her mother, posting a series of stories recounting numerous instances of alleged abuse and claiming she lives “in fear”.

Danielle Bregoli, known as Bhab Bhabie, gained a large following after appearing on an episode of Dr. Phil in 2016 and uttering the famous “Catch me outside, how ‘bout that?” line.

She has since gone on to find success as a rapper and internet personality and has used her platform to call out her “narcissistic” mother, Barbara Bregoli, and Dr. Phil’s cattle ranch-turned-therapeutic boarding school program.

Not holding back, Bhab Bhabie recently posted a series of alarming Instagram stories, claiming she “lives in fear” of her mother and sees death as the only escape.

“[My mother is] mentally sick and I’m scared of what she’s capable of,” Bhab Bhabie wrote, revealing she did not live with her mother out of choice. “Every time I ask for her to move out… she threatens me and threatens my boyfriend and friends.”

Bhad Bhabie stated that she just wanted her life back and to feel comfortable in her own home. She claimed that Barbara would fake documents and text messages to maintain control of the narrative and make Bhad Bhabie look like the perpetrator.

“I truly feel my only way out of this is to die,” the influencer admitted. “Even if I put her in her own home and remove her from my life, that won’t stop the threats and abuse.”

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Instagram: bhadbhabieBhad Bhabie claimed to support her mother financially, but that it was never enough.

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Bhad Bhabie also alleged that Barbara was “violent” and would “throw stuff” at her, her boyfriend, and her friends.

Despite this, Bhad Bhabie said that the police would not help her as she would need to go to court in order to have her mother evicted.

“I’m done letting everybody live in Barbara’s fantasy land,” she concluded. “The truth is slowly but surely making its way to everyone’s ears.”

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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