
Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday. Please like and share if You are interested!

Khai Hadid Malik: Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Parents, Birthday, Face reveal, Religion, Face Video, Pronunciation, Full Name, Latest News: You all must have surely heard about Gigi Hadid And Zyan Malik and how beautiful and splendid coupe they both make with each other. People are drooling over them for many years now since they were dating each other. Their fans almost lost their sanity when Gigi Hadid revealed the news that she is pregnant and soon expecting a baby. Yes! the baby is no other than Khai Hadid Malik. They have named their child Khai. Get to know all about her in the article below.


Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 1

Khai Hadid Malik Birth Details

Khai Hadid Malik came into the world on 19 September 2020 and she/he is currently just 1 year of age as in the year 2021. His/her friends, family members, and fans call her/him Khai. She/He was born to her parents in Pennsylvania, the United States and she/he holds an American-British nationality since her birth. For the people who believe in astrology, her/his zodiac sign or her birth sign is Virgo. The religion of his/her parents is Islam and belongs to the White ethnicity.

Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 2

Khai Hadid Malik Video Biography

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Khai Hadid Malik Parents 

We have already mentioned above the names of the bay’s parents are Zyan Javadd Malik and Jelena Noura Hadid (Gigi Hadid). Zyan Malik is a very popular and influential American singer and musician. He has a very huge fan base and many girls are still made after him. Because of his/her grandparents, Khai Hadid Malik belongs to multiracial ethnicity which includes Palestinian, Jordanian, Dutch, English, Irish, and Islam. Let us tell you that Gigi and Zyan and sadly not together anymore as they got separated from each other officially in October 2021. It is because Gigi’s mother accused Zyan of physical harassment.


The fans was very saddened by listening to this news. But, even after their divorce, Gigi and Zyan take care of their child together from time to time as every parent should do. They are even spotter together many times after their divorce.

Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 3

Khai Hadid Malik Grandparents & relatives

Talking about the grandparents of Khai Hadid Malik, the name of her paternal grandfather is Yaser Mail and he is originally an immigrant from Pakistan. He came to England in search of work and settles there. He then married this woman named Trisha Brannan who is Khai’s paternal grandmother. She belongs to English and Irish ethnicity but after marriage, she converted her religion into Islam.


The name of maternal grandmother of Khi is Yolanda Hadid. She used to work as a Dutch model and a famous TV personality in her time. The name of Khai’s paternal grandfather is Mohamed Hadid. He works as a real estate agent and a successful businessman in America.

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Other relatives include Gigi’s sister named Bella Hadid and her uncle named Anwar Hadid. On his/her paternal side, Khai has three aunts named Waliyha Mailk, Doniya Malik, and Safaa Malik.


Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 4

Here is the full Bio/Wiki of Khai Hadid Malik, her/his family/ mother/ father/ brother name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, interests/hobbies, boyfriends, girlfriends, husband, wife, spouse, cars, property, bikes, address, email, house, hometown, ethnicity, hometown, birthplace, parents, phone number, school, his/her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, earning /net worth, birthday, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, Date Of Birth, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Parents, Birthday, Face reveal, Religion, Face Video, Pronunciation, Full Name, Latest News.


Khai Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

Real NameKhai Hadid Malik
GenderNot Confirmed
ProfessionCelebrity Child
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 168 cm

in meters– 1.68 m

in feet inches– 5’ 6”

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 55 kg

in pounds– 121 lbs

Figure Measurements (approx.)Not Known
Eye ColourBlue
Hair ColourBrown
Date of Birth19 September 2020
Age1 Year
Birth PlacePennsylvania, United States
Zodiac sign/Sun signVirgo
HometownPennsylvania, United States
Educational QualificationN/A
CasteNot Known
AddressPennsylvania, United States
Hobbies/InterestsTraveling, Listening to Music
Marital StatusUnmarried
ParentsFather: Zyan Javadd Malik

Mother: Jelena Noura Hadid (Gigi Hadid)

SiblingsBrother: N/A

Sister: N/A

Net WorthN/A

Khai Hadid Malik: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Father, Mother, Parents, Fame, Birthday 5

Some lesser-known facts about Khai:

  • Khai’s first photograph was revealed recently and it instantly got viral to millions of people.
  • Zyan Malik has released an album named NOBODY IS LISTENING dedicated especially to his child.
  • Mother Gigi has shared many photos of her baby bump before her delivery.
  • Their grandparents love Khai Hadid Malik so much.
  • Both Gigi and Zayn have tattooed the name of Khai Hadid Malik on their hands as a loving gesture.
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Social media Accounts: 

As Khai Hadid Malik is just a child of 1 year of age so obviously he/she does not have any social media account of his own. Like other millennial and Gen-Z parents, Gigi and Zyan have not made their child’s account on any social media app as of now. So, let us give you the link to the social media handles of Mummy Gigi and Daddy Zyan.






Also read: Natasha Chen (Journalist)

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Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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