
Christopher Cousins- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Christopher Cousins- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Christopher Cousins- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Christopher Cousins is an actor from the United States. He is well known for his part in the AMC blockbuster Breaking Bad. He has also appeared in a few TV shows, including Dead Dog, Revolution, One Life to Live, The Opposite of Sex, and a few more.

Quick Facts

Real NameChristopher Cousins
Nick NameChristopher
Date Of BirthSeptember 27, 1960
Age62 years old
BirthplaceNew York City, New York
Height5 feet 8 inches
Weight67 kg
Hair ColorSalt & Pepper
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$1 million

Christopher Cousins’s Age & Early Life

Christopher Cousins was born in New York City, New York, on September 27, 1960. In terms of nationality, he is American, but his ethnicity is uncertain. There is no information about his childhood. In terms of his schooling, he graduated from Boston University.

Christopher Cousins Height & Weight

Christopher Cousins is 5 feet 8 inches tall. He weighs approximately 67 kg. He has lovely warm brown eyes and salt & pepper hair. There is no information on his chest-waist-hip measurements, dress size, shoe size, biceps, and so on.

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Christopher Cousins’s Net Worth

How much is Christopher Cousins’s net worth? As a well-known actor, he gets a large sum of money from his career. His net worth is estimated to be $1 million as of July 2023. His income and net wealth, however, remain unclear.

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Christopher’s acting career started in 1986 with a TV series. He first featured in Stargate SG-1 in 1997, then The West Wing in 1999, and Earth vs. the Spider in 2001. Furthermore, he gained prominence after starring in the blockbuster AMC series Breaking Bad. He has also appeared in a few TV shows, including Dead Dog, Revolution, One Life to Live, The Opposite of Sex, and a few more. Films such as Untraceable, Wicker Park, and The Grudge 2 are among his major achievements. Christopher portrayed a pediatrician whose comatose daughter is the ghost in “Bedtime Stories” in season 3 of Supernatural. In addition, he played Senator Rouse in Designated Survivor.

In addition to performing, he participates in philanthropic endeavors, having given to Hunger Relief and Housing, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and a few others. Christopher has yet to win any accolades in his career. Nonetheless, he was nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award in the category of Outstanding Comic Performance for his work on One Life to Live.

Christopher Cousins Wife & Marriage

Who is Christopher Cousins’s wife? Christopher, a 57-year-old American actor, is married. Lori Cousins, his love, and he married. Furthermore, after dating for a few years, the pair exchanged vows. They also have a daughter, born in 2004. The married pair has maintained good contact with them after their marriage. He has never been engaged in any affairs other than her. Christopher and Lori are now enjoying their married life and living happily ever after.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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