
Enrique Iglesias- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Enrique Iglesias- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Enrique Iglesias- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Enrique Iglesias is a Spanish singer, songwriter, record producer, and actor. He is known as the “King of Latin Pop.” He has also sold over 159 million albums worldwide, making him one of the best-selling Spanish musicians of all time.

Quick Facts

Real NameEnrique Iglesias
Nick NameEnrique
Date Of BirthMay 08, 1975
Age48 years old
BirthplaceMadrid, Spain
ProfessionSinger, songwriter, record producer
Height6 feet 2 inches
Weight84 kg
Hair ColorDark brown
Eye colorDark brown
Net Worth$100 million

Enrique Iglesias’s Age & Early Life

Enrique Iglesias was born on May 8, 1975, in Madrid, Spain, to Spanish musician Julio Iglesias and Filipina-Spanish socialite and magazine editor Isabel Preysler. He will be 47 years old in 2023. He did not have a stable upbringing since he initially lived with his mother, but later Enrique and his brother Julio moved to Miami to live with their father.

They were largely raised by the nanny, Elvira Olivares, there. He started interested in singing when he was a youngster. He is of Spanish origin. Furthermore, he is of Spanish (including Galician Spanish) descent, 1/8th Puerto Rican [Spanish], some Filipino [Kapampangan], and maybe distant Austrian ancestry. In terms of schooling, Iglesias went to the famous Gulliver Preparatory School. He afterward attended the University of Miami to study business. He dropped out of college, though, to pursue a career in music.

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Enrique Iglesias Height & Weight

Enrique Iglesias is 6 feet 2 inches tall, or 187 cm, according to his physical measurements. He also weights roughly 84 kg (185 pounds). Furthermore, his hair and eyes are also dark brown.

Enrique Iglesias- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1Enrique Iglesias- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

Enrique Iglesias’s Net Worth

How much is Enrique Iglesias’s net worth? Iglesias’ current salary has not been disclosed. However, his current net worth is reported to be about $100 million as of July 2023.


Enrique Iglesias began his career by borrowing money from his family nanny and recording a demo cassette tape that included a Spanish song and two English tracks. He was then signed to Fonovisa Records and headed to Toronto to make his first album. Enrique Iglesias, a compilation of light rock ballads, was published on July 12, 1995.

‘Vivir,’ Iglesias’ 1997 follow-up, was also a huge success. He achieved even more popularity three years later when he released ‘Enrique,’ his first all-English album. ‘Escape,’ his most successful album to date, was released in 2001. Other albums he has published include ‘7’ in 2003, ‘Insomniac’ in 2007, and ‘Euphoria’ in 2010. Iglesias is a well-known actor in addition to his musical career.

He has acted in films and television shows such as ‘How I Met Your Mother,’ ‘Once Upon a Time in Mexico,’ and ‘Two and a Half Men,’ to name a few. Overall, he has more than 90 soundtrack credits, more than 20 acting credits, and 1 directing credit. Iglesias has received almost 200 honors, including 23 Billboard Music honors, 36 Billboard Latin Music Awards, 8 American Music Awards, 1 Grammy, 5 Latin Grammys, 10 World Music Awards, 6 MTV Awards, 19 Premios Lo Nuestro Awards, and 15 Premios Juventud Awards. Furthermore, he has received over 465 nominations for numerous prizes. He released the love ballad “Espacio en Tu Corazón” on March 28, 2022, which served as the theme song for the serial Corazon Guerrero and will be included in the forthcoming Final Vol.2.

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Enrique Iglesias Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Enrique Iglesias dating? In late 2001, Enrique Iglesias began dating Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova. The couple apparently split in October 2013, but have subsequently reunited. Nicholas and Lucy were born on Saturday, December 16, 2017, at South Miami Hospital. The couple then had their second daughter, Mary Iglesias, in 2020. Iglesias has also dated Sofa Vergara, Celines Toribio, Samantha Torres, and Christina Aguilera.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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