
Temptation Island: How many episodes are there in Season 5? 2023

Temptation Island: How many episodes are there in Season 5? 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Temptation Island: How many episodes are there in Season 5?. Please like and share if You are interested!

Mark Walberg from Temptation Island

Viewers want to know how many episodes total there are in season 5 of Temptation Island. How many are left?

Season 5 of Temptation Island is slowly coming to an end, with the final bonfires now in session.

After getting to know the singles inside the villa, the contestants now have to make the ultimate decision. Will they stick with their respective partners that they came to the island with? Or will they explore the new relationships with the singles they got to know inside the villa?

How many episodes are in season 5 of Temptation Island?

According to, there are 12 episodes total for season 5 of Temptation Island.

Although it feels like the season just kicked off, much has transpired since the contestants first entered their respective villas. Hearts were broken, soulmate connections bloomed, and tough decisions were made.

In episode 9, the islanders went on romantic dates with the singles they connected most with throughout their time on the show.

Fans also got to indulge in a special sneak peek episode that showcased lighthearted montages of never-before-seen footage.

Yet viewers shouldn’t get too comfortable with the lighthearted nature of the series special, because now that the show has reached final bonfire episodes, things are about to get real dark, real fast.

Season 5 Episode 10, titled “Final Bonfire Part 1,” will reunite Chris and Marisela as well as Vanessa and Roberto. In the episode, the couples will make the final decision as to whether or not they want to make their relationships work with each other or venture off into their new relationships with the singles.

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The following episode, titled “Final Bonfire Part 2” will follow the same structure, this time with Hall and Kaitlin, as well as Paris and Great.

In episode 12 of the dating series, fans get to watch a reunion special of Temptation Island where viewers can glimpse into where the couples are now.

Catch all-new episodes of Temptation Island Wednesdays on USA Network.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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