
Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston

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CHRIS WOAKES was a young lad helping shift the covers during the epic 2005 Ashes Test at Edgbaston.

Now, 11 years later, the Brummie all-rounder will finally play his first Test match on his home ground.


Woakes has been in fantastic form for England in last few TestsCredit: Getty Images

Woakes, 27, is enjoying an astonishing breakthrough summer that has harvested 26 wickets in four Tests.

His career bowling average has gone from 63 to 25 as well as scoring two half-centuries.

He said: “The first international I watched here was the 2005 Ashes Test. I was working on the covers with the groundstaff.

Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 1Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 2


The Brummie has hit back after a patchy start to his England careerCredit: Getty ImagesChris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 3Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 4


Harmison’s slower ball has gone down in folkloreCredit: AP:Associated Press

“I remember the slow ball by Steve Harmison that bowled Michael Clarke and the crowd reaction was phenomenal.

“By the end of last winter, I’d played six Tests and taken eight wickets, which isn’t a record to shout about.


Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 5Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 6


Steve Harmison celebrates his wicket to seal a two-run victoryCredit: PA:Press Association

“It just didn’t work. I obviously had doubts that I may not play again.”

“But timing is everything. Ben Stokes was injured, I’d just taken nine for Warwickshire and got another chance.”

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Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 7Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 8Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 9Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston 10

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston – Tekmonk Bio, Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston – Kungfutv, Chris Woakes is hoping to channel the Ashes spirit of 2005 when plays first Test at his home ground Edgbaston – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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