
New Young Sheldon Post confirms Mary’s replacement in Big Bang Theory

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Young Sheldon is the popular spin-off of the acclaimed CBS series The Big Bang Theory. Actor Ian Armitage slipped into the role of the younger version of the quirky scientist and most beloved The Big Bang Theory character Sheldon Cooper and the series has taken off ever since its release.

The seventh season of the popular show is still in the works, and it is expected to dive even further into the lives of the program’s other characters besides Sheldon. Young Sheldon had initially started as a spin-off centering mainly on Sheldon’s younger years however over the years it started incorporating the arcs of supporting characters in the series too.

A poster of Young Sheldon (image via Amazon Prime Video)

In an exciting turn of events, Mary’s replacement for Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory has been confirmed by a recent Young Sheldon social media post. In the season 6 finale, we see Mary make the decision to travel to Germany with Sheldon as he goes to pursue the Heidelberg research program. However, Sheldon would need to find someone else to look out for him the way Mary does after he relocates to Pasadena for graduate school. That is exactly what the hilarious social media post hints towards!

Who is Mary’s Replacement in the new Young Sheldon post?

Do not worry, Sheldon’s mother Mary was and remained to be one of the most important people in his life. The hilarious post from Warner Bros. was a play about adult Sheldon (played by Jim Parsons) having to find a replacement for his mother Mary when he was sick and living away from home as an adult.

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As the post suggests, it was none other than one of his best friends Penny (played by Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting) who takes on the role of his mother and takes care of him when he falls sick.

The new Young Sheldon post is about the origin of “Soft Kitty”, a song that features in The Big Bang Theory too. The parallel is drawn to show the replacement of Mary Cooper by Penny when he fell sick as an adult and goes on to show the bond between Penny and Sheldon and how important she is in his life.

Based on how The Big Bang Theory progressed in the continuity of Young Sheldon, Penny was his first female buddy in Pasadena. The socially shy genius found Penny to be more compassionate and empathetic than the boys, which reminded him of his mother.

As can be seen in the video clip up top, Penny wasn’t really pleased with Sheldon asking her to perform tasks for him. But as time went on and their friendship deepened, she felt more at ease taking on the role of being his caregiver and occasionally protector.

Sheldon’s relationship with Penny in The Big Bang Theory was just as significant as his friendship with Leonard, which has received a lot of attention. Sheldon learned to be more social from Penny. The guys did not care about being social outsiders, but Sheldon learned more about how to interact with people outside his immediate circle after spending time with Penny.

Most importantly, Penny called Sheldon out on his improper conduct, which helped him tremendously, albeit slowly, built his character.

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Penny and Sheldon share a special bond of friendship which is why she can be jokingly said to have replaced Mary. Explore the relationship between a growing Sheldon and his mother Mary in Young Sheldon streaming on CBS.

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Links: New Young Sheldon Post confirms Mary’s replacement in Big Bang Theory – Tekmonk Bio, New Young Sheldon Post confirms Mary’s replacement in Big Bang Theory – Kungfutv, New Young Sheldon Post confirms Mary’s replacement in Big Bang Theory – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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