
“Meant no malice”: Big Brother expelled contestant Luke Valentine blames “malnutrition” for racial slur 

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Big Brother Season 25 cast member Luke Valentine, evicted from the show for using a racial slur, recently shared his side of the story and why he made the comment. During an Instagram story on Thursday, Luke shared how he did not have any “ill intent” and “meant no malice” when he made that comment, he blamed “a week of malnutrition” and “sleep deprivation” for it.

Additionally, Luke Valentine mentioned that he was only getting two hours of sleep each night, and he added:

“You don’t really take account of this physiological distress of being under studio lighting 24/7, and being you know not knowing who your friends are or who your enemies are so what happened happened. Do I regret it, obviously but I feel like it happened for a reason.”

Furthermore, Luke Valentine described how upsetting it was to get through the process of leaving the show after that incident. Accordingly, he added:

“So thank you for all the memes, thank you for all the support, the kind words.”

The incident occurred on August 9, 2023, when Paramount+ live feed was being broadcast. When Luke was talking to Jared Fields, Cory Wurtenberger, and Hisam Goueli during this time, he used the N-word. CBS released a statement about the incident referencing Luke’s departure from the show. In accordance with People, it said:

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“Luke violated the Big Brother code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.”

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Julie Chen Moonves’ reaction to Luke Valentine’s racial comment during Big Brother Season 25

On Thursday’s episode of Big Brother season 25, host Julie Chen Moonves discussed Luke Valentine’s departure from the show and the racial slur he used. She shared the following:

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“It was an emotional 24 hours in the Big Brother house as the houseguests learned that one of their own broke the Big Brother Code of Conduct and was removed from the game.”

The show is very strict with its rules, as there have been many instances where the show has taken stringent measures against cast members who make negative comments about race in the past. Before this, Kyle Carpenter was fired from the show for commenting on race during season 24.

Additionally, Big Brother season 15 winner Andy Herren also responded to Luke’s comment. On Wednesday, he posted the following on his Twitter account:

“Production should remove Luke. Set an example. Show current and future players that language like that will not be tolerated. Production loves hiding racism and homophobia and transphobia when straight white men are involved. Hoping they actually do the right thing and address Luke’s comment. The way it so casually came out of his mouth is really upsetting.”

Furthermore, the show is getting fiercer competition with each episode, and the cast members are doing their best to win the challenges and avoid elimination.

In addition to this, season 25 of the show has already released six episodes, and episode 7 will air on August 17, 2023. On CBS, you can watch the latest episode of Big Brother season 25 every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

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Links: “Meant no malice”: Big Brother expelled contestant Luke Valentine blames “malnutrition” for racial slur  – Tekmonk Bio, “Meant no malice”: Big Brother expelled contestant Luke Valentine blames “malnutrition” for racial slur  – Kungfutv, “Meant no malice”: Big Brother expelled contestant Luke Valentine blames “malnutrition” for racial slur  – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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