
Elderly couple climbs Mt. Washington to celebrate 66th wedding anniversary

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A video showing how a couple celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary has left people smiling. Shared on Instagram, it captures the duo climbing Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. It is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States.

The image shows the elderly couple who celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary by climbing a mountain. (Instagram/@goodnews_movement)

The video is posted on the Instagram page Goodnews Movement. “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: Couple who are 88 and 85 years old climb Mt. Washington on their 66th wedding anniversary. Couple goals. Thank you to @sweet1384badmothrr for sharing this beautiful moment with the world,” reads the caption posted along with the video.

The clip opens to show the couple standing on the route to the mountaintop along with Eric Todd Sweet, the hiker who guided them. The video also captures their sweet conversation with Eric.

Take a look at this heartwarming video of the couple:

The video was posted three days ago. Since being shared, the clip has accumulated close to 7.5 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the post has gathered more than 55,000 likes. People posted varied comments while reacting to the video.

How did Instagram users react to this video of the elderly couple?

“I’m over here trying to reach the top of my stairs to my bedroom after eating,” shared an Instagram year. “What a lovely couple and isn’t she pretty!” posted another. “Love the guy clarifies they’re not to the top yet,” added a third. “Wow! That’s amazing. Even crazier that my family witnessed them climbing while we took the cog rail up the mountain! It inspired my husband to hike up it next time we visit,” joined a fourth. “Beautiful couple! Happy Anniversary!!” wrote a fifth.

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Categories: Trending

Links: Elderly couple climbs Mt. Washington to celebrate 66th wedding anniversary – Tekmonk Bio, Elderly couple climbs Mt. Washington to celebrate 66th wedding anniversary – Kungfutv, Elderly couple climbs Mt. Washington to celebrate 66th wedding anniversary – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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