
Smart dog finds the perfect way to climb onto big chair

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A video showcasing a dog’s smartness has left people impressed. The video shows how the pooch uses a small chair to climb onto a big one. Shared on Reddit, the clip is interesting to watch.

The image shows the smart doggo that found a clever way to climb onto a chair. (Reddit/@oldskoolgirl245)

“He figured out a way to get up onto the big chair,” reads the caption posted along with the video. The video opens to show a small chair kept in the middle of a room. A dog soon crawls under the chair and starts walking with the piece of furniture on its back. Momentarily, it seems like the dog it struck, however, it soon becomes clear that the dog is doing it on purpose. The dog then stops in front of another big chair and uses the small one to climb onto it.

Take a look at this video of the very smart dog:

The post was shared two days ago. Since being posted, it has accumulated more than 1,000 upvotes and the numbers are quickly increasing. Additionally, the share has gathered tons of comments from people.

How did Reddit users react to the video of the dog climbing a chair?

“He’s so proud of himself when he settles in. Good doggie!” posted a Reddit user. “Oh my goodness, infinite ups for you. Such a good boy. Whose a smart boy. It’s very deliberate, his little tiny stomps with his stubby legs,” shared another. “This dog not only figured out how to use the small chair to get into the big one, but also how to use the tail in a smart way to conveniently move objects!” added a third. “That dog deserves a treat,” joined a fourth. “He figured out a way to get up onto the big chair,” wrote a fifth.

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Categories: Trending

Links: Smart dog finds the perfect way to climb onto big chair – Tekmonk Bio, Smart dog finds the perfect way to climb onto big chair – Kungfutv, Smart dog finds the perfect way to climb onto big chair – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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