
JP Mathes Bio, Swap Shop, Age, Wife Leona Mathes, Job

JP Mathes Bio, Swap Shop, Age, Wife Leona Mathes, Job - networth, wiki, biography
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There’s a new show called Swap Show, which premiered on Netflix on Tuesday, 10th of November 2021, that might interest you. The show centered around a Rogersville radio show — a radio show that has been running for more than 60 years — which broadcasted people selling antique pieces. JP Mathes was one of the cast members of Swap Shop and he hunted for antiques and valuable items.

Let’s learn about JP Mathes Swap Shop stint in the wiki as well as his age, job, wife, and more.

Who Is JP Mathes On Swap Shop?

Netflix’s description of Swap Shop goes as: “When the “Swap Shop” radio show shares the scoop on sweet deals, collectors of cars, comics, creepy clown statues and more listen with ears wide open.”

JP Mathes was an antique hunter for a long time. He often listened to Rogersville radio show in the hopes of finding a bargain, which is basically how he got into the cast of the Netflix show.

In the series, JP has once seen bargaining for a trove of Disney memorabilia with his co-star Leona. But, that is of course only one deal.

Tune into Swap Shop on Netflix to gain insights into antique hunting, bargaining, and whatnot. Also, don’t miss to check out more of the bargains JP manages to deal with.

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Who Is JP Mathes Wife, Leona Mathes?

JP Mathes married his now-wife Leona Mathes on October 10, 2010. The lovely couple first celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on October 10, 2020.

Posting the picture of him and Leona, JP wrote, “…Thank you, Leona, for putting up with me and I hope you’ll sign up for another 10-year contract! Happy anniversary and I look forward to many more. I love you!, ” in a Facebook post.

JP Mathes with his wife, Leona Mathes.

The Netflix couple recently celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary as well. On October 10, 2021, he wrote, “11 years ago you made my dream come true, even though we didn’t have time to eat any food at our wedding. We made due by stopping by Bojangles in a tux and Kimono. Happy anniversary!,” on Facebook.

The couple lives together and their bonding is stronger than ever. As of November 2021, the couple had no kids. They have not shared any prospects of having a child shortly as well.

How Old Is JP Mathes?

As of this writing, we did not know how old is JP Mathes exactly. However, JP’s Facebook says that he celebrates his birthday on December 4 every year. If December 4 is JP’s real birthday, his zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

JP Mathes Job

JP Mathes is a banjo player, producer, and above all an entertainer by profession.

As an antique hunter, JP spends many days hunting for antique treasures in the Appalachian mountains of East Tennessee with his assistant Leona. Together with Leona, he also runs a podcast called JP Pod.

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JP Mathes is an entertainer, banjo player, and producer. Oh, and sometimes he listens to Swap Shop in the hopes of finding a bargain.

Also, he is the founder of John Paul USA, a Tokyo street food truck. He started doing this business on December 5, 2017 and continues to run John Paul USA.

JP Mathes’ Facebook profile shows that he has been a producer/artist at Mochi Records since September 1, 2011. He is also an entertainer (banjo player/songwriter/producer) at Fiddling Leona; A New Peace Within and Love and Peace, Leona was Fiddling Leona’s first and second solo CD releases.

Talking about his former jobs, JP was an entertainer at American Bluegrass Masters in the past. He was an associate professor/ensembles director at HCTC’s Kentucky School of Bluegrass and Traditional Music. JP was a former instructor at East Tennessee State University as well; he was an instructor for ETSU Bluegrass, Old-Time, and Country Music Program.

What’s more, JP is also a former entertainer at Takeharu Kunimoto and The Last Founder. For education, he went to Hampton High School and did his high schooling from there. JP completed his undergraduate studies at East Tennesse State University in 2004.

Related FAQs

  • Where Was JP Mathes Born?

JP Mathes was born as John Paul Mathes II in his hometown in Elizabethton, Tennessee. He was raised by his single mother, whose identity is yet to be revealed.

JP lost his dad, John Paul, and his step-mother, Robin Renee Sells Mathes, on July 8, 2016. They were camping when the heavy storm came through.

  • How Tall Is JP Mathes?

JP Mathes stands tall at a towering height of 6 feet and weighs no more than 80 kilograms.

  • Is JP Mathes On Instagram, Facebook?

If you wanted to know if JP is a social media kind of a guy or not, well he is. You can find him on Instagram and Facebook as @jpmathes.

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Most of his recent posts have been about the promotion of the Netflix show, Swap Shop. He also shares pictures of him and his wife, Leona, doing music. As the owner of a food truck, he also posts pictures of the snacks and foods they have to offer.

On Instagram, JP has 875 followers at the moment. However, the number is expected to increase once more and more people tune in to watch Swap Shop.

Categories: Biography

Links: JP Mathes Bio, Swap Shop, Age, Wife Leona Mathes, Job – Tekmonk Bio, JP Mathes Bio, Swap Shop, Age, Wife Leona Mathes, Job – Kungfutv, JP Mathes Bio, Swap Shop, Age, Wife Leona Mathes, Job – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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