
Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More

Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More - networth, wiki, biography
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Camila Angelo Wiki:- Camila Angelo is a Brazilian model. She is well known as the spouse of Brazilian footballer Hulk AKA Givanildo Vieira de Sousa, who is a Brazilian football player.

In this blog, you’ll read about Camila Angelo’s Wiki, Age, biography, net worth, husband, children &more.

Camila Angelo Age, Wiki

Camila was born on 6 September 1989, her birthplace is in Brazil. She is 33 years old in 2022. Camila works as a professional model. She holds Brazilian nationality, and moreover, belongs to the South American ethnicity, and is Christian in her religion.

Talking about her academic career, there is no information regarding her educational background. We can assume that she has completed her graduation from a good University in Brazil.

Camila Angelo Biography

Full NameCamila Angelo
ProfessionBrazilian model
Date of Birth6 September 1989
Birth PlaceBrazil
Age33 years old
Education QualificationGraduated
Zodiac SignN/A
Famous AsSpouse of Brazilian footballer Hulk 
EthnicitySouth American

Camila Angelo Husband

Camila is a married woman, she is married to a Brazilian football player, Hulk. His real name is Givanildo Vieira de Sousa, he plays as a forward for Atlético Mineiro. In March 2020, Camila and Hulk married. 

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Camila Angelo Children

Camila and Hulk have 3 children together, Ian and Tiago, 2 boys, and Alice, a daughter. 

Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More 1Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More 2

Camila’s Height & Weight

Height5 feet 8 inches or 1.73 m
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBrown

Camila Angelo’s Net Worth

As of now, Camila has not disclosed her income, and net worth in public yet. But, her husband Hulk a professional footballer has a net worth of $70 million.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Camila Angelo

Q.1 Who is Camila’s Husband?

Ans. She is well known as the spouse of Brazilian footballer Hulk AKA Givanildo Vieira de Sousa, who is a Brazilian football player.

Q.2 Who is Camila Angelo?

Ans. Camila is a Brazilian model.

Q.3 How many children does Camila have?

Ans. Camila and Hulk have 3 children together, Ian and Tiago, 2 boys, and Alice, a daughter. 

Q.4 What is the net worth of Camila? 

Ans. As of now, Camila has not disclosed her income, and net worth in public yet.

Q.5 What is the age of Camila? 

Ans. She is 33 years old in 2022.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More – Tekmonk Bio, Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More – Kungfutv, Camila Angelo Wiki, Age, Biography, Height, Net Worth, Husband, Marriage, Nationality & More – Blogtomoney

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