
Adam Levine apologizes after 'poor' performance in Chile

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as The lead singer of the Us band Maroon 5, Adam Levine, (40), Friday, apology on Instagram after a show in Venezuela. The band received a lot of criticism, bec

as The lead singer of the Us band Maroon 5, Adam Levine, (40), Friday, apology on Instagram after a show in Venezuela. The band received a lot of criticism, because the performance is not good.

Maroon 5 played Thursday night at the Chilean festival in Viña del Mar. The show was broadcast live on television. A lot of people thought that the singer’s “walk away” seemed to be singing it.

Levine said on Instagram that he will find his fans in Chile, and a certificate of money. “There were a lot of technical problems. If there is a problem, I’ll try to especially concentrate on the singing. I have had difficulties with this. I have tried to cover-up, but I just can’t, always,” says Levine.

The singer recognizes in the video on Instagram that he was on the stage, “unprofessional” more than a year. “I will take action as so serious, sometimes too serious,” reported the singer.

Date Of Update: 29 February 2020, 14:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Adam Levine apologizes after 'poor' performance in Chile – Tekmonk Bio, Adam Levine apologizes after 'poor' performance in Chile – Kungfutv, Adam Levine apologizes after 'poor' performance in Chile – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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