
Who Is Waka Flocka? Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Ethnicity, Career

Who Is Waka Flocka? Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Ethnicity, Career - networth, wiki, biography
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Waka Flocka, also known as Waka Flocka Flame, is a popular rapper best known for his album ‘Flockaveli.’ Waka Flocka is also the most recent addition to Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. It’s a big hit on the VH1 channel.

Quick Facts

Celebrated Name:Waka Flocka
Real Name/Full Name:Juaquin James Malphurs
Age:36 years old
Birth Date:31 May 1986
Birth Place:New York, United States
Height:1.93 m
Weight:‎97 kg
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Marital Status:Married
Wife/Spouse (Name):Tammy Rivera (m. 2014)
Profession:American rapper
Net Worth in 2023:$8 million

Waka Flocka Biography

Waka Flocka was born on May 31, 1986, Juaquin James Malphurs was born as Flocka Flame. Juaquin was born in Queens, New York, and his family later relocated to Georgia. He was the son of Gucci Mane’s former manager, Debra. She is also the President and CEO of So Icy/Mizay Entertainment.

How did Juaquin become known as “Waka Flocka Flame”? Juaquin’s cousins gave him the name ‘Waka.’ Gucci Mane, the rapper, gave the final ‘Flocka Fame award.

Waka Flocka Age, Height, Weight

Waka Flocka is 36 years old as of 2023. His height is 1.93 m, and he weighs 97 kg.

Waka Flocka


Waka Flocka has had legal issues in the past, and he has also been involved in major controversies. He is, however, a well-known American rapper who has grown in popularity over the years.

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In 2009, the American rapper rose to prominence with his single ‘O Let’s Do It!’ It even made the Billboard Top 100 list. The song was ranked number 62 on the list. His next two singles, ‘No Hands’ and ‘Hard In Da Paint,’ became worldwide hits.

Waka Flocka released his second album, Triple F Life, in the year 2012. He released ‘Flockaveli 2’ in 2013, which included a mixtape. Gucci Mane, Ace Hood, French Montana, and Young Scooter all made appearances on the mixtape.

Tammy and Waka began filming for ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta in the year 2014. In a nutshell, he’s unstoppable! The same year he began filming for the reality hit ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta,’ Waka appeared in the film ‘Black Dynamite.’ Since 2009, Waka Flocka has been on a roll!

Waka Flocka Achievements And Awards

Waka Flocka has been nominated for several awards, but his only win came at the BET Hip Hop Awards for ‘Best Club Banger.’ Waka was nominated for a Much Music Award, but he was unable to win! Nonetheless, his songs have captured the hearts of many people. Waka Flocka’s songs never fail to make partygoers dance! He still has a long way to go!

Waka Flocka’s Net Worth in 2023

Waka Flocka has an estimated net worth of $8 million as of April 2023. He’s earned it all through his albums! Waka also appeared on the reality show ‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta.’ Waka has the most SUVs, including a ‘Bentley EXP 9’.

Flocka earned a fortune from the sales of his albums ‘Flockaveli’ and ‘Triple F Life.’ He performs at numerous nightclubs and is paid $15,000 for a single performance. Waka performs 70 shows per year, making him one of the highest-paid rappers in the industry.

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Waka Flocka Flame is a well-known artist in the industry. He has a sizable fan base on his social media accounts.

“I’d take weed over people any day!”

This was posted on the rapper’s Twitter account. Waka can be found on Twitter and Instagram. His Twitter account has 1.97 million followers. Sure, the rest of the world adores him. Waka remains one of the leading rappers, with millions of followers worldwide, a pool of talent, and a $8 million net worth.

Waka Flocka Wife, Marriage

Waka Flocka Flame married Tammy Riviera in the year 2014. Waka had a younger brother who died by suicide in 2013. Waka became a vegan after the death of his brother in order to detox.

Categories: Biography

Links: Who Is Waka Flocka? Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Ethnicity, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Who Is Waka Flocka? Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Ethnicity, Career – Kungfutv, Who Is Waka Flocka? Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Ethnicity, Career – Blogtomoney

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