
Who is Paradiisedd? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career

Who is Paradiisedd? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career - networth, wiki, biography
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Paradiisedd is a United States-based social media personality. The popularity of her TikTok videos is widespread. The vast bulk of her films is humorous snippets and dances. She has roughly 203k Instagram followers and over 1.5 million TikTok followers.

Quick Facts

Full NameParadise Deedee
Net Worth$0.5 Million
Date of Birth17 March 2002
Age20 Years
Birth PlaceWeslaco, Texas, United States
ProfessionTikToker and Social Media Personality
HometownWeslaco, Texas
Zodiac SignPisces
SchoolLocal High School, Weslaco, United States
College / UniversityLocal Private University, Weslaco, United States
rother NameJames Zamarripa
Sister NamePrettyluhhazel
BoyfriendEthan, marc Gomez
Height 5 feet 1 inch
Weight 55 kg

Paradiisedd Biography

Paradiisedd was born on 17 March 2002, in Weslaco, Texas. Deedee has not disclosed any information on her parents or their identity. She has a brother and a sister as siblings. Hazel is the name of her sister, but nothing is known about her brother.

She grew raised in the city of Weslaco, Texas. Her heritage is Caucasian. Regarding education, she has a high school diploma. She wore number 42 on the back of her high school basketball jersey when she played for the squad. She then enrolled at a nearby private institution, where she is presently earning her degree. She has had a love for dance, beauty, and fashion since infancy and has always desired to pursue a profession in one of these sectors.

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Paradiisedd Height, Weight

Paradiisedd has a height of roughly 5 feet 1 inch. She weighs almost 45 kg. Her eyes are dark and her hair is blonde. Nonetheless, she wears grey contact lenses the bulk of the time. Her bust, waist, and thighs measure 30, 23, and 30 inches, respectively.

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  • Parasiisedd first began by creating videos on TikTok. The name of her well-known TikTok account is Parasiisedd. There, she has uploaded hundreds of videos. Her most popular videos have received over 500,000 views. Over 1,2 million people have seen the dance video she created.
  • Some of her films with over 400k views include the phrases “look attentively,” “like a second family,” and “Look at My Beautiful Family” Her “momma” music video, in which she danced with her mother, has been seen over a million times. A video she created with her sister, titled “my sister backing my music,” has received over a million likes. On average, her videos get between 300k and 400k views every day. Approximately 1.5 million people follow her on TikTok.
  • She has a YouTube channel as well. In March of 2020, she has around six videos on her channel. This is her most popular video on YouTube. It has almost 138 thousand views. She has more than 46,2k YouTube followers as of March 2020.
  • She is also incredibly popular and active on Instagram. It seems that the Tiktok celebrity has more than 203k Instagram followers. She often publishes her own images on Instagram, but she sometimes shares her TikTok videos as well. Here is how it operates:
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Paradiisedd’s Net Worth in 2023

According to trustworthy web sources, Paradiisedd has an estimated net worth of around $1000000 as of August 2023. However, her income information is unavailable. With 1.5 million followers, she may make $1,000 for every post.

Paradiisedds Boyfriend, Dating

Paradiisedd’s marital status is unmarried. She is dating Ethan, who has starred in many of her TikTok videos. She is also said to be dating prominent TikTok performer marc Gomez, however, neither party has acknowledged their relationship.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Who is Paradiisedd? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Who is Paradiisedd? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Kungfutv, Who is Paradiisedd? Wiki, Age, Height, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Career – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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