
Meet Cassius, world’s largest living crocodile with ‘dreamy’ eyes

Meet Cassius, world’s largest living crocodile with ‘dreamy’ eyes - networth, wiki, biography
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A series of pictures of the largest crocodile in the world named Cassius has left people stunned. Guinness World Records (GWR) took to Instagram to share the images of this reptile. Alongside, they also posted about the crocodile that is not just a “sweetheart” but has “dreamy eyes” too.

The image shows the world’s largest crocodile named Cassius. (Instagram/@guinnessworldrecords)

“The good boy, who lives at Marineland Melanesia wildlife zoo on Green Island in Australia, holds the record for the largest crocodile in captivity (living). Cassius was first awarded his record on 1 January 2011, when he was measured in at 5.48 m (17 ft 11.75 in). [Fun fact: that’s as big as the Statue of Liberty’s face!]. The crocs can live for more than 100 years and grow to be up to 7 m (23 ft) long and weigh more than 1 tonne (1.1 ton),” GWR added.

Take a look at this post about the world’s largest crocodile:

The post was shared a day ago. Since being posted, the share has received more than 27,000 likes, and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has accumulated several comments from people.

What did Instagram users say about Cassius?

“All these photos and not one displaying the full length,” posted an Instagram user. “Even a crocodile is holding a record without knowing it,” added another. “Wow, he’s so huge. Wish you longer life and prosperity,” joined a third. “That is incredible,” wrote a fourth.

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Links: Meet Cassius, world’s largest living crocodile with ‘dreamy’ eyes – Tekmonk Bio, Meet Cassius, world’s largest living crocodile with ‘dreamy’ eyes – Kungfutv, Meet Cassius, world’s largest living crocodile with ‘dreamy’ eyes – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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