
Bookie Meaning: TikTok, Relationships & More

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Learn what it means when a girl (or anyone) calls you “bookie”

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Your phone dings—it’s a notification from your girl! You open the text and read, “What are you up to, bookie?” Bookie? What does that even mean? Take a look at what “bookie” could possibly mean from a girl and what it might say about your relationship.

  • On TikTok, “bookie” is used in place of saying “boyfriend,” “babe,” or “sweetheart.”
  • In a relationship, if your girl calls you “bookie,” she’s totally into you.
  • Sometimes, “bookie” is used to describe a gambler or bookworm.

Categories: How to

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Links: Bookie Meaning: TikTok, Relationships & More – Tekmonk Bio, Bookie Meaning: TikTok, Relationships & More – Kungfutv, Bookie Meaning: TikTok, Relationships & More – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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