
Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age

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Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age

Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age – Chase In the world of country music, Matthew appears to be on a sharp ascent. After dropping out of high school, he became an independent performer until signing with Warner Music Nashville. Come Get Your Memory, Matthew’s major label debut, is being promoted, and he talks about how important this album is to him and how songwriting is still his first love.

Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age

The 25-year-old, a “unicorn” as they are known, is a native of Nashville, Tennessee. Realising how many talented people are here makes me feel a little crazy, in my opinion. I’m very happy to call it home, and so many people come here to pursue those ambitions,” says Matthew of his hometown of Music City. He gives thanks to the church and his family for raising him.

‘Come Get Your Memory’: Chase Matthew Discusses the New Album

God will place me where I’m supposed to be if I just maintain my trust in my dreams, he says. I was raised in the church, he continues. I first joined the junior band. It’s kind of been crazy to see how everything has developed into what it is (today).

The song from his first EP, “County Line,” would transform his life. We’ve all been there, Matthew says in response to the question of why that song touched so many people. Once you’ve parted ways with someone, you occasionally feel like saying, “Man mind your business.” That song was written by me alone and is based on a true event. In 2022, Matthew, who was signed to Holler Boy Records at the time, released his self-titled album.

Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age 1Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age

That undertaking reflected his self-assurance on his musical destiny. Through endless nights out and months of travelling, Matthew developed a devoted following that is now ready to back his efforts.

Come Get Your Memory was created to both showcase his new music and to make a statement; a 25-song tracklist undoubtedly accomplishes both of those goals. We were unable to choose a favourite. In a dropbox, we had 80 tracks to chose from. I write and record a lot. Although it was difficult, we chose our top 25,” says Matthew.

The young artist had a distinct vision and refused to let anyone stand in the way of his aspirations. “I’m my biggest hype guy and harshest critic. I write songs that I enjoy listening to. Even though some people might believe I’m arrogant, I frequently jam my own songs. I don’t think it’s strange, but as long as you’re searching for improvement, there’s always place for it.

Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age 2Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age

There is an astounding list of co-writers on this record as well. Taylor Phillips, Ashley Gorley, Hardy, Ernest, and numerous others. “(Phillips) gave me so many possibilities and introduced me to so many people. Taylor did offer me a few songs, but I’ve always been critical because I don’t want to edit outside music. Regarding that, I’ve always been quite obstinate. They altered my perspective on that, says Matthew. “I had a great opportunity to meet HARDY, me and ERNEST already knew each other,” he continued. Ashley Gorley and Hunter Phelps are two people I admire.

Authenticity is one of the most admirable traits an artist can have, and Matthew fully embodies it. When asked where he finds the most inspiration for his songs, the answer is straightforward: real life. “I need it to be sincere. I need it to be true. The problem is that I haven’t encountered all of these circumstances. I make an effort to mentally see myself there. You sometimes have to think creatively outside the box while writing songs, he says. People should constantly be aware of the fact that I will always be authentic. I couldn’ care less what anyone says.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age – Tekmonk Bio, Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age – Kungfutv, Chase Matthew Wikipedia, Wiki, Songs, Net Worth, Tour, Age – Blogtomoney

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