
Man lists reasons why he didn’t go to the US, post sparks chatter

Man lists reasons why he didn’t go to the US, post sparks chatter - networth, wiki, biography
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A man’s thread on X (formerly known as Twitter) about why he chose India over the US for a job has prompted a discussion among the users of the platform. X user Aanshul Sadaria, whose bio says he is a software engineer at Google, has shared the post.

The man’s post on X listing the reasons why he chose not to go to the US has gone viral (representational image). (Unsplash/@ev25)

“‘Bhaiya, why did you not go to the US? Didn’t you get an opportunity?’ From Google, a lot of folks from my batch left for the US. I could as well. But I didn’t! Patriotism? Not exactly. I lost my father in 2021 and wanted to stay close to my family!” he wrote. (Also Read: ‘Time to move back to US’: Founder of Bengaluru firm after facing registration troubles)

In the next tweet, he explained more about his decision. “‘Would you ever go to the US in future along with your family?” Perhaps. For a few years, just to get a taste of US working culture and because I am a travel freak. But ultimately, I would want to settle back in India only,” he added. In the rest of the thread, he talks more about the questions he gets asked for his choice and his answers to them.

“Why? Not because I love India as a stateless entity. But because I love everything that my country offers me. And I think that is another definition of patriotism,” Sadaria added as he concluded his thread.

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Take a look at these tweets by the software engineer:

People had a lot to say about the post, and they didn’t hold back while doing so. From commenting on Sadaria’s thread to sharing their own stories, netizens posted varied comments.

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What did X users say about this US-related post?

“I got an opportunity to work in the USA early in my career. I rejected it and was happy with my decision. It’s about living among our own people and our own culture. One should be satisfied wherever he/she stays. Bharat [India] gave me everything that I have today and I have a lot to give back,” posted an X user.

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“This is so relatable. Thanks for sharing,” added another. “Very insightful thread. Have a very similar view regarding working outside India,” joined a third. “100% agreed with you, stayed in both US and Europe and came back to stay closer with family,” wrote a fourth.

Categories: Trending

Links: Man lists reasons why he didn’t go to the US, post sparks chatter – Tekmonk Bio, Man lists reasons why he didn’t go to the US, post sparks chatter – Kungfutv, Man lists reasons why he didn’t go to the US, post sparks chatter – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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