
Duo’s spot on parody videos of daily soaps are hilarious

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A duo has left people in splits after they shared videos recreating the trends often shown in certain popular Hindi serials. The clips are posted by content creator Jagjyot Singh that shows him acting in the skits along with his friend Prannay.

The image shows a scene from the parody of daily soaps. (Instagram/@aapkajags)

“I have seen enough TV to know that this is always happening,” Singh wrote as he shared a video on Instagram. The clip opens to show a promo of an imaginary TV show. It starts with a woman meeting a man following a minor car accident. Instantly, the duo engages into a baseless banter over the incident.

The second video also shows another promo but with a different scene. It shows what happens when the protagonists meet again in an office setting – and as you may have guessed it, they get into a fight.

Both the videos have gone viral with millions of views. People also took to the comments sections of the clips to share their reactions. From praising the acting skills of the comedians to applauding their skits, people posted varied comments.

What did Instagram users say about the parody videos?

“Then his dad gives her a job in the company because she saved him,” joked an Instagram user. “Petition to make this show a reality,” added another. “Where’s the accuracy button,” joined a third. “I weirdly want to see more episodes,” wrote a fourth.

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Links: Duo’s spot on parody videos of daily soaps are hilarious – Tekmonk Bio, Duo’s spot on parody videos of daily soaps are hilarious – Kungfutv, Duo’s spot on parody videos of daily soaps are hilarious – Blogtomoney

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