
Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Npr News

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Npr News - networth, wiki, biography
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Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News – Juana Summers is a well-known media personality who co-hosts All Things Considered on NPR. In June 2022, she became part of All Things Considered. She previously covered national politics for more than a decade, most recently as NPR’s political correspondent.

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Biography of Juana Summers

NameJuana Summers
Age34 years old
date of birthin 1987
Birth placeKansas, Missouri, United States
HomelandKansas, Missouri, United States

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers Measurement

Height5 feet 8 inches
Weightabove 100 kg approx
Eye colorBlack
Hair colorBlack

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Educational Qualifications of Juana Summers

College or universityUniversity of Missouri-Columbia
Education degreeGraduated

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

The family of Juana Summers

Brother sisterUnknown
childrenSon: Not known Daughter: Not known

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers Marital status

Marriage statusMarried
Name of SpouseDavid Markland

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers Net Worth

Net worth in dollars1 million

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers social media accounts

Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Eg News

Juana Summers NPR

Along with Ailsa Chang, Ari Shapiro and Mary Louise Kelly, Summers is the host of NPR’s All Things Considered. In June 2022, she became part of All Things Considered.

Summers covered national politics more than a decade ago, most recently as NPR’s political correspondent for Race, Justice and Politics.

She previously reported on Congress for NPR and on the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections. Additionally, her work has been featured in numerous publications across multiple platforms, such as Politico, CNN, Mashable, and The Associated Press.

Summers was a 2016 fellow at Georgetown University’s Institute for Politics and Public Service. On the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri, at KBIA, she began her career in public radio.

Juana Summers Pinball

The Holy Frijoles pinball leagues are partly managed by Juana. He has been competitively playing pinball since six or seven years ago.

She claims: “This is how I met most of my friends.” Most of the individuals I play with have no idea what I do until recently.

“I found love in Baltimore’s back room of a punk rock Mexican restaurant and bar. No, not with my husband — but we’ll talk about him another time. Juana says: “I fell in love with pinball.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Npr News – Tekmonk Bio, Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Npr News – Kungfutv, Juana Summers Wikipedia, Husband, Age, Instagram, Education, Npr News – Blogtomoney

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