
Rihanna tweets herself wearing $9,000 headphones, headphones promptly sell out

Rihanna tweets herself wearing $9,000 headphones, headphones promptly sell out - networth, wiki, biography
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Rihanna’s new album Anti may or may not qualify as platinum—depending on who you ask—but it’s clear that there’s a lot of attention surrounding the pop star right now. And as it turns out, Rihanna isn’t the only one benefiting from that level of hype.

Last week, before the release Anti, And tweet from Rihanna simply read “listening to ANTI”. However, that was clearly not the most important part of the tweet to many. What it was were the headphones she was wearing: jewel-encrusted gold headphones reminiscent of a tiara.

The picture was retweeted more than 160,000 times and received over 270,000 likes. It didn’t take long before the headphones made by Dolce & Gabanna were tracked down. This pair sold for $9,000, mostly because of the Swarovski crystals and other embellishments.

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This immediately sparked interest in the brand, and especially in the pair that Rihanna wore. Within 24 hours of the tweet, the headphones sold out, Digiday reports. This was probably partly due to the hype surrounding the album, which was yet to be released at the time. Still, it’s easy to wonder exactly which customer is looking for this type of headset.

Audiophiles and fashionistas probably know that Dolce & Gabanna is not a name often associated with headphones. The set was created in collaboration with Frends, an audio brand that focuses exclusively on women.

The sold-out set is not the only expensive headphones created as part of the collaboration between Frends and Dolce & Gabanna. Embellished leather headsets with various colors of fox fur are also available, and if you’re looking to lighten the wallet, the embellished red leather headset is the cheapest in the lineup, retailing for just $7,000.

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On the Frends website, the headphones that Rihanna is responsible for selling have only one review, and that’s one star. “Too heavy on the head and the sound isn’t that good,” reads the review. “I’ll stick with my Beats by Dre.”

Categories: GAMING

Links: Rihanna tweets herself wearing $9,000 headphones, headphones promptly sell out – Tekmonk Bio, Rihanna tweets herself wearing $9,000 headphones, headphones promptly sell out – Kungfutv, Rihanna tweets herself wearing $9,000 headphones, headphones promptly sell out – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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