
Made in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer

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FORMER Made in Chelsea star Diego Bivero-Volpe’s two-year-old daughter has tragically died from blood cancer.

Diego – who starred in the E4 show in 2011 – shares daughter Aurelia with wife Charlotte Carroll.


Aurelia passed away at the age of two, her parents announcedCredit: gofundmeMade in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer 1


Diego Bivero-Volpe with his director wife Charlotte Carroll Credit: Getty

Filmmaker Charlotte documented her struggle to conceive in her film The Topic, which was released in 2021.

Despite fears that she would never have children, Aurelia was born in April 2022.

But tragedy struck the family in September of that year when Aurelia was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic (T-cell) leukemia – an aggressive type of cancer that affects white blood cells.

Despite intensive treatment, a few days after Aurelia’s 2nd birthday, Diego and Charlotte were told that the cancer had spread to her central nervous system.

Then Diego said: “In fact it is back, very aggressive and fast and a new course is urgent and necessary.

“We were told that she also had a significantly reduced chance of recidivism, putting her in the bottom quarter of the percentile.”

She was rushed to the hospital and underwent emergency spinal chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

Only four months later, the brave “warrior” of the couple Aurelia died.

Writing on the family’s GoFundMe page, Diego wrote: “It is with a heavy heart that I am writing to inform you of the passing of our dear Aurelia.

“Our little girl passed away peacefully surrounded by her loved ones and in the loving arms of her mother and me.

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“In true Aurelia style, she didn’t leave us in tears, but with a big, beautiful smile – she fearlessly set off on her next adventure.

“As we support her on that next journey wherever it may be, her light continues to guide us through ours, shining with its characteristic joy and love.

“Aurelia will always be the warrior that Charlotte and I admire most. Everyone who met her was constantly amazed by her resilience, intelligence, beauty and good humor even in the most difficult of times.”

Aurelija’s “celebration of life” was held on August 17.

Her parents helped raise £202,247 in donations which will be given to Great Ormond Street.

To donate, click here.

Made in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer 2


This couple’s baby died in their arms Credit: Getty

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Made in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer – Tekmonk Bio, Made in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer – Kungfutv, Made in Chelsea star’s two-year-old daughter tragically dies after battle with blood cancer – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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