
Benjamin Norris- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023

Benjamin Norris- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Benjamin Norris- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!

Benjamin Norris is a well-known American actor, producer, fashion model, TV personality, writer, director, and media face. He featured in a number of well-known films and television shows. Norris is also a film producer, director, and screenwriter.

Quick Facts

Full Real NameBenjamin Norris.
ProfessionActor, producer, fashion model, TV personality, writer, director, and media face.
MotherlandWhite Plains, New York, USA.
Date of Birth5 December 1999.
Age (as of 2023)23 years old.
Net WorthUSD 3 million (approx.).
Current ResidenceLos Angles, US.
Zodiac SignScorpio.
School/CollegeLocal School in the United States.

Benjamin Norris’s Age & Early Life

Norris was born in White Plains, New York, in 1999. The well-known actor is 23 years old (as of August 2023). His zodiac sign is Scorpio, according to his birth date. In White Plains, Benjamin completed his basic schooling at a local private school.

Norris relocated to Los Angeles with his parents and brothers after finishing high school. Benjamin received his bachelor’s degree from a university in the United States. Norris was born into a normal household, and his parents taught him that he should first and foremost be a decent human being.

Benjamin Norris Height & Weight

Benjamin is a tall man with a powerful build. His height is 6 feet 1 inch (approx.) according to IMDB. His eyes are brown. His hair is long and dark. Norris’s style was often altered. Benjamin works out at the gym every day. Benjamin takes care of his appearance and health as an actor. His body weight is believed to be about 75 kg based on a best assessment.

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Benjamin Norris- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 1Benjamin Norris- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2

Benjamin Norris’s Net Worth

How much is Benjamin Norris’s net worth? His net worth is believed to be approximately $3 million USD. Benjamin works in a variety of professions, including acting, writing, producing, and directing. Norris demanded a high fee for his only television series. He has a luxurious home in New York and a large flat in Los Angeles, where he lives with his girlfriend Carolyn Gilroy. Benjamin has expensive vehicles such as Mercedes, Audi, and Tesla.


In 2012, the acclaimed actor made his debut in the short film Peanut Buttercups. In this film, Norris portrayed the part of Ben. Following that, he appeared in a number of television shows and films, including Superstore, Sugar and Toys, The Pregame, Pacific Park, Unfortunately, Ashly, WTF!, Steps, Private Dicks, Up for Adoption, Fair Game with Brock Everett, Relationship Goals, Towed, The Ugly Friend, and many more. Benjamin rose to prominence as Trent Harrison in the television series Never Have I Ever from 2020 to 2022. He is now working on his forthcoming film Puddysticks. Norris collaborated with a number of well-known artists and innovators.

Benjamin Norris is a Los Angeles-based actor, writer, and producer who specializes in comedies. This celebrity was born and reared in White Plains, New York, where he began creating and producing his own videos. In 2012, he relocated to Los Angeles, California to pursue his ambition of becoming an actor. After relocating to Los Angeles, he produced the film Live Your Lyfe. Ben also prepares by attending the Groundlings improv school. Then he began doing this weekly comic web series. Benjamin has worked with a variety of well-known platforms, including Netflix, BuzzFeed, NBC, and DirecTV. Later in his career, he started writing and was the writer of films such as Fair Game starring Brock Everett, Live Your Life, Super, and Mens Rea.

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Benjamin Norris Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Benjamin Norris dating? Many people are interested in his personal life. There is no information about his dating history accessible on any social media network. Benjamin, according to my investigation, is dating an actor, director, and writer. Carolyn Gilroy is his girlfriend’s name.

They both live in an opulent house in Los Angeles, California. Benjamin and his companion never discussed their love lives in any depth. The pair adores each other and often post photographs and videos of themselves on social media. Everyone knows Norris is a hardworking and gorgeous young man. On Instagram, he has a large following. Benjamin and Carolyn are about to marry.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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