
The 20 Best Gordon Ramsay Memes 2023

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In this Article, We will know about The 20 Best Gordon Ramsay Memes. Please like and share if You are interested!

No television chef has made quite as impact as Gordon Ramsay. The Scottish chef is a global phenomenon in which restaurants have been awarded incredible 16 Michelin stars. The 55-year-old has eateries around the world, from the UK to the US to Japan, and has been one of the most influential chefs in the past two decades. But it’s not just his cooking it’s making him a star. Ramsay was hot and bad breath. Combine this with your culinary skills and you have the perfect reality TV star. This is evident in the success of his programs. Ramsay’s reality series has repeatedly made large numbers, with Ramsay fans bursting in indignation with his witty, vulgar words. Since the internet loves a good meme, it is not surprising that the Goron Ramsay memes have become one thing.

These memes often take the form of Ramsay’s comments from programs such as Kitchen hell and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmare. Remember his classic “idiot sandwich” quote? Others play on his constant swearing while some are popular culture references. Wherever they are inspired, the Gordon Ramsay meme is always hilarious and will leave a smile on your face.

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In honor of his famous chef and swearing inclination, here are the 20 Best Gordon Ramsay memes to enjoy.

1. Where is lamb sauce?

Reddit / Other_owl7448

This classic phrase from Gordon Ramsay has stormed the internet. In a 2016 episode of Kitchen hell, Ramsay could not find lamb sauce should accompany the dishes being cooked. When he asked where it was and no one answered him, Ramsay flew out of the handle and constantly began to shout ” Where is sheep sauce?Needless to say, the internet doesn’t take long to pick this one and turn it into a meme, with this one showing Ramsay’s anger when he looks ready to shoot lasers from his eyes.

2. Let It Go

The 20 Best Gordon Ramsay Memes 1The 20 Best Gordon Ramsay Memes 2

Roll The Doll

Gordon Ramsay makes a hilarious Frozen refer to when discussing some undercooked foods prepared by a contestant on Kitchen hell.

3. Jurassic Park

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Reddit / Koh Samui

This Meme has a classic scene from Jurassic Park and add some Gordon Ramsay. While Lex is enjoying some jelly, she and her brother are facing raptors. In this meme, raptors are replaced by a screaming Ramsay. If you have seen the film, you will understand why this film appeared. ‘

4. Even She Was Worried

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Even Gordon Ramsay’s grandmother was stressed out letting him taste-check her cooking.

5. Risk Of Transmission

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This humorous Meme deals with social distancing and Gordon Ramsay’s vulgar speech. Meme uses some of Ramsay’s most famous put downs to show the degree of transmission based on the degree of anger he spews. The more he steams, the more he screams, and the more likely it is to spit in your face. Smart and funny.

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6. How delicious toast!

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Reddit / Standard_leg7223

Expressing the whimsical opinion of Gordon Ramsay, this meme shows how easily he can impress.

7. Pep Talking

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Instagram / goldenhummingbird3

If you need some motivation, you can always rely on Gordon Ramsay for a back. This is a Gordon Ramsay meme that will definitely bring a few laughs and get you ready for the upcoming day.

8. Too Much Oil

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Instagram / dailyhumormemes

A play on the classic ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ poem from Chef Ramsay.

9. Find Nemo

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Instagram: thiftown.yo

No one wants to serve live fish.

10. Difference Between Teachers

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This Meme uses Gordon Ramsay to show the difference between how teachers at different year levels treat their students. It’s hard not to agree.

11. Gordon Ramsay Is Not Pope

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Gordon Ramsay memes don’t get much more literal than this. It is certainly not lasagne and there is no way in hell Ramsay is Pope.

12. Gordon Ramsay X Harry Potter

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Instagram / thiftown.yo

The crossover we never knew we needed. Get Ramsay in the sequel Harry Potter film.

13. Garlic Bread

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Gordon Ramsay’s face says it all.

14. Watch By Gordon Ramsay Rage-O

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Reddit / Security

Depending on the program he is participating in, it is often dependent on Gordon Ramsay’s vitriol. As you can see by this chart, his anger varies greatly from Kitchen hell to Masterchef Facility.

15. GORDON Ramsay the GPS

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Instagram / vk_4949

Not the words you want to hear when you miss the turn.

16. The Last Thing You Want To See

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Imagine working in a kitchen and you’re throwing stones out of your mind and then Gordon Ramsay stepped in? Your best bet will be to hang the apron and call it the day before the Angry Chef gets stuck on you.

17. Like Father, Like Son

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Reddit / The_Predator_Gamer

Even the son of the famous chef Gordon Ramsay, Oscar is not a fan of side dishes. He certainly looked to have inherited his father’s dirty look.

18. Stupid Sandwich

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One of the greatest moments of all time from Gordon Ramsay’s time of television is idiot sandwich. Bit comes from a sketch that he took part in the James Corden show. Ramsay puts the head of the talk show host Julie Chen between two slices of bread while yelling at her. It became a giant meme in 2015, with many variations having Ramsay put bread between the heads of others.

19. Reaction Joke

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Instagram / dailyhumormemes

This is another classic meme that shows different reactions from your family members using the facial expressions of Gordon Ramsay. I’m not happy.

20. Gordon Ramsay Offensive Generator

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Instagram / katiegord88

Want to have your own personalized gordon Ramsay insult? This Meme gives you everything you need to create your own iconic takedown ramsay.

Categories: Funny
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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