
Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 2023

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family. Please like and share if You are interested!

Chasty Ballesteros: Wiki, Bio, Age, Movies, Shows, Boyfriend, Family, Education, net worth, relationships, series, Brooklyn nine-nine, Instagram, Social Media: Brought up in Vancouver City, Chasty Ballesteros is a famous Canadian actress and model. She has a strong fan base of 32.7k followers on her Instagram as of 2022. She loves getting shoots and sharing pictures on social media. Also, she has been a part of a lot of shows and movies. We have gathered all the details you have been searching for about her. To know everything about this personality, read the whole article below.

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Chasty Ballesteros Education

She completed her formal education in Vancouver, Canada, and wanted to become a professional hairstylist. There has not been much information revealed about her education, school days, or college life. But soon in that period, she started pursuing her career as a model.

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 1

Chasty Ballesteros Career

Known for her performance in Supernatural, Modern Family, How I met your mother, Stranger things, she has come a long way. In her whole journey, she played a lot of different roles that helped her explore options and do better. Below we have made a list of all the movies, series, TV Shows she has been a part of. Check out below:-

  • Smallville in the year 2009 where she played the role of a nurse.
  • The Guard in the year 2009 where she played the role of Collette.
  • Encounter with Danger in the year 2009 where she played the role of Britt.
  • Supernatural in the year 2009 where she played the role of a Nurse.
  • Psych in the year 2010 where she played the role of Melissa.
  • Guido Superstar: The Rise of Guido in the year 2010 where she played the role of Chastity Divine.
  • Sanctuary in the year 2010 where she played the role of Bridget.
  • Final destination 5 in the year 2011 where she played the role of Spa Receptionist.
  • Divine: the series in the year 2011 where she played the role of Jin.
  • How I met your Mother in the year 2012 where she played the role of Tina.
  • Criminal Minds in the year 2012 where she played the role of Tahitian Girl.
  • Happy Endings in the year 2012 where she played the role of Hot Girl.
  • Three of a kind in the year 2012 where she played the role of Keri.
  • Rules of Engagement in the year 2012 where she played the role of Grace.

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 2

  • The Unknown in the year 2012 where she played the role of Trek- Ku
  • Hollywood Heights in the year 2012 where she played the role of Hostess.
  • The Soul Man in the year 2012 where she played the role of Gorgeous woman.
  • The Mindy project in the year 2012 where she played the role of Waitress.
  • Two and a Half Men in the year 2012.
  • The movie out here in the year 2012 where she played the role of Glacier girl.
  • The neighbors in the year 2012 where she played the role of Stripper.
  • Not another celebrity Movie in the year 2013 where she played the role of an Asian Girl.
  • Shameless in the year 2013 where she played the role of Waitress.
  • CSI: NY in the year 2013 where she played the role of Rowena Black.
  • Californication in the year 2013 where she played the role of Waitress.
  • Casting couch in the year 2013 where she played the role of Kimmy.
  • Bounty Killer in the year 2013 where she played the role of 2013.
  • The client list in the year 2013 where she played the role of Korah.
  • The Internship in the year 2013 where she played the role of Exotic Dancer.
  • Franklin & Bash in the year 2013 where she played the role of Young Women.
  • The Newsroom in the year 2013 where she played the role of Tea
  • Ray Donovan in the year 2013 where she played the role of Debbie
  • Wendell and Vinnie in the year 2013 where she played the role of Gretchen.
  • The Exes in the year 2013 where she played the role of Samantha.
  • See Dad Run in the year 2013 where she played the role of Nikki.
  • Sons of Anarchy in the year 2013 where she played the role of Hooker.
  • The League in the year 2013 where she played the role of Stripper.
  • The crazy ones in the year 2013 where she played the role of Carly
  • Cavemen in the year 2013 where she played the role of Monique
  • Parenthood in the year 2013 where she played the role of Bob’s Assistant.
  • The girl’s guide to Depravity in the year 2013 where she played the role of Rachel.
  • The Advocates in the year 2013 where she played the role of Sandra Kwan.
  • Ironside in the year 2013 where she played the role of Sophie.
  • Beverly Hills Cop in the year 2013 where she played the role of Nina
  • Chicks Dig Gay Guys in the year 2013 where she played the role of a Gothic girl.
  • Rake in the year 2013 where she played the role of Girl.
  • Enlisted in the year 2014 where she played the role of Theresa.
  • Mixology in the year 2014 where she played the role of Girl.
  • Bad neighbors in the year 2014 where she played the role of Alecia 
  • Legit in the year 2014 where she played the role of Jack’s Masseuse.
  • Anger Management in the year 2014 where she played the role of Stripper.
  • American Dream: The True Story in the year 2014 where she played the role of Abigail.
  • Think Like a Man too in the year 2014 where she played the role of Leikula.
  • Days of our lives in the year 2014 where she played the role of Dana
  • New Girl in the year 2014 where she played the role of Barb.
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Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 3

  • Revenge in the year 2014 where she played the role of Kaya.
  • Girlhouse in the year 2014 where she played the role of Janet.
  • Benched in the year 2014 where she played the role of Whispers.
  • Stalker in the year 2014 where she played the role of Sophia Mason
  • Open in the year 2014.
  • Modern family in the year 2015 where she played the role of Lucy.
  • Bosch in the year 2015 where she played the role of Marissa.
  • Why? With Hannibal Buress in the year 2015 where she played the role of Sierra.
  • Funhouse Massacre in the year 2015 where she played the role of Christina.
  • Book of fire in the year 2015 where she played the role of Dhani.
  • Vigilante Diaries in the year 2015 where she played the role of Raven.
  • Hot Bot in the year 2016 where she played the role of Sophia.
  • After the sun fell in the year 2016 where she played the role of Yuan.
  • Gorgeous morons in the year 2016 where she played the role of Chelsea.
  • One of us in the year 2017 where she played the role of Luna.
  • The mummy in the year 2017 where she played the role of Kira Lee
  • Lucifer in the year 2018 where she played the role of Isabel Deluca.
  • Into the Dark in the year 2018 where she played the role of Bubblegum girl.
  • Brooklynn was nine in the year 2019 where she played the role of Ana.

She was cast in many other shows and movies too.

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Chasty Ballesteros Video Biography

Her Family

She has not provided any details about her parents or any of her family members. But once we will get any information, we will add it up here for you. But she once shared a picture with her father.

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 4

Chasty Ballesteros Boyfriends and Personal Life

She is the kind of person who likes to explore every role she is provided and respects her work. She is active on her Instagram and often shares pictures with her fans. She is currently in a relationship with Curtis Keene who is specialized in Bicycles. Although it cannot be confirmed, she has posted images with him on her Instagram and it is predicted as they are dating. Below we have shared the pictures with which she added the caption, “Happiest Birthday to my doggy-daddy, my biggest supporter, my rock, my love, my best friend and my soulmate💖✨You continue to inspire me and those around you… I’m so grateful to grow and learn from you everyday🙏🏻✨I’ve always said you are my gift from God, so thank u for being the greatest blessing in my life😘 Happy Birthday my Smooga-Wooga-Ooga-Booga @curtiskeene (please refer to him as so)😉👍🏼💖”.

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 5

Here is the full Bio/Wiki of Chasty Rose Ballesteros, her/his family/ mother/ father/ brother name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, interests/hobbies, boyfriends, girlfriends, husband, wife, spouse, property, address, email, house, hometown, ethnicity, hometown, birthplace, parents, achievements, phone number, school, his/her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, earning /income/net worth, birthday, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, Date Of Birth, Brooklyn nine-nine, stranger things, series, shows, movies, Chicks Dig Gay Guys, Supernatural, Modern Family, How I met your mother, Stranger things.

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Chasty Ballesteros Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

Real nameChasty Rose Ballesteros
NicknameChasty Ballesteros
ProfessionActress and Model
Height (approx.)in centimetres– 166 cm

in meters– 1.66 cm

in feet inches– 5’5″

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– Not Known

in pounds– Not Known

Figure Measurements (approx.)Not Known
Eye ColourNot Known
Hair ColourNot Known
Date of Birth3rd January, 1981
Age (as in 2021)41 Years Old
Birth PlaceVancouver City
Zodiac sign/Sun signCapricorn
HometownVancouver City
SchoolNot Known
College/UniversityNot Known
Educational QualificationGraduate
ReligionNot Known
EthnicityNot Known
CasteNot known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusUnmarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/GirlfriendsWill Update
ParentsFather:  Not Known

Mother: Not Known

SiblingsWill update
Net Worth$1- 2 million

Chasty Ballesteros: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Boyfriend, Family 6

Some lesser-known facts about Chasty Ballesteros

  • She has 32.7K followers on her Instagram
  • She has been a part of more than 20 movies and shows.
  • She has a pet dog and she takes that dog everywhere with her.
  • Her Zodiac Sign is Capricorn
  • She loves to take selfies and post them
  • She has even shared behind the scene of her movies and shows
  • She is obsessed with Halloween Festival.

Social media Accounts: 


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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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