
Aesha sends clear message to Tzarina about João on Below Deck Down Under 2023

Aesha sends clear message to Tzarina about João on Below Deck Down Under 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Aesha sends clear message to Tzarina about João on Below Deck Down Under. Please like and share if You are interested!

Below Deck Down Under’s Aesha Scott is not falling for João Franco’s nice guy act as he makes his way to Season 2.

When Bosun João Franco was announced as the person to replace Bosun Luke Jones, viewers were definitely not thrilled.

João got his start in reality TV on Below Deck Meditteranean. And he didn’t get the best reputation from his appearances in Seasons 3 & 4.

Yet, it seems like he may have turned over a new leaf and is starting to win over the hearts of America. Fans are even defending him for throwing some much-needed shade at Deckhand Culver Bradbury for slacking off.

Nonetheless, one pivotal member of the crew is still not convinced that he is a changed man. And that person is Chief Stewardess Aesha Scott.

Why did Below Deck Down Under’s Aesha warn Tzarina?

In Episode 9, Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph is seen getting pretty tight with João. And Aesha was not having it at all.

She pulled the chef aside and told her that he is bad news. Aesha is all for the crew working together without issue, but she warns Tzarina to tread carefully. 

The Chief Stew went on to explain that there is a difference between treating him kindly and being intimate with him. Viewers will soon see if Tzarina actually listens to her advice.

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In Aesha’s defense, she has seen the bad side of João. In Season 4 of Below Deck Med, the two had to work together and he completely disrespected her. She even ended up blocking him on social media. Clearly, years later, she’s not over it yet.

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But who knows? Maybe working together in Season 2 will be exactly what they need to be on the right path toward friendship.

To stay updated on all things Below Deck Down Under and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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