
Airbnb host calls out guest for leaving his home flooded 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Airbnb host calls out guest for leaving his home flooded. Please like and share if You are interested!

An Airbnb host has gone viral on TikTok, after blasting a guest for allegedly leaving his rental flooded before checking out.

Content creator adzo365 left viewers divided after revealing the damage allegedly done by his guest, who according to him, intentionally flooded the rental.

In a viral 10-second clip posted on August 12, the Airbnb host wrote in the caption: “Hosting has its ups and downs and disasters.” He also added hashtags like “flooded” and “tiny home.”

The video, which has already amassed over 351,000 views, showed water covering the wooden floors of the rental unit, while the text-overlay read: “Airbnb guest puts the plug in the sink turns on all the taps and checks out.”

While the host may have expected sympathy from TikTok users, many commenters are speculating that the damage might be “payback” for something adzo365 had done.

TikTok divided over Airbnb flooding situation

“What’d you do? That’s retaliation!! You kicked them out to book someone else?” one viewer questioned. “I want the other side of the story,” another added.

“Looks like payback,” a third person shared. “They promised good wifi and then claimed lines were dead,” someone else speculated.

Although most users seem to believe that there’s more to the story, there were some that sympathized with the Airbnb host. “I can feel your stress. I’m in the same situation. Considering stopping leasing my property,” one user said.

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“Crazy how some people even think that this is okay,” another wrote. “As a host as well, this is just heartbreaking,” a third commented, to which the content creator replied, “Really hurts.”

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This is just the latest Airbnb fiasco to take off on TikTok; previously, a host accused renters of ruining his home after they installed an air conditioner which left the house covered in water.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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